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Since the first post of the old thread hasn't been updated in 3 years, I decided to redo it. If you have a gamer tag that's new or changed, post here and I will add it.
Here's the list of everyone who's posted in this thread. Secondly a lot of you, I know there's 20 million or so XBox Live Subscribers but I'm sure some of you could have come up with better names.
.Roarschach. = gojiratokusatsu
The Ace of Knaves = ol dirty doogz
ActuallyRobin = ActuallyRobin
AgainstMe!!! = GojiraTokusatsu
Aiden = mattc1888
Alchemyst = marvelousboi
Alonsovich = dalonsopiano
amazingfantasy15 = Amazing1962
The Amazing Lee = OXO Lad
The Apocalypse = xxFlipRansomxx
TheArtofShadow = LiquidSummit
Ashz22 = Ashz22
Ass Assassin = Mr Alston
Avangarde = Avangarde X
AxIsAppetite = RecyclopsCXVII
Balls To This = Get Ya Rat Owt
barz263 = motocroser
Bastila = PegasusBSG
Bat Brain = BatBrain
BatFitz = directorfitz
batman7289 = scalz7289
BatmanForNever = CrashBandicoota
BATZARRO WWD = Bayamonster
Benstamania = Benstamania
BeserkerHilf = hilf daddy
BETArayBill = rageatmachine
Bigsams50 = IT0UCHMYD0G.
BillyZaned = billyzaned
BizarroAids = STEVE ROG3RS
BLAQUE-SPIDERMAN = Takapicturetrik
TheBlueRogue = AdeptBlueRogue
Body by Joker = Barnaby J0nes
Boom = OMGMan
boywonder13 = PHAT TONI
Brainiac 8 = Brainiack 8
The Bruce = THE360 BOSS
Bunker = lx BUNKER xl
CalebYourMaster = CalebYourMaster
Cap7ain Blood = Cap7ain Blood
Capt Throbberson = CaptThrobberson
chaseter = CHONCH BAG
ChrisBaleBatman = Firecracker22.
Colossal Spoons = C Spoons
Commander Shepard = KrimsonDragon22
Concept Name = Versianos
Conebone69 = FS CamExam
cookiva = RumplyLump
CTCurry99 = Curry99
D4rkShaDoWz = D4rkShaDoWz
Darphnugget = darpheon
Dark Lord = Kal1138
Dark Victory = gifteddie
TheDarkKnight_NL = TheDarkKnightNL
Dave McFly = davemcfly85
darphcosis = darphcosis
DarthRekal = DarthRekal
Dave McFly = MiB Agent Dee
DeaDheaD = DeaDheaDSL84
Deathlok2001 = DEATHL0K (with a zero, not the letter O)
The Denialist = Mxxyzptlk
djchristensen = Azdustin
d.k. = chabooka
Dnsk = Dnsk
Dr. Acula = GoperBoo
Dr. Sid Jawtug = RoyLeeDennis
DrakonFyre = Drakon
D.Rex = DRex2345
DRT = SHodges
EdRyder = DarkPassanger
Erundur = Erundur
Erzengel = JediErzengel
The Ether = El Serge
evil_earl = Evil Earl 13
TheEvolutionist = The Yak Fish
Extromaniac = KthulSoul
Fledermaus = Sam655321
Forcystus = Kenji Li
Fran = LuGWit
(Gammy v.2)( 블라스 = Gammy79
Geo7877 = Geo7877
Goten = Rossg257\
gregtestagent = JoylessMedic
guitarsingerguy = AUTOMAIL 4 SALE
Happy Jack = RabbitTheRed
Havok83 = Havok83x2
Hazmat81 = Lando81
thehippie = TheHippie05
HUMAN = Enoch113
Hurm = Hurm1985
Iceman = Miramax7000
iHearTheDrums = iHearTheDrums
imdaly = imdaly
The Incredible Hulk = BTEUF
InsaneMembrane = AmazingKANO
i-n-z-a-n-e = Ghett0 Inc
Iron E Man = Iron E ManI
IronLion = The True Ironlion
Jackasscoley15 = EroticOven
JackBauer = semterra
James T. Kirk = SlackBrian
J-Bones = Laffin Man
jbsuperman2 = RK Mar00n
jdlynch1 = ExcalibuR3921
Jesster32388 = Jesster32388
jewing3 = kiddpg523
johnny621 = avina621
The Joker = The Joker 138
jsf = Mysticmox
Jspider13 = Spider Sensez
JustABill = BJFRoxxors
Kable24 = PunisherDon73
K4txm4n = k4tzm4n
