I don't know man to post some of those movies I think you should at least explain a bit too. Sure, some of them are correct, but to say that 2001 is one of the worst big budget blockbusters (which I wouldn't even qualify it as) might take some explaining. Sure it's confusing, and has a rather slow narrative but you can't ignore the technical achievements the movie had, not to mention it's continued influence on pop culture and cinema today
It's really a personal list, not an objective one. I'm not against discussing it, but I don't want to clog the topic with what could become just an internet crapstorm, plus I don't feel inclined to reply when posts might just consist of "
" and nothing else, not that I really take that personally. I'll give a short half personal-half objective explanation-
I like the creature. I think it's unique, and I do think that it is a revolutionary design. All of this goes down the toilet once I see the movie and see it in action. It's unintentionally hilarious and downright comical to me. It's a guy in a suit. This is the sort of thing I find cheesy enough in B movies, which I also love, but in Alien, I don't feel it works. I know that it's supposed to represent the human aspects of the creature, but it could have been done much better if it wasn't a guy in a suit. I like Aliens. I don't think that Aliens has guys in suits. If it did it wasn't nearly as apparent. Also, the way the Alien gets people in the film is freaking hilarious. There's no tension for me. It's not stalking them and hidden and seemingly intelligent like Predator the way people claim. It just shows up and kills. Tension gone. The scene where it gets Dallas is more like someone playing a prank and going BOOGIE BOOGIE! with its arms out than a killing machine. As soon as I saw that, the movie was ruined for me. I almost got back into it a bit, but then Ash became an android. An android with yogurt blood. It just didn't work for me. The android in Aliens didn't either; none of the androids in that universe do. Yogurt blood. No.
The Shining:
This movie isn't scary, just weird. The black dude was created just to die, and when he does it's not scary. It's a waste and bad writing. The wife is frigging stupid, frigging hilarious, and frigging horrid. She's a buffoon! The scene where Jack is going up the stairs at her and she's just attacking at him and missing so stupidly is ******ed. I admit a couple of scenes did get me, like the lady in the tub, and there was another one but I forgot what it was. That's not a good sign. The film also has no payoff, no reward for sitting through it. Ooh, he freezes to death. Woopee. Nicholson is great as always however, and the movie is well shot, well edited, and well scored. Still, this joins my huge list of bad King adaptions. Which is sad, because I do love Kubrick sometimes. Just not this, and the next one-
A Space Odyssey: This movie was a huge disappointment for me. I love the book. I really do. However, the movie is too artsy for me to sit through as an enjoyable experience. The story is what matters to me in 2001, but it's sacrificed for the effects and visuals. Those should complement the story, not take away from it. I just can't sit through this film. I'll read the book any day of the week; it's one of my favorites. And I'm not even against slow films. 2001 isn't slow. It's not. It's as if you hit pause in a normally paced film five minutes at a time and stared at the wall in the meantime. I get what Kubrick was trying to do, and for many he succeeded. I'd rather read this one than experience what he put out though.
Terminator 2:
They ruined Sarah Connors character. Ruined it. This is not the same woman who told Kyle Reese "Get up soldier!" I like the other characters. But the second film is such a departure, or a jumping of the shark if you will for me, that I can't enjoy it. Women are not this weak-willed, especially not one like Sarah from T1. Ripley would run circles around her any day of the fricking week. I like the first Terminator well enough. It's not one of my favorites, but I'll watch it and love it. I'll rant and rave and rail against Terminator 2 any day.
I would have added Citizen Kane to my list too, but I have only watched it once. I don't feel that one time is a good enough chance to give this one. Also, I wasn't sure it counted as a blockbuster.