It was brought to my attention that I probably come off as one of those people who refuses to diet or exercise because it's "too hard" or something. I should probably mention that I'm down a pants size, just bought some new shirts because some of my old ones are too big, I've been reading the leangains site for the past few days and trying a few things out, and I go to the gym 3 times a week every week. I just can't express myself without finding something trivial to complain about and then blowing it out of proportion.
On that note...
I'm almost out of creatine! Supplements cost too much! I hate trying to find the scoop in a new tub of whey protein! I fear tomorrow's leg workout because I'm not 100% certain my sprained ankle from last week has healed enough to handle it, even though I don't seem to be having any trouble picking up the heavier boxes at work! I can't go to the gym 5 days a week anymore because my job is too tiring! My muscles are sore! I'm fat! I hate this s***!!