X_fan08 said:What are her powers exactly? her force powers come from hyperspace or some space
gerbstat said:Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway is a law firm specializing in cases involving superheros/metahumans. Jennifer Jameson (nee Walters), a.k.a. She-Hulk is employed by that firm and could possibly answer the question. I don't believe she is a partner yet.
For my money, since it was not really Victor Von Doom in the armor, but Reed Richards, any marriage (and aqcuisition of royal title) was in fact fraudulent and therefore never valid under Latverian law. Consequently, Susan Storm Richards was never the de facto Baroness Von Doom. Quod erat demonstrandum. Or is it "Ergo demonstrandum est"?
Its been a long time since Latin class. And I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night....
Soonerfan said:Quite using those five dollars words on me. I've never took latin.
Okay, I'm not a lawyer either. But I'm going to press this just a little bit more, so don't get angry with me. The only ones who knew that it was Reed in the armor were the members of the F.F, I believe Dooms enforcer was named Lancer or something like that, and Doom himself.
But to the rest of the world including latvaria, Susan was married to Doom. So legally her last name would be Doom, right? If that's the case and by Latverian law, only Doom could annul the marriage. I believe they mentioned that in the comic, and since Reed was beginning to believe he was Doom; I don't think he would've annulled it. And since no mention of Doom actually granting Susan the Annulment, therefore(that makes me sound like I have an attitude but I don't) legally she's still married to Doom.
Now you can chew me out for being hard headed.
Keep safe, Happy trails until we type again.
P.S. By the way, thanks gerbstat for the answer about the lawfirm.
gerbstat said:Ahhhh....now that makes everything clear! As I recall, that little incident happened while they were in the "pocket universe" that Franklin created after the whole Onslaught arc (was this Heroes Reborn?). No wonder you are confused.
At the time, Doom, the FF and a number of others were not on Earth, and not in the Latveria that exists in the "real" Marvel universe. After a battle with the entity Onslaught, Franklin Richards transported all of the heroes to an alternate universe which he created in order to save them from destruction.
When the heroes returned to the "real" universe, they left the alternate Earth/Latveria behind. No one in the actual Latveria experienced these events, consequently no one there "remembers" that Sue was ever the Baroness Von Doom. If they ever returned to the alternate universe, perhaps Sue would be recognized again as the Baroness.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. My recollection of the whole Heroes Reborn/Heroes Return/Heroes at the Laundromat relaunches is a bit hazy...
But I think I am correct in this matter.