I am dropping Namor.
Screen Name: Syn (Mercenary)
Character you would like to play: Captain America
Powers and a brief description of the character in proper English:
In the Ultimate universe, Steve Rogers is a frail volunteer who undergoes months of steroid treatment, surgery, and the Super-Soldier formula to become Captain America. Bucky is a childhood friend who follows him on his missions as a photographer rather than as a costumed sidekick. Rogers' last mission as Captain America sends him to a Nazi stronghold on the coast of Iceland to stop a prototype hydrogen bomb created using alien technology. He causes the rocket carrying the bomb to explode and falls into the freezing Arctic Ocean. Rogers falls into a state of suspended animation until Tony Stark's deep sea exploration team pulls him out of the water 57 years later.
As for powers...
- Peak human potential
- Expert martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant
- All terrain acrobatics
- Master tactician and field commander
- Vibranium-steel alloy shield
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:
1. I think I can portray him well.
2. Ive always wanted to play the greatest American Hero.
3. There always needs to be a captain America!
What can you bring to this game? Lots of awesome movie effects. (At a low budget.)
How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as needed.
Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards: Yep.
Provide a small sample post for your character, about 4 paragraphs with at least one line of dialogue:
Steve Rogers watches from behind a parked car. He sees the agents from R.A.I.D. taking large packages from the backs of unmarked vans, and bringing them inside a warehouse only yards away. Steve grabs his shield tightly, a smile coming to his face.
Its time to show them what America means.
Steve jumps out from behind the car, his arm landing on the hood and pushing himself off into the air. Still unaware of the coming threat, the RAID agents continue their work. Steve smiles as he throws his shield toward them with great skill and tact. The shield hits one of the agents hard in the face, breaking his mask and knocking him to the ground.
What the ****? One of the agents asks as he turns to see one of his friends fall to the ground. The shield richocets from the mans mask, and to a street pole, sending it flying again through the air, and into two more RAID members. The shield hits them in the back, making a loud crack that sounds loudly. The shield flies back toward the super soldier, and he grabs it with ease. One of the RAID agents walks out of the warehouse to find all of his members lying unconscious.
What the hell is going on? He yells in an angered voice.
American Justice! Steve says with a smirk, walking toward the last agent. The man draws his gun, and begins to fire toward Steve.
Take this Captain America! Youre not going to stop our operation! Its too big this time! Cap smiles and holds the shield over his head, deflecting the bullets as he nears the terrorist. The RAID agent laughs as his finger stays locked on the trigger, firing bullets into the air like a firefight. After a few seconds, to the mans dismay, his gun makes an empty click. He looks down at the weapon, and notices that he has used up his round.
Ahem. Steve says as he walks up to the man. The RAID agent reluctantly looks up, shaking in fear. What was that about you stopping me?
Oh sh- Steve cuts the man off in mid sentence with a powerful punch to the agents jaw. His body flies through the air as he flickers between consciousness. His flight is quickly stopped by a solid concrete wall, his body crashing into it and falling back to the ground.
No one threatens my country. No one.