keith_v = venom2124
Kenshinatrain = SinestroCorps
KevanG = Kvman
Kevin D. Comicboy = Kaydazz
Kokoryu1 = Kokoryu1
Lactophiliac = Lactophiliac
The Last Meatbag = Dookie2691\
LuisTX85 = LuisTX85
Logan Howelett = Loganas
lollycop = xperez
louiebling$ = louiebling707
Lt. Figgnuts = Lt. Figgnuts
The Lumberjack = NipplesOverdrive
LetsHangBendis(Riz) = KillerRiz
Lots o lafs = (WARMACHINE077)( Fire of Wars)VANILLAFORILLA
Lucy in the Sky = rooftop archer
Lunar Wolf = roarshack
Makeshift Celebrity = DragnFire22
ManOfMyWord = CaptainCool07
Marc = ErebusMC
marcvader = Marcpink
MarvelMovies = Internapse
The Master = Nitrous06
(Master Chief)( (Imagination_13)(Saunders)(Mxtt)(Jason Bourne) = Mxtt
Matrixo = CrackMatrix
mawo32 = rjdunn
Matt Mortem = Matt Mortem
Maximum Carnage = Utter Carnage
MaximumSpider = Enigmatic21
Mentok = Sixty6 Special
MetalGear7 = Metalgear7
Mike059jig = NevamindU
Milo88 = kurupted88
Monster = Left4DeadX
MrMidnite = T VIRUS45
Mr. Majestic = Diescreamnbitc/Unstopable084
Mr. Smash'n Bash = Firen Brimstone
Nightmare = Nightmares1408
Nightwing = Nightwing124
(NOFX)(L.A.) = Nofx22
Obi Ron = Obi Ron 42
theoneandonly = nardatronic
0neDisturbedSOB = Averagejoe129
Ongie = Ongie
Pandamar141 = PANDAMAR
Panophobia = Kingslayer360
Paradyme = Paradyme
Paroxysm = Paroxysm777
Peter Wayne = MuchMasterking
ProjectPat2280 = IIII 47 IIII
prowl =VacantPuck
PyroChamber = SlashFactor44
PyroProductions = Bu774H34D
Raiden = Dark Recon 99
Rando Aces = Rando Aces
RedIsNotBlue = RedIsNotBlue
Red X = Tommy West
ROOR = XxxroorxxX
(.Rorschach.)(悪魔天= Gojira Tokusatsu
Rorschach II = Carpenter9
RouthIsSuperman = TnTitans4Life
Sachsmachine = Sachsmachine
Sava = xxSavaxx
Scarlet spidey = Bryan Sime
screams = screams972
Sergemeister = Sergemeister
SharpShooterGrl = SharpShooterGrl
shinlyle = shinlyle
simonz43 = Pudwhack43
(Skaip)(Juturna)(Indiglo)(The Legend Link) = k 1 y n t
Slipknot = Systm0fD0wn
SlyGuyTtjn = SlyGuyTtjn
Soapy = Soapy86
Sparta* = Sparta27
spartin2008 = xXxSpartinXxX
Speedball = GreenLantern2814
Spiderfan08 = firmestdwarf
Spider-Gamer = SpiderGamer2050
spiderman_2k = Nolan Deckard
SPIDERMAN117 = spiderman117
Spider-ManHero12 = spiderwebman.
Spidey-Bat = Ice Drake523
Spidey 2007 = T Perry007
spideygill = Ajax81
spideyman05 = MajorSpidey06
Spider-Vader = Darth Grif55
Stikmann = Stikman13
strikezone89 = scalz46319
Styl3s = Sty13s
SuBe = FairTaxFanBoy
Sugarculter = Deadpool118
Superhero 101 = XxSpartan210xX
Swordmaster = Vendetta1120
Taiwarriorz21 = KrypTonionBLAST
tard_kart = thisguywacksoff
taskmaster = SonsOfSparda
Thirteen Shadows = SB 13een
tk_421 = Jedi540
ToddIsDead = SPARTAN 2120
Trainwreck2100 = FatalTortoise
Twofaceguy = twofaceguy
Ultimate Hero = super FLEXXO
Unleashed = MercWithAMouth
Untilteld = Dreamburger
U.S War Machine = Nash n Company
USER123456789 = boyscouTTT
Venom Jr. = Sir Kristoph
(WaffleKnockers)(PancakeBoobies) = LyonSpidey
War Party = M Giampaolo
webhead731 = Webhead731
WeeZiTe = WeeZiTe1
WhatsHisFace = ExaggeratedEric
William_C = StylelessKnave
Wolfwood = (Rad Panda)( Mister Servo)
Wolverini = Waldini
xBUBx Snowman = xBUBx Snowman
XMaNiAx = Aquaman08
XWFalcon = XWFalcon
xwolverine2 = Deathstroke182
xwolverinex = Evxn
Yorkshirepudd = Mr A Bell!
