The SHH Game of the Year awards 2008

Electro UK

Can't all be for nothing
Dec 11, 2004
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Because I love lists, and making lists, and reading other people's lists, I'm usually the one to start this up every year. Now that all the big titles this year are out, it seems like its time.

You will notice that I have included both a poll AND a list, combining ideas from my GOTY 2006 and GOTY 2007 threads to allow posters to express their accurate views to everyone.

There will be several catagories, which one should fill out of their choosing! Let us begin!

Best Platform:

Best PS3 Game:

Best Xbox 360 Game:

Best Wii Game:

Best PSP Game:

Best DS Game:

Best DLC for a retail game:

Best DLC original game:

Best Developer:

Best Graphics:

Biggest Surprise:

Biggest Dissapointment:

Game of the Year 2008:

Worthy Mentions:

One to Watch 2009:

Worthy Mentions:

Comment on 2008:

Commence the votation!
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Because I love lists, and making lists, and reading other people's lists, I'm usually the one to start this up every year. Now that all the big titles this year are out, it seems like its time.

You will notice that I have included both a poll AND a list, combining ideas from my GOTY 2006 and GOTY 2007 threads to allow posters to express their accurate views to everyone.

There will be several catagories, which one should fill out of their choosing! Let us begin!

Commence the votation!

Best Platform: prince of persia

Best PS3 Game:

Best Xbox 360 Game: gears of war 2

Best Wii Game:

Best PSP Game:

Best DS Game:

Best DLC: star wars : t f u

Best Developer:

Best Graphics:gears of war 2

Biggest Surprise: mk vrs. dcu

Biggest Dissapointment: Iron man

Game of the Year 2008: gears of war 2

One to Watch 2009: call of duty: modern warfare 2

Comment on 2008:

thats all i got.
Best Platform: Huh..pass?

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4

Best Xbox 360 Game: Ninja Gaiden II

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Best PSP Game: N/A

Best DS Game: The World Ends With You

Best DLC: N/A

Best Developer: Kojima Productions

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4

Biggest Surprise: Dead Space

Biggest Dissapointment: Ninja Gaiden II (I know, I said it was the 360 game, but honestly this was a big downgrade from the original, I think. Though still beyond excellent.)

Game of the Year 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4

One to Watch 2009: Well, instead of doing the big name titles that everyone is going to know, I think I'm going with Bayonetta. Though it doesn't look to be reinventing the wheel, it is working that wheel pretty dammed hard.

Comment on 2008: Awesome
Best Platform:
Xbox 360

Best PS3 Game:
Little Big Planet/ Metal Gear Solid 4 (The only games worth a rat's ass on the PS3)

Best Xbox 360 Game:
Gears of War 2

Best Wii Game:
Super Smash Bro Brawl

Best PSP Game:

Best DS Game:

Best DLC:
Halo 3- Legendary Map Pack

Best Developer:

Best Graphics:
Metal Gear Solid 4

Biggest Surprise:
Gears of War 2 (I didn't like the first)

Biggest Dissapointment:
Iron Man

Game of the Year 2008:
Gears of War 2

One to Watch 2009:
Halo 3: ODST/ Batman: Arkham Asylum/ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2/ Indiana Jones

Comment on 2008:
Best Platform:

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4

Best Xbox 360 Game:

Best Wii Game:

Best PSP Game:

Best DS Game:

Best DLC:

Best Developer: Valve

Best Graphics: Crysis: Warhead

Biggest Surprise: World Of Goo

Biggest Dissapointment: Grand Theft Auto 4 (pc version) Video editor is pretty awsome though

Game of the Year 2008: Fallout 3

One to Watch 2009: Mafia 2

Comment on 2008:
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Best Platform: PS3, due solely to Metal Gear Solid 4.

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best DLC: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Best Developer: Kojima Productions

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Biggest Surprise: FarCry 2

Biggest Dissapointment: Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway

Game of the Year 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

One to Watch 2009: Ghostbusters: The Video Game.

Comment on 2008: Best games EVER!!!
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Good thread. Here are my choices:

Best Platform: PS3. The system made a huge turnaround this year. Things finally started to go right. From the reduced price, winning the HD format war, sales boost and quality titles like MGS4, LBP, R2, the PS3 was on fire.

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4. One of the single best gaming experience one will ever find. Truly a masterpiece from beginning to end and a fitting end to an amazing series.

Best Xbox 360 Game: Left 4 Dead

Best PSP Game: God of War: Chains of Olympus

Best DS Game: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Best DLC for a retail game: Burnout Paradise: bike pack. Added a ton of new challenges, bikes and trophies. What more could you ask for?

