This show lacks characters


Sep 26, 2002
Reaction score
Characters. This show lacks them big time. I'll admit, I've been attached to Peter since season 1. But seriously, the show lacks real firepower when it comes to characters. Who is the deaf blonde girl that I don't care for? I don't even know her name, that's how much I care. And Claire, SSDD, HRG is weak sauce, Sylar never changes, how many times is he going to face a crisis involving his power(s), losing them, then regaining them, then losing them again? And Hiro seems to be a writer's block. Mohinder and Angela are AWOL along with Micah, Tracy, Ando, am I missing anyone?

Hiro, come on, all of a sudden he's back in love with Charlie? That's like if I decide. Hmm, I love my ex-girlfriend still from 5 years ago!!! Nope! Heroes needs some more origins. New blood. New Faces. Fresh storylines/character plots. It seems like each character serves no purpose anymore. (They've done right with Samuel but we need more, MORE I say!)

CONT'D -- I miss old HRG (seems like he might be headed back to his old form) I want Claire to be a villain like she was viewed in the episode 5 Years Gone, I want Sylar to have some kind of weakness, I want Peter back to having multiple abilities, Hiro to just have some purpose to the show, get rid of Ando (why's he still around again?), keep Samuel but my god the whole carnival and the tattoo woman is a total ripoff of HBO's Carnivale. They had the tattoo man for crying out loud!!! I really can't stand that and feel like I'm the only one, too. Get rid of ice lady Tracy Strauss, come on who cares about a woman who can turn things into ice and can't control herself, ooooh. Neato.

Listen, I love the show, but what makes the show is story and interesting characters with actors that can make these characters real and believable.

Consider former players such as Isaac (one of my ABSOLUTE favorite characters next to the Petrelli bros.) The Invisible Man, (the actor was awesome, the character was a dark one but also had a light side to him which was really cool.)

Where's the drama, where's the conflicts within our characters? It seems to me that it's just kind of like "Go with the flow" type of thing and that won't work or again, SSDD.

Seriously, either kill off or make some of these people disappear or some how cause major conflicts that truly make them return to their old original forms. It feels like each of them have gotten weaker and inconsistent. The only exception IMO is Peter and Matt.

Now Matt's character to me was on the decline in the last Volume and this one I've really gotten hooked to his character because I enjoy those psychological scenes he's usually involved in. But a person with his kind of power, it makes you wonder, how can they NOT be evil? Maybe consider switching Matt into a villain to spice things up a bit?

He really hasn't done squat as a good guy and people caught in the middle probably won't work out well (see Nathan Petrelli).

The writers needn't be stubborn. They're trying to ease in new characters. But people like the lesbian roommate (don't even CARE to know her name) or the black girl that can turn invisible, these people I do not care if they fell off a cliff and died on impact. I know, I know, it might be difficult to think, hmm what kind of super powers can these new characters have?

Let's see, they could add a comedic character like Hiro who has x-ray vision and at times can see through people's clothing. But that's not all, he or she can see what makes/breaks each and every person, what their weaknesses are and can potentially exploit them.

How about (and this is my own idea) some new female or male lead whose strength, endurance and reflexes are enhanced depending upon the phases of the moon. Think how cool it would be when there's a full moon this person's powers or "abilities" are in full circle, full burn, 110% in your face. And then when it's over, this person is at their weakest point. They have little to no power.

Or someone who has acid regeneration/poison regeneration. This person can exhale/blow toxic poison/acid -- and/or varieties of toxins into the air so powerful like Superman does by blowing cold air to put out a large fire. This character could add a twist maybe be good/evil but a huge threat to the world because he/she could infect it.

Or someone very very similar to Peter but this person is a projectile and can borrow people's abilities and amplify them tenfold ONLY once after that, poof, no more, none, zilch, they cannot use that power again.