Young E808 = YoungE808
Zacky = nolansvest
Zen = Lutynski
Here's the list of everyone who's posted in this thread. Secondly a lot of you, I know there's 20 million or so XBox Live Subscribers but I'm sure some of you could have come up with better names.
.Roarschach. = gojiratokusatsu
The Ace of Knaves = ol dirty doogz
ActuallyRobin = ActuallyRobin
AgainstMe!!! = GojiraTokusatsu
Aiden = mattc1888
Alchemyst = marvelousboi
Alonsovich = dalonsopiano
amazingfantasy15 = Amazing1962
The Amazing Lee = OXO Lad
The Apocalypse = xxFlipRansomxx
TheArtofShadow = LiquidSummit
Ashz22 = Ashz22
Ass Assassin = Mr Alston
Avangarde = Avangarde X
AxIsAppetite = RecyclopsCXVII
Balls To This = Get Ya Rat Owt
barz263 = motocroser
Bastila = PegasusBSG
Bat Brain = BatBrain
BatFitz = directorfitz
batman7289 = scalz7289
BatmanForNever = CrashBandicoota
BATZARRO WWD = Bayamonster
Benstamania = Benstamania
BeserkerHilf = hilf daddy
BETArayBill = rageatmachine
Bigsams50 = IT0UCHMYD0G.
BillyZaned = billyzaned
BizarroAids = STEVE ROG3RS
BLAQUE-SPIDERMAN = Takapicturetrik
TheBlueRogue = AdeptBlueRogue
Body by Joker = Barnaby J0nes
Boom = OMGMan
boywonder13 = PHAT TONI
Brainiac 8 = Brainiack 8
The Bruce = THE360 BOSS
Bunker = lx BUNKER xl
CalebYourMaster = CalebYourMaster
Cap7ain Blood = Cap7ain Blood
Capt Throbberson = CaptThrobberson
chaseter = CHONCH BAG
ChrisBaleBatman = Firecracker22.
Colossal Spoons = C Spoons
Commander Shepard = KrimsonDragon22
Concept Name = Versianos
Conebone69 = FS CamExam
cookiva = RumplyLump
CTCurry99 = Curry99
D4rkShaDoWz = D4rkShaDoWz
Darphnugget = darpheon
Dark Lord = Kal1138
Dark Victory = gifteddie
TheDarkKnight_NL = TheDarkKnightNL
Dave McFly = davemcfly85
darphcosis = darphcosis
DarthRekal = DarthRekal
Dave McFly = MiB Agent Dee
DeaDheaD = DeaDheaDSL84
Deathlok2001 = DEATHL0K (with a zero, not the letter O)
The Denialist = Mxxyzptlk
djchristensen = Azdustin
d.k. = chabooka
Dnsk = Dnsk
Dr. Acula = GoperBoo
Dr. Sid Jawtug = RoyLeeDennis
DrakonFyre = Drakon
D.Rex = DRex2345
DRT = SHodges
EdRyder = DarkPassanger
Erundur = Erundur
Erzengel = JediErzengel
The Ether = El Serge
evil_earl = Evil Earl 13
TheEvolutionist = The Yak Fish
Extromaniac = KthulSoul
Fledermaus = Sam655321
Forcystus = Kenji Li
Fran = LuGWit
(Gammy v.2)( 블라스 = Gammy79
Geo7877 = Geo7877
Goten = Rossg257\
gregtestagent = JoylessMedic
guitarsingerguy = AUTOMAIL 4 SALE
Happy Jack = RabbitTheRed
Havok83 = Havok83x2
Hazmat81 = Lando81
thehippie = TheHippie05
HUMAN = Enoch113
Hurm = Hurm1985
Iceman = Miramax7000
iHearTheDrums = iHearTheDrums
imdaly = imdaly
The Incredible Hulk = BTEUF
InsaneMembrane = AmazingKANO
i-n-z-a-n-e = Ghett0 Inc
Iron E Man = Iron E ManI
IronLion = The True Ironlion
Jackasscoley15 = EroticOven
JackBauer = semterra
James T. Kirk = SlackBrian
J-Bones = Laffin Man
jbsuperman2 = RK Mar00n
jdlynch1 = ExcalibuR3921
Jesster32388 = Jesster32388
jewing3 = kiddpg523
johnny621 = avina621
The Joker = The Joker 138
jsf = Mysticmox
Jspider13 = Spider Sensez
JustABill = BJFRoxxors
Kable24 = PunisherDon73
K4txm4n = k4tzm4n
keith_v = venom2124
Kenshinatrain = SinestroCorps
KevanG = Kvman
Kevin D. Comicboy = Kaydazz
Kokoryu1 = Kokoryu1
Lactophiliac = Lactophiliac