Best DLC original game: Wipeout HD

Best Developer: Criterion. In this day of DLC everyone seems to want to put a price on things but Criterion released regular updates for Burnout Paradise and it was all free. They have gone above and beyond when it comes to supporting their title and they truly seem enthusiastic about their work and doing a great job for the fans.

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4. Without a doubt MGS4 gets this. Honorable mention goes to Prince of Persia which has the best artistic design of any game out there.

Biggest Surprise: LittleBigPlanet. Did not get this game at all when reading previews and looking at screencaps. It completely surprised me that in the second half of the year, that it became my most anticipated title.

Biggest Dissapointment: Metal Gear Online. Why oh why did Konami think they could do a better job at an online service than Sony? With every title using the PSN, why did they have to be different? MGO could be a good game, but the terrible service that its run through flat out sucks. Such a dissapointment bc I actually had more fun with MGS3S

Game of the Year 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4
Worthy Mentions: LittleBigPlanet, Burnout Paradise

One to Watch 2009: Uncharted 2! Game of the Year 2009. Yeah Im calling it Its my favorite PS3 series and Im glad a sequel is finally announced. The first was amazing so I expect the second to be so much better
Worthy Mentions: Infamous, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2

Comment on 2008: Wish there were more categories bc there is definetly alot of other titles worthy of getting honors. Prince of Persia, Resistance 2, Burnout Paradise, Valkyria Chronicles come to mind
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Best Platform: For me, PS3 takes it home this year. MGS4 and LittleBigPlanet are the highest rated exclusives behind Super Mario Galaxy, and it caught up with games like BioShock and fewer games getting crappy ports. Perhaps not the banner year expected of it, but still a great one.

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was just way too good to give anything else this award.

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2 has to take it I guess. I've played a lot with my friend, and while it feels very similar, that's no slight. It achieves greatness on many levels.

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl, no brainer really. The Wii had quite a bad year software wise imo, but this game gave me tonnes of great Summer nights with my friends. BIG fan of the first 2, this was no dissapointment.

Best PSP Game: God of War: Chains of Olympus. Again, a bad year for PSP, with 2 stand out games really. This game is very good yeah, but its not like it had much comptetition.

Best DS Game: N/A

Best DLC for a retail game: Burnout Paradise is the only contender in this category imo. Criterion have set the standard for what all developers SHOULD be doing, free, worthwhile DLC, unlike so many people who leave stuff out only to make a few quid more when they release what should have been on the disc a week later.

Best DLC original game: Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty wins easily, although Siren: Blood Curse, Pixel Junk Eden and Monsters also fueled DLC's excellence this year.

Best Developer: Insominac have yet another GREAT year. Resistance 2 delivered on expectations with ease, while Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty gave 4 more essential hours of gameplay and a continuation of the awesome storyline. R&C Future 2 cannot get here fast enough...

Best Graphics: MGS4 looked absolutely phenominal, but it has to draw with Gears 2, that was looking just as jaw dropping as it did when you first saw the original.

Biggest Surprise: Dead Space was just an incredible game, and few (including me) thought it would be. I'm really happy it got the recognition it deserved.

Biggest Dissapointment: Sony have been responsible for a lot of dissapointments this year. The on-going Home joke, LBP delays, trophies not avalible for all games... they need to step it up next year.

Game of the Year 2008: MGS4 takes it for me. But you'd already gussed that.

Worthy Mentions: Dead Space followed up, and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift.

One to Watch 2009: A hard one to chose. Its between 3 games for me. Resident Evil 5, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Ratchet and Clank Future 2. All promise to be awesome.

Worthy Metnions: Aliens: Coloniel Marines is going to be pretty great. inFAMOUS too.

Comment on 2008: Blew 2007 out of the water for me. Everyone said that 07 was the best year for videos games ever... no. This year wasn't the best year for video games ever, but it was still muuuuch better than last year. I bought Condemned 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Rock Band (out this year in UK), BioShock, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Dead Space, MGS4, GTA4, Super Smash Brothers, Fallout 3, Buzz!, Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty, and still I haven't covered everything I want. 09 is set to be just as good.
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You're right Havok, I'm gonna edit the list a little...

EDIT: Okay added Worthy Mentions categories under Game of the Year, and One to Watch. Feel free to include other opinions in other catergories. Plus changed the DLC category to 2 different ones, 1 for retail games, one for original downloadable games.
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Best Platform:PS3

Best PS3 Game:Little Big Planet

Best Xbox 360 Game: -

Best Wii Game: -

Best PSP Game: -

Best DS Game: -

Best DLC for a retail game: -

Best DLC original game: -

Best Developer: -

Best Graphics: Little Big Planet

Biggest Surprise: -

Biggest Dissapointment: Web of Shadows

Game of the Year 2008: Little Big Planet

Worthy Mentions: -

One to Watch 2009: Ghostbusters

Worthy Mentions: Arkham Asylum, MUA2, Uncharted...

