It's a damn shame that Krillin isn't in this movie. He is one of the coolest characters from all of DBZ because:
1. He's almost as powerful as Goku (in the beginning) and he's only a FREAKIN' HUMAN! HE CAN FLY! HE'S HUMAN!!!
2. He has one of the better story arcs all across DragonBall, from training with young Goku, to becoming a Z fighter, to marrying an android turned human and having kids and growing his hair out.
3. He's hilarious. Always has great cheesy one-liners and commentary.
4. Even though he's comic relief, when it comes down to it, he has real dragon balls to be risking his life all the time fighting aliens and whatnot.
5. He looks like a Chinese Monk, which really helps DBZ as a "martial arts" show, it's always cool to see real martial arts portrayed in the cartoon.
I'm always hearing that Krillin should be played by a midget or little person, and that's not true. He just needs to be shorter than Goku (who should've been pretty tall, like Brandon Routh.)
I'd cast Seth Green:
Or from "Chuck", Joshua Gomez:
Harlemm Lee nails the part looks-wise, and no verne troyer or jason alexander. I'm sick of hearing those guys even as a joke, lol. Let's hear some more casting ideas! KRILLIN FANS, UNITE!!!