My issue with Japanese horror films, especially Ringu and Dark Water (same director, both based on the books of one author), is the "spooky kid" factor. In both cases is the "evil ghost" spooky kid against the "extra-aware" living spooky kid. I actually prefer the American remake of Ringu to the original (better acting, far more atmospheric, etc.), and it succeeded where the Grudge failed, because it realized the entire second act had to essentially be redone differently. They had to create a whole new series of events for Rachel to piece together that wouldn't rely on Japanese culture and folklore. The Grudge couldn't even bother to change the setting of the film. And what's worse, they had to include all this exposition about the Japanese believing in restless souls that can curse a house. So now, it just adds insult to injury to be coming out with a film like The Return now, after the fact, that is immediately reminiscent of Ju-On: The Grudge. The Return might as well have been the official remake, and who knows, it might be better than The Grudge.