Comment on 2008: Very good movie year, but 2008 didn't have the same power that 2009 seems to be having.
Best Platform:PS3

Best PS3 Game:MGS4

Best Xbox 360 Game:GeOW2

Best Wii Game:N/A

Best PSP Game:GOW:CoO

Best DS Game:N/A

Best DLC for a retail game:Burnout Paradise

Best DLC original game:Echochrome

Best Developer:Insomniac

Best Graphics:MGS4

Biggest Surprise: Dead Space

Biggest Dissapointment:MGO

Game of the Year 2008:MGS4

Worthy Mentions:GeOw2, LBP, Left 4 Dead, Resistance 2

One to Watch 2009:Killzone 2

Worthy Mentions: GOW3, Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5

Comment on 2008: Great year for gamers, especially for us with multiple platforms. Sony gained ground, Nintendo still continues to dominate all, and Microsoft is in full stride. It should all lead to an interesting 09.
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Best Platform: PS3

Best PS3 Game: LittleBigPlanet

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best Developer: Konami

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4

Biggest Dissapointment: Haze

Game of the Year 2008: LittleBigPlanet

Worthy Mentions: GTA3, Motorstorm: PR, Burnout Paradise

One to Watch 2009: God of War 3

Comment on 2008: there wasn't enough time in 2008 to accompany amount of VG awesomeness we received this year

my answers in bold
Best Platform: Xbox 360

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Best DLC for a retail game: Burnout Paradise Bikes Pack. Game changing, hugely substantial, and above all fun downloadable content...FOR FREE!

Best DLC original game: Castle Crashers

Best Developer: Criterion Games. The post-release work they've been doing and will continue to do with Burnout Paradise is second to none and I sincerely hope other studios will follow what Criterion has been doing.

Best Graphics: Gears of War 2

Biggest Surprise: Far Cry 2

Biggest Dissapointment: Ghostbusters: The Video Game getting pushed back.

Game of the Year 2008: Fallout 3

Worthy Mentions: Dead Space, Gears of War 2, and Grand Theft Auto IV

One to Watch 2009: Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Worthy Mentions: Heavy Rain, Dragon Age, and Half-Life 2: Episode 3

Also, I think maybe there needs to be "Best Multiplatform Game" and "Best PC Game" categories.
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Best Platform:I have to give it to the PS3. Mainly because the 360 exclusives, besides 3 or 4 games, were all dissapointing

Best PS3 Game: I don´t have a PS3, but, from the reviews, i give it to MGS4

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best Wii Game: ?

Best PSP Game: ?

Best DS Game: ?

Best DLC for a retail game: ?

Best DLC original game: Braid

Best Developer: Media Molecule

Best Graphics: Gears of War 2

Biggest Surprise: Dead Space

Biggest Dissapointment: Too Human

Game of the Year 2008: Little Big Planet

Worthy Mentions:Don´t want to

One to Watch 2009: Many, but if it gets released in 09, Alan Wake

Worthy Mentions:Don´t feel like it

Comment on 2008:It wasn´t that good of a year, too many dissapointments for my taste
I only picked GTA4 because I haven't had the honor to play the superior MGS4
I only picked GTA4 because I haven't had the honor to play the superior MGS4

Well then you go back and change ur selection and just trust us thats its the best game this year and possibly the most brilliantly crafted video game of all time.
Took the liberty of stickying this for you guys.
Best Platform: Playstation 3, besides finally getting a bevy of great games and really filling out its library, the Blu-Ray format finally won the HD war, giving the PS3 an additional boost. Xbox 360 was no slouch however, as it once again had a consistently good year. I won't even bother talking about the Wii.

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Best PSP Game: God Of War: Chains of Olympus

Best DS Game: Chrono Trigger

Best DLC for a retail game: N/A

Best DLC original game: Braid

Best Developer: Kojima Productions and Media Molecule

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4

Biggest Surprise: Just how enjoyable LittleBigPlanet turned out to be.

Biggest Disappointment: Either Ninja Gaiden II or the Wii. Both terribly disappointed me.

Game of the Year 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4. There were so many great games this year but only one that actually felt like it pushed beyond the gaming medium. Truly a work of art.

Worthy Mentions: LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Super Smash Bros. Brawl

One to Watch 2009: Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV. 2009 will be Capcom's year. Alan Wake and Bioshock 2 if they make it by year's end.

Worthy Mentions: Infamous, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Halo Wars. All will be great, but we'll see if they turn out to be true AAA's.

