Well, with the August solicitations up I thought I'd post this. It looks like there isn't one solicited for the regular title, but there is an annual solicited:
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Tim Sale
The definitive origin of Ras al Ghul, Batmans greatest foe, is finally revealed in this annual from writer Peter Milligan (JLA CLASSIFIED, X-Static) and the art team of David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez (CATWOMAN)! A deadly rivalry between two immortals spanning more than 400 years of history causes a chain reaction that not even Batman could have predicted! Learn how the secret past of this legendary villain has a reverberating effect on the future of the Dark Knight.
On sale August 29 48 pg, FC, $3.99 US Edited by Jeanine Schaefer