A new character to take on Sylar. A male lead who has the ability to develop a resistance or immunity whatever they're injured by. So if Sylar tries to slice this person's head, they can resist it quickly and Sylar cannot use that power because this person would be permanently and entirely immune to it. (Imagine Sylar pissed off using every power imaginable, telekinesis, lightning, fire, super strength, etc but this person is irresistible, kind of like Claire but with a less is more type of approach. -- I actually would LOVE/DIE to see this on screen. Imagine this person having a hobby such as... motorcycling and he/she is involved in a serious wreck and they're injured. Depending on the injuries, this person becomes immune to them. Say, they can't break their neck again. What if Sylar tries this and it's not effective? I would love to see Sylar's reaction to something like that and him thinking oooo, another Claire. WRONG!!!)

- Maybe someone with Night Vision who can see perfectly clear in the dark! As if all darkness and colors are inverted in their point of view and can determine which people have abilities.

- A pathfinder, someone who can track down ANYONE, ANYWHERE, and find them. Hiro traveled back in time 20 years ago? This person can do the same. Someone's stuck in some illusion/different dimension, this person can go there too. (Kind of like that one girl from Season 1/Volume 1 but much, much more. This person is more like Xavier from X-Men excluding the mental powers.)

- Heck, a male character that has the power to possess people and control their mind, body, and spirit. Like really control them any way they want. Make them suicidal, commit crimes, be cruel, evil to close/loved ones!

A character that has the ability of shadow manipulation. They can create darkness any time they want. They enter a building filled with light, they can cause a black out (see Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring the scene where Gandalf gets pissed at Frodo's Uncle Bilbo Baggins when Bilbo says something along the lines of "You want the ring for yourself!"

Okay, this is another sort of like Claire but someone with the power of resurrection. Meaning they pretty much CAN be killed but they will always come back to life. Imagine this being an impossible villain to get rid of that maybe only Parkman can defeat. Or heck this person could be a hero, someone to be used as a tool, a road block, or distraction to a more serious villain (Sylar, Samuel Sullivan, etc. Yeah, Samuel keep throwing rocks at this person or bury them into the earth, they'll just come back to life and find a way out!)

A person with the power of probability. They can cause unlikely things to happen, happen. An example, you're expecting your paycheck of $1,000 to directly deposit into your bank account. Not today pal, because THIS person said so! They can pick certain events/situations and make the impossible, possible. This person can only be stopped by someone truly powerful.

How about Micah finds a new friend like him only, he/she has the ability of electrical transportation and can travel through electrical conduits like telephone lines, TV's, electrical poles, computers, cell phones and control them as well and they work together as a team?! I miss that little kid Micah. Is he gone??

I could go on forever but this show really, truly needs new blood, new leads and maybe a few that could be potential leads, make room for new faces but try not to cram them together. It needs to go in a new direction because quite frankly, I am sick of the same boring, dull, junk we're delivered almost every time I tune in to watch. I'm an avid fan and critic, I will live/die by this show. Sigh... I wish I was a writer for NBC's Heroes. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the story more, it's more toned down, it's back to getting to know who's who again but man, the inconsistencies need to stop fast!
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So... you don't like the new characters, and don't care enough to know their name, or pay attention to their character development... but the show needs new blood? I don't understand your complaint, it seems contradictory. Would you care about the new characters, would they qualify as 'new blood' if they were more powerful, ie, had one of the powers you suggest?

For me personally, the show is headed in the best direction it has in years. I don't think there is any better way for it to go on the budget and time it has left.
They have great characters. They need writers that know how to use them without making them stupid for the sake of moving the story along.
I find it funny you say you don't care about Emma or Gretchen when talking about introducing new blood since the main reason the people behind the show are hesitant in introducing new characters is because a lot of people don't feel like investing in new characters and don't care about them.

I also find it funny you complain characters like Sylar are the same but then say you wish HRG was back to his old static self. You also complain about Hiro being a writer's block but then ask they bring back old Peter. This whole post confuses me.
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No, just no. As the others have said, you complain about one character not changing, yet wish one to be how they were originally. Essentially you're using both sides of a coin for complaints depending on if you like the current version of the character, the past version(s), or want a new take on them. They don't need a list of new characters, maybe one or two a season to change the story a bit and introduce new controversy. However, they have plenty already that have the potential to have true conflicts and have tremendous storylines, if wrote right.