Comment on 2008: An amazing year for ALL gamers. In my opinion, it stands up with 1998 and 2001 as one of the best years in gaming.
Best Platform: Xbox 360

Best PS3 Game: Little Big Planet (only PS3 game I've played lately)

Best Xbox 360 Game: Grand Theft Auto 4 (haven't played GoW 1 or 2, so don't jump down my throat or anything)

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (that came out this year, right?)

Best PSP Game: n/a

Best DS Game: Chrono Trigger (I don't own a DS, but if Chrono Trigger came out for it this year, it was undoubtedly the best game on the system)

Best DLC for a retail game: Rock Band 2 tracks (they're practically what DLC was made for)

Best DLC original game: Braid

Best Developer: Valve

Best Graphics: Mirror's Edge (outside of those ugly cutscenes)

Biggest Surprise: Little Big Planet (didn't expect to like it much at all, but it's a lot of fun)

Biggest Dissapointment: Mirror's Edge (not because it was bad, but because it seemed to promise so much and didn't quite deliver as well as it should have)

Game of the Year 2008: Left 4 Dead

Worthy Mentions: Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Fable 2, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (shut up, it was a lot of fun)

One to Watch 2009: Ghostbusters!

Worthy Mentions: Heavy Rain, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Black Mesa: Source (hopefully), Batman: Arkham Asylum, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Comment on 2008: Great year for games of all kinds. I was especially glad to see a lot of solid adventure platformers come out this year, since those are one of my favorite types of games.

I have to abstain from voting in the poll because someone forgot to include Left 4 Dead as an option. :o
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Best Platform: Playstation 3,for me its been greati own a wii and also have played xbox aplenty..but ps3 has been great!

Best PS3 Game: Metal Gear Solid 4 or star wars the force unleashed..i really liked it!!

Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 2

Best Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Best PSP Game: dunno..

Best DS Game: sonic chroncles

Best DLC for a retail game: N/A

Best DLC original game:

Best Developer: konami

Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4

Biggest Surprise: star wars the force unleashed

Biggest Disappointment: GTA IV....hated it.

Game of the Year 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4.

Worthy Mentions: LittleBigPlanet, Gears of War 2, Super Smash Bros. Brawl,soul calibur 4

One to Watch 2009: Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV.also i look forward to seeing how sonic and the black knight fares

Worthy Mentions: Crysis on the pc was great!

Comment on 2008: not too bad...could be better tho...heres hoping for next year!
Best Platform: Xbox 360

Best PS3 Game: Little Big Planet (only PS3 game I've played lately)

Best Xbox 360 Game: Grand Theft Auto 4 (haven't played GoW 1 or 2, so don't jump down my throat or anything)

Best Wii Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (that came out this year, right?)

Best PSP Game: n/a

Best DS Game: Chrono Trigger (I don't own a DS, but if Chrono Trigger came out for it this year, it was undoubtedly the best game on the system)

Best DLC for a retail game: Rock Band 2 tracks (they're practically what DLC was made for)

Best DLC original game: Braid

Best Developer: Valve

Best Graphics: Mirror's Edge (outside of those ugly cutscenes)

Biggest Surprise: Little Big Planet (didn't expect to like it much at all, but it's a lot of fun)

Biggest Dissapointment: Mirror's Edge (not because it was bad, but because it seemed to promise so much and didn't quite deliver as well as it should have)

Game of the Year 2008: Left 4 Dead

Worthy Mentions: Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Fable 2, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (shut up, it was a lot of fun)

One to Watch 2009: Ghostbusters!

Worthy Mentions: Heavy Rain, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Black Mesa: Source (hopefully), Batman: Arkham Asylum, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Comment on 2008: Great year for games of all kinds. I was especially glad to see a lot of solid adventure platformers come out this year, since those are one of my favorite types of games.

I have to abstain from voting in the poll because someone forgot to include Left 4 Dead as an option. :o

CRAP! I knew I'd forget something. Sorry dude. :(
Best Platform: Xbox 360

Best PS3 Game: MLB 08: The Show

Best Xbox 360 Game: GTA 4

Best Wii Game: Guitar Hero: World Tour

Best PSP Game: n+

Best DS Game: N/A

Best DLC for a retail game: Rock Band

Best DLC original game: Bionic Commando

Best Developer: Valve

Best Graphics: MGS 4

Biggest Surprise: Fallout 3. I hate RPG's, but I played the **** out of this game

Biggest Dissapointment: Dead Space

Game of the Year 2008: GTA 4

Worthy Mentions: MLB 08: The Show, Left 4 Dead

One to Watch 2009: Alan Wake...hopefully

Worthy Mentions: Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Arkham Asylum, Infamous

Comment on 2008: Awesome year. Hopefully 2009 will be better.

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