Deadpool & Wolverine
First time watching this from home...
This film fascinates me. I can't remember the last time I watched something with this much built-in obsolescence. I can only imagine some kid discovering this buried in Disney Plus twenty years from now - if the world as we know it still even exists of course - and scratching their head with bewilderment. Who was Jennifer Garner married to? Why was Marvel never able to get another Blade movie off the ground? Why was Channing Tatum so gung-ho to play Gambit? Why did Wesley Snipes hate Ryan Reynolds? Why did so many actors end up playing The Punisher? And why the **** should I even care?? The movie is so reliant on one's knowledge of TMZ-style gossip-mongering it's wrong to state that it's of-the-moment;
Deadpool & Wolverine plays like one of those commemorative
Very Special Episodes long-running past-their-prime TV shows used to spit out to remind viewers why they cared in the first place...
I read all the think pieces about this film online -
"The MCU is BACK, baby!!" - but no, it plays more like an epitaph for that brief period in history when CBMs were the toast of Hollywood and the absolute epicenter of pop-culture...
A quick word about Hugh Jackman. it occurred to me while watching this again how singular his performance as Logan really is. While everyone else around him clearly understands how ridiculous this film is, Hugh emotes like he's playing the on-stage lead in some Shakespearean tragedy, bless him. While I'm sure plenty of other younger actors could nail Wolverine's ferocity - Jack O'Connell springs immediately to mind - matching the haunted, tortured quality Hugh brings to the character may prove much harder to replicate...
Not that it matters of course. Jackman will be playing this role until everyone reading this is dust in our graves, if Disney has anything to say about it...
Anyway, for the record, I was lukewarm on this film when I saw it in theatres last summer but I enjoyed it much more on streaming. At the end of the day, for all its wise-cracking and smarminess,
Deadpool/Wolverine is about growing old, losing significance, and being lost to the trash heap of time. It's actually more touching than I remember the first time around. Who knows, perhaps the film's creators are actually more clever than I initially gave then credit for...