No taxes means no road repair, no roads period. No emergency services, no one to verify the food you are eating is both food and safe to eat. No taxes means losing a lot of things these people don't think about being necessities.
Listen, i understand why people are all no taxes etc, but your point is completely valid, without taxes we literally dont have the things that make our lives decent, no roads, no clean water, on and on, we can do better where are taxes are spent, having a military twice the size of all our allies combined is excessive, the only true military threat is China, we have seen what Ukraine as done to that massive Russian military, so having a prepared military makes sense but the amount of money we spend on it could solve so many domestic issues, again, i am not anti military at all, i respect every man and women who serve, do we need Space Force? really, kinda got the Air Force handling that, seems redunent.
I hear conservatives want smaller government, ok, most of our country be it federal, state or local, all require taxes and a certain level to function, taxes are really the only way to make that happen, no one works for free, plus, will we ever actually make corporations and billonaires pay fair taxes, conservatives think not, they keep shoving trickle down economics on people, we live in a capitalist country, the idea is to make as much money as possible to screw the little guy to get it, so there arent many billionaires in the world that treat people well.