The Last Meatbag = Dookie2691\
LuisTX85 = LuisTX85
Logan Howelett = Loganas
lollycop = xperez
louiebling$ = louiebling707
Lt. Figgnuts = Lt. Figgnuts
The Lumberjack = NipplesOverdrive
LetsHangBendis(Riz) = KillerRiz
Lots o lafs = (WARMACHINE077)( Fire of Wars)VANILLAFORILLA
Lucy in the Sky = rooftop archer
Lunar Wolf = roarshack
Makeshift Celebrity = DragnFire22
ManOfMyWord = CaptainCool07
Marc = ErebusMC
marcvader = Marcpink
MarvelMovies = Internapse
The Master = Nitrous06
(Master Chief)( (Imagination_13)(Saunders)(Mxtt)(Jason Bourne) = Mxtt
Matrixo = CrackMatrix
mawo32 = rjdunn
Matt Mortem = Matt Mortem
Maximum Carnage = Utter Carnage
MaximumSpider = Enigmatic21
Mentok = Sixty6 Special
MetalGear7 = Metalgear7
Mike059jig = NevamindU
Milo88 = kurupted88
Monster = Left4DeadX
MrMidnite = T VIRUS45
Mr. Majestic = Diescreamnbitc/Unstopable084
Mr. Smash'n Bash = Firen Brimstone
Nightmare = Nightmares1408
Nightwing = Nightwing124
(NOFX)(L.A.) = Nofx22
Obi Ron = Obi Ron 42
theoneandonly = nardatronic
0neDisturbedSOB = Averagejoe129
Ongie = Ongie
Pandamar141 = PANDAMAR
Panophobia = Kingslayer360
Paradyme = Paradyme
Paroxysm = Paroxysm777
Peter Wayne = MuchMasterking
ProjectPat2280 = IIII 47 IIII
prowl =VacantPuck
PyroChamber = SlashFactor44
PyroProductions = Bu774H34D
Raiden = Dark Recon 99
Rando Aces = Rando Aces
RedIsNotBlue = RedIsNotBlue
Red X = Tommy West
ROOR = XxxroorxxX
(.Rorschach.)(悪魔天= Gojira Tokusatsu
Rorschach II = Carpenter9
RouthIsSuperman = TnTitans4Life
Sachsmachine = Sachsmachine
Sava = xxSavaxx
Scarlet spidey = Bryan Sime
screams = screams972
Sergemeister = Sergemeister
SharpShooterGrl = SharpShooterGrl
shinlyle = shinlyle
simonz43 = Pudwhack43
(Skaip)(Juturna)(Indiglo)(The Legend Link) = k 1 y n t
Slipknot = Systm0fD0wn
SlyGuyTtjn = SlyGuyTtjn
Soapy = Soapy86
Sparta* = Sparta27
spartin2008 = xXxSpartinXxX
Speedball = GreenLantern2814
Spiderfan08 = firmestdwarf
Spider-Gamer = SpiderGamer2050
spiderman_2k = Nolan Deckard
SPIDERMAN117 = spiderman117
Spider-ManHero12 = spiderwebman.
Spidey-Bat = Ice Drake523
Spidey 2007 = T Perry007
spideygill = Ajax81
spideyman05 = MajorSpidey06
Spider-Vader = Darth Grif55
Stikmann = Stikman13
strikezone89 = scalz46319
Styl3s = Sty13s
SuBe = FairTaxFanBoy
Sugarculter = Deadpool118
Superhero 101 = XxSpartan210xX
Swordmaster = Vendetta1120
Taiwarriorz21 = KrypTonionBLAST
tard_kart = thisguywacksoff
taskmaster = SonsOfSparda
Thirteen Shadows = SB 13een
tk_421 = Jedi540
ToddIsDead = SPARTAN 2120
Trainwreck2100 = FatalTortoise
Twofaceguy = twofaceguy
Ultimate Hero = super FLEXXO
Unleashed = MercWithAMouth
Untilteld = Dreamburger
U.S War Machine = Nash n Company
USER123456789 = boyscouTTT
Venom Jr. = Sir Kristoph
(WaffleKnockers)(PancakeBoobies) = LyonSpidey
War Party = M Giampaolo
webhead731 = Webhead731
WeeZiTe = WeeZiTe1
WhatsHisFace = ExaggeratedEric
William_C = StylelessKnave
Wolfwood = (Rad Panda)( Mister Servo)
Wolverini = Waldini
xBUBx Snowman = xBUBx Snowman
XMaNiAx = Aquaman08
XWFalcon = XWFalcon
xwolverine2 = Deathstroke182
xwolverinex = Evxn
Yorkshirepudd = Mr A Bell!
Young E808 = YoungE808
Zacky = nolansvest
Zen = Lutynski
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