I don't know but in the script it's like she's comparing him to a monkey, I think thats a little racist. In Kitchen Irish Ennis portrayed something rare yet overlooked in our society; the fact that alot of us brothers are mixed with Irish. And since Im half Irish and I can relate somewhat to the Maginty character, I feel she really underused him to the point of (dare I say) either racist or just not aware. I got the vibe because for some reason she chose to have him being aided by white Irish parkour experts, and somewhere in the script she used Maginty and "monkey" in the same sentence. I really have a problem with that. Maginty's character was unique being that he was born and raised in Dublin, a facet rarely touched upon by media. Maginty deserved a faithful adaptation to his character, however he's just a meth addict aided by an acrobatic duo. Thats where it gets Joel Shumacher and doesnt really fit in the story. As a black person with Irish roots I am really mad at her for overlooking the uniqueness of this character, I really wish if she needed to go the parkour routine she would use somebody else and save Maginty for a different story or not use him at all. Thats one of my many gripes about this film.
Secondly we all know Frank was a parent, why in God's name would he be giving a child bacon and egg Military meal replacements? I bet alot of Marvel superheroes could benefit from Frank's advice about raising their children. Maybe Fat freddy can agree with me but I always thought of Frank as that Dad everyone wish they could have. So why would the Frank in this film give nasty military food to a little girl in trouble? Why couldnt he raid Micro's fridge for all his junk food?
Also I have an issue with he sewers, wouldn't it have been cheaper (and more faithful) to just have used the van? C'mon, it's like we are going back to the 89 film!!!!
All in all there are some good elements in this film namely the over the top fight sequences, but the film is more faithful to earlier Punisher comic books and not the Max series, this is just Max in name only! I wish Punisher got the faithful Harry potter treatment, the Max told faithfully through Lexi's eye would look incredible, but it just plays as a fun weekend action flick youd have to argue with your girlfriend to go see.