I have the Robocop vs. Terminator comic; I didn't think it was too bad, but they would definitely have to come up with something different if they ever did made a movie, simply due to the approach taken for Skynet gaining sentience in the last Terminator film as opposed to in the comic.
My take on this would be to use the first half-hour or so of the picture to flash back to prior to T3 and show Sarah Connor being transferred to another asylum in Detroit, one so bad they need ED-209s to guard its outer gates. Robocop is there investigating allegations that the assigned security personnel - still morally-corruptible as ever - is abusing the prisoners, and when they start beating the sh** out of Sarah he promptly arrives to break some limbs and actually kills one of the schmucks. It becomes such a PR disaster that it finally gives OCP the perfect excuse to have him shut down and disassembled at last. Along the way, one of OCP's defense specialists has gotten a hold of Sarah Connor's profile, figured out the connection to Cyberdyne, and realized there's a gold mine to be had here, so they pick up the ball and help develop Skynet as well as the pre-HKs seen in T3.
The second hour flashes forward to the future. The nukes have come and gone, the Terminators all over the place now, and John Connor and Kate Brewster have been fighting the good fight long enough to know something's up when a detachment of T-101s is patrolling an excavation site in what used to be Delta City. It turns out what the T-101s are after is Murphy's head, in cryogenic stasis but still in perfect working order; Skynet has figured out that as long as its forces lack the traits of resourcefulness, resilience and ingenuity that humans possess, the danger posed by the human resistance is too great to simply attempt to erase via time-travel. Murphy is the key. Our heroes attempt to get to him first, but there's bloodshed and all-around death and carnage while Skynet, knowing Murphy's one remaining weakness, crafts a new TX body in order to impersonate Murphy's dead wife and attempt to seduce him into becoming one with Skynet.
But of course, the picture climaxes with Murphy turning the tables on Skynet, hacking into a factory network long enough to build a new sleeker, faster body with lighter armor - so as to better convince Peter Weller to return to the role - with which he begins to dismantle Terminators by the droves left and right. The final duel involves Skynet having taken direct control of a flesh-covered T-101 - the Governator once more playing the only movie role he's ever been consistently good at - as the factory blows up all around them and Terminators start dropping like flies, culminating in the first major victory for the human resistance. But Murphy's fate remains a mystery...