I really don't understand what people wanted from Nintendo; Nintendo's huge issue for almost 30 years is innovation at the expense of practicality and advancement. They decided not to do that, finally.
There's no 'we made 3D gaming on console a thing but messed it up by having cartridges', 'our GC is more powerful than the PS2 but our tiny discs ruined 3rd party support', 'we made the Wii but more confusing' mistakes, here.
The Switch is a winning design, and frankly - it's one I think that nobody wants Nintendo to ever stray from, again.
I don't know what people wanted in a Switch 2. They begged for a more powerful upgrade of the design for the Switch 2 - that's what we're getting - and people are like "bUt muH iNnOVaTIOn...!!!!"
If Nintendo decided to 'innovate' anything more grandiose, you'd get people whining that they're over-complicating the design, being too 'gimmicky' (heck, the OG Switch was called 'too gimmicky' before launch), and confusing the consumer.
The Switch is a timeless idea in gaming. And Nintendo would be stupid to go back to the drawing board.
I never want any other style of system from them again.
I was never a Nintendo fan until the Switch, and it may be my favourite system.
Seems like Sony and Microsoft are allowed to just release beefier versions of their systems and that's fine; but Nintendo does it and it's against the rules.