Since I can't read twitter threads, anyone willing to confirm what guy #3 is?
“The third is so wild. The third is someone who, if you're being generous, reads these stories because they have developed complex internal Lore about a fictional character (either/ both about the character's Power Levels and Personality) and needs to have that Lore validated.
They have decided to devote themselves to a character like one would a god, a band, or a sports team. They cheer for the character to triumph over other inferior characters, either through their power or virtue.
These readers tend to have an extremely bad time reading comics, because comics tell stories, and stories require tension, narrative movement, etc etc. Sometimes the protagonist cannot instantly defeat everyone, overcome every obstacle.
Sometimes the protagonist needs to be something other than saintly.
In these cases, the Third Reader becomes enraged.
How dare someone write Blorpa Megapunch losing a fight to The Entangler, they shout. Blorpa Megapunch handily defeated Cosmo D**khands, and Cosmo D**khands is half Proto-Elder, and the Proto-Elders control the fundamental forces of the universe!
How dare Blorpa Megapunch blow off her friend Kelsey, when Blorpa Megapunch has been in stressful situations before without harming her relationships. This is Character Assassination
Lore is not the only stated cause for outrage here; typically, a moral weight has to be given to the outrage. Blorpa Megapunch is not powerful enough to instantly defeat the Entangler because of Misogyny.
When Blorpa Megapunch doesn't text her friend back right away it's because the story is perpetuating a harmful stereotype about women and neurodivergent people being incapable of thinking of others during times of stress
and so on and so forth
As, again, the nature of storytelling itself necessitates the situations that outrage these people, the generous interpretation of them is a bit unlikely. More likely is that the outrage is the point; they enjoy being outraged about fictional characters & enjoy yelling at writers
For the Third Reader, the point of reading superhero comics is to find material for your next tweet/ email/ harassment campaign (all three of which are, of course, Activism).”
…it goes on for longer but that’s the gist.