I only agree with you on two notes. One being that Samuel has been a great character in development, they're doing a good job with him. Secondly they do need to trim down some of the excess characters that they have and leave them gone, or on an extended vacation until their can be a true use for them: Tracy, Ando, etc. Mohinder used to be on that list of mine, but however I do like the idea they've taken with him this season, which also gave his character a break and not used where he wasn't needed. Ando, he can be up in the air right now. Nothing has really happened with him, however it seems Hiro, Ando, and Mohinder might have an interesting story in the second half, so we'll have to see. With Hiro, the only complaint this season is his "dying" storyline seemed to begin to fade fast after the hospital visit. Yes, he still has nosebleeds, but there's no passing out or any of those other extreme factors.

...this rambled on way longer than I had wished already, so I'm going to stop here.
This show has alot of characters.
The show has lots of characters...but the problem is that none of them are interesting anymore.
They have great characters. They need writers that know how to use them without making them stupid for the sake of moving the story along.

This is what we call "hitting the nail on the head". :o A proper thread title would've been "This show lacks good writers."
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This is what we call "hitting the nail on the head". :o A proper thread title would've been "This show lacks good writers."

No. A proper thread title would've been "This show lacks good writers, good characters, good plots, good development, good direction, good music." If any of it was good maybe it wouldn't be dying in ratings and be canceled like it inevitably will be. The only character that I can relate to and truly feel has never changed is Pete. He is the only person that I acknowledge and recognize dating all the way back to season 1. Everyone else has changed way too much and have zig zagged over and over and IMO that left a bad taste in viewers mouths'. Now people can't stand Claire, can't stand Sylar because he's always good/evil/good/evil and always wins. If you really look at the show as a whole, where has it really gone? What direction? Hasn't it just been a merry-go-round endless show of "to be continued" over and over again? With fans/viewers waiting to be toyed around with week in and week out. Stories get drawn up and then the next week, they disappear. Had they stuck with a relatively smaller cast and less characters (this thread I should have taken the time to prove my point much further but to sum it up, this show lacks characters with SUBSTANCE with QUALITY... I want quality over quantity but it's too late for that. Way too late. Nathan is dead, he was one of my favorites and the writers from previous seasons screwed that up. Mohinder is AWOL/MIA so is Mama Petrelli, so is Ando, Micah, etc. If anything, Claire/HRG/Carnival people have gotten more screen time than anybody as of late. Have any of the characters actually accomplished something other than saving the world and NYC from Season 1? It was apocalyptic then and dark. Fresh. Now it's turned into an X-Men reality show. Heroes is not going to end with a happy or dark conclusion it's going to end/be canceled with a to be continued type of premise only they won't flash the words "to be continued" on the screen when it's all over because in reality, it won't continue. Because Heroes is just way too damn predictable for it's own good that the writers can't come up with anything original anymore (since season 1). P.S. I just started watching Season 1 and by God just compare it to what it is now and the difference is flat out huge when it comes to story, character development, action, everything. Watching the progression of each character so far is amazing and seeing the build up of Peter vs. Sylar is epic. I'm on episode 3 One Giant Leap. The one where Claire pretty much gets taken advantage of by the quarterback and she taps into the dark side driving the vehicle? Yeah, THAT CLAIRE. Oh and the search for some guy named Sylar is underway. Welp gotta go un-pause it and finish watching now :cool:
This has some of the greatest characters I have seen in a show in a while IMO.
They used to be great. Samuels a great character and I like Edgar but Ray Park is a win in anything
No. A proper thread title would've been "This show lacks good writers, good characters, good plots, good development, good direction, good music." If any of it was good maybe it wouldn't be dying in ratings and be canceled like it inevitably will be. The only character that I can relate to and truly feel has never changed is Pete. He is the only person that I acknowledge and recognize dating all the way back to season 1. Everyone else has changed way too much and have zig zagged over and over and IMO that left a bad taste in viewers mouths'. Now people can't stand Claire, can't stand Sylar because he's always good/evil/good/evil and always wins. If you really look at the show as a whole, where has it really gone? What direction? Hasn't it just been a merry-go-round endless show of "to be continued" over and over again? With fans/viewers waiting to be toyed around with week in and week out. Stories get drawn up and then the next week, they disappear. Had they stuck with a relatively smaller cast and less characters (this thread I should have taken the time to prove my point much further but to sum it up, this show lacks characters with SUBSTANCE with QUALITY... I want quality over quantity but it's too late for that. Way too late. Nathan is dead, he was one of my favorites and the writers from previous seasons screwed that up. Mohinder is AWOL/MIA so is Mama Petrelli, so is Ando, Micah, etc. If anything, Claire/HRG/Carnival people have gotten more screen time than anybody as of late. Have any of the characters actually accomplished something other than saving the world and NYC from Season 1? It was apocalyptic then and dark. Fresh. Now it's turned into an X-Men reality show. Heroes is not going to end with a happy or dark conclusion it's going to end/be canceled with a to be continued type of premise only they won't flash the words "to be continued" on the screen when it's all over because in reality, it won't continue. Because Heroes is just way too damn predictable for it's own good that the writers can't come up with anything original anymore (since season 1). P.S. I just started watching Season 1 and by God just compare it to what it is now and the difference is flat out huge when it comes to story, character development, action, everything. Watching the progression of each character so far is amazing and seeing the build up of Peter vs. Sylar is epic. I'm on episode 3 One Giant Leap. The one where Claire pretty much gets taken advantage of by the quarterback and she taps into the dark side driving the vehicle? Yeah, THAT CLAIRE. Oh and the search for some guy named Sylar is underway. Welp gotta go un-pause it and finish watching now :cool:

1.) Paragraphs. They are your friend, and they also help people read your posts without getting a headache.

2.) What do you mean Mama Petrellia, Mohninder, and Ando are MIA? Have you even been watching season 4? :whatever:
1.) Paragraphs. They are your friend, and they also help people read your posts without getting a headache.

2.) What do you mean Mama Petrellia, Mohninder, and Ando are MIA? Have you even been watching season 4? :whatever:

Who cares about paragraphs? It's all the same. Nice try though at the ole sentence structure attack. Well executed :whatever:

And yes, I have been watching. Just because the actors get onscreen time doesn't mean their characters have done anything. Oh and it's Petrelli not Petrellia :whatever:. What has Mrs. Petrelli done in Season 4? Tell me, please. And what's Mohinder done? Ooo burned a film reel and get killed and then Hiro changes it? Gee, how many times have we seen this happen? And as for Ando, he's been nothing but a pawn in Season 4.

How's that headache now?
This show has lost what made it good. The truest tale of my point is this "heroes section at hype". During the 1st season tons of people would come in here and post up spoilers and we had all kinds of discussions and what not, then they go ahead and make season 2... which we hated, but we thought bigger and brighter things were ahead.

In comes the writers strike, then the wretched "villains" then what was once a flourishing board full of discussions that were relevant has well turned into what we have to day with 2 more fail chapters. It is only getting worse and I think we all know that. Eventually this show will be canned and hopefully this sad sad sad section which is not even a shadow of its former self.
Ive been rewatching season 3 since i got it for christmas and Im still of the opinion that it has plenty shortcomings but was still pretty good and entertaining. The more I think about it I think they shouldve made the villians storyline last the entire season. Think about it they wouldve had alot more time to flesh everything out and the revelation about Arthurt mightve been more shocking plus I think they shouldve kept Sylar as a Petrelli. I dunno I liked alot of things about Villians mainly some of the characters but it was just so poorly written. So jumbled together. I dunno I just think there was some good in it it was just handled very poorly
Who cares about paragraphs? It's all the same. Nice try though at the ole sentence structure attack. Well executed :whatever:

And yes, I have been watching. Just because the actors get onscreen time doesn't mean their characters have done anything. Oh and it's Petrelli not Petrellia :whatever:. What has Mrs. Petrelli done in Season 4? Tell me, please. And what's Mohinder done? Ooo burned a film reel and get killed and then Hiro changes it? Gee, how many times have we seen this happen? And as for Ando, he's been nothing but a pawn in Season 4.

How's that headache now?

Well, people generally want to use paragraphs so people can understand them. Because when you type a gigantic block with no paragraphs, it's a pain to read it. And since you're on a message board, with the primary function being communication, I'm assuming you wish to be understood.

And Mrs. Petrelli (yes I did misspell her name in my original post, thank you for correcting that) has served for many good character building moments. We see a lot of her own grief, in her desperate struggles to keep Nathan "alive." We see how she effects Peter, when Peter invites her over and all she does is ask for Nathan, and how it hurts Peter. We also get an insight into their family dynamic through this, realizing why Peter has always felt second teir to Nathan.

And while Mohinder was not in the season much, we did get good character building moments with him. We see that he's still so obsessed with his father's works that he was willing to jeapordize a good stable relationship. We also see his sense of responsibility, in that he's still willing to confront Samuel.

Ando hasn't really done much, but he was really always there as Hiro's friend anyways. The rock that Hiro relys on.

And really, I think you can understand my reaction, since when you say MIA, it seems to be inferring that you think they are not actually present on the show, which they were.
Well, people generally want to use paragraphs so people can understand them. Because when you type a gigantic block with no paragraphs, it's a pain to read it. And since you're on a message board, with the primary function being communication, I'm assuming you wish to be understood.

And Mrs. Petrelli (yes I did misspell her name in my original post, thank you for correcting that) has served for many good character building moments. We see a lot of her own grief, in her desperate struggles to keep Nathan "alive." We see how she effects Peter, when Peter invites her over and all she does is ask for Nathan, and how it hurts Peter. We also get an insight into their family dynamic through this, realizing why Peter has always felt second teir to Nathan.

And while Mohinder was not in the season much, we did get good character building moments with him. We see that he's still so obsessed with his father's works that he was willing to jeapordize a good stable relationship. We also see his sense of responsibility, in that he's still willing to confront Samuel.

Ando hasn't really done much, but he was really always there as Hiro's friend anyways. The rock that Hiro relys on.

And really, I think you can understand my reaction, since when you say MIA, it seems to be inferring that you think they are not actually present on the show, which they were.

How much do you charge for English lessons? May I sign up, Professor?! As for Mrs. Petrelli, you're basically stating we're getting the same crap we were served in Season 1, 2, 3, etc. Right? Exactly! NOTHING new like I said before so thank you for taking my point even further!

Mohinder still being obsessed with his father's work? No way! Where has he been? He just suddenly appears during Season 4? Cool. Did you know Mohinder is also a part of a comedy show on NBC too? You should check that out...

And oh, it's "tier" not "teir" -- "jeopardize" not jeapordize. Maybe you should learn how to spell? I think that would make things easier for some of us to read YOUR posts! :whatever:
Simply you do not have to resort to childish responses over a matter of opinion, nor for someone giving a suggestion of working your posts to be easier to read. Writing that appears to be done correctly is, as he said, easier to go through and find points. One or two ideas in a paragraph and then move on. Otherwise you might as well write in run-ons.

As for the show, there are enough characters. Some, yes, I'm tired of their storylines myself, but new ideas can be put to use for them. However, Mohinder's obsession with his father's work is a fundamental point to his character, taking these basic factors you complain about is not necessary. The plan with the film is to probably give him the time for the comedy you're talking about, plus being gone this season lands his death around the end of the last season or somewhere in the timeline gap.

All we need are storylines to use the best of the characters we have, possibly shave one or two out of some arcs or all together if needed. However a laundry list of new characters is not needed. One or two new major players a season is more than enough, and as with Samuel's "family," supporting cast that doesn't take prime screentime up.
How much do you charge for English lessons? May I sign up, Professor?! As for Mrs. Petrelli, you're basically stating we're getting the same crap we were served in Season 1, 2, 3, etc. Right? Exactly! NOTHING new like I said before so thank you for taking my point even further!

Mohinder still being obsessed with his father's work? No way! Where has he been? He just suddenly appears during Season 4? Cool. Did you know Mohinder is also a part of a comedy show on NBC too? You should check that out...

And oh, it's "tier" not "teir" -- "jeopardize" not jeapordize. Maybe you should learn how to spell? I think that would make things easier for some of us to read YOUR posts! :whatever:

Well, I'm a bit confused, you first said these characters aren't doing anything, and when I point out what they've done, you complain because it's similar to what you've already seen.

But isn't that more or less what happens in every TV show? The characters don't radically change each season. They, by and large, act the same as they always have, with small changes.

Take House for example. The character of House never really changed his characterization throughout all the seasons. It wasnt until this latest season that he underwent a notable change personality-wise. And even then, it was very gradual.

So, again, I do not see how you can say that characters that have been present in the show, and have been contributing to the plot, have been MIA. Ando is the one I can more or less agree with, since he really hasn't been doing much, aside from boinking Hiro's sister.
No. A proper thread title would've been "This show lacks good writers, good characters, good plots, good development, good direction, good music." If any of it was good maybe it wouldn't be dying in ratings and be canceled like it inevitably will be.

The only character that I can relate to and truly feel has never changed is Pete. He is the only person that I acknowledge and recognize dating all the way back to season 1. Everyone else has changed way too much and have zig zagged over and over and IMO that left a bad taste in viewers mouths'. Now people can't stand Claire, can't stand Sylar because he's always good/evil/good/evil and always wins.

If you really look at the show as a whole, where has it really gone? What direction? Hasn't it just been a merry-go-round endless show of "to be continued" over and over again? With fans/viewers waiting to be toyed around with week in and week out. Stories get drawn up and then the next week, they disappear. Had they stuck with a relatively smaller cast and less characters (this thread I should have taken the time to prove my point much further but to sum it up, this show lacks characters with SUBSTANCE with QUALITY...

I want quality over quantity but it's too late for that. Way too late. Nathan is dead, he was one of my favorites and the writers from previous seasons screwed that up. Mohinder is AWOL/MIA so is Mama Petrelli, so is Ando, Micah, etc. If anything, Claire/HRG/Carnival people have gotten more screen time than anybody as of late. Have any of the characters actually accomplished something other than saving the world and NYC from Season 1? It was apocalyptic then and dark. Fresh.

Now it's turned into an X-Men reality show. Heroes is not going to end with a happy or dark conclusion it's going to end/be canceled with a to be continued type of premise only they won't flash the words "to be continued" on the screen when it's all over because in reality, it won't continue. Because Heroes is just way too damn predictable for it's own good that the writers can't come up with anything original anymore (since season 1).

P.S. I just started watching Season 1 and by God just compare it to what it is now and the difference is flat out huge when it comes to story, character development, action, everything. Watching the progression of each character so far is amazing and seeing the build up of Peter vs. Sylar is epic. I'm on episode 3 One Giant Leap. The one where Claire pretty much gets taken advantage of by the quarterback and she taps into the dark side driving the vehicle? Yeah, THAT CLAIRE. Oh and the search for some guy named Sylar is underway. Welp gotta go un-pause it and finish watching now :cool:

It sounds like you're still figuring out exactly what it is you don't like about this show anymore, because you're bouncing all over the place. You like Peter because he stays the same but you are upset because characters aren't progressing. You have a lot of these weird litte contraditictions.

Your main point, is definitely understandable. We've been ranting about the horridness of Heroes since, well... since the S1 finale. Dropped storylines, characters not growing, lack of action, or lack of development. I had grown into a dull acceptance of the fact that this show as irrepairable. I mean if Bryan couldn't fix it... who could?

Then Season 4 happened. Claire got control of her destiny and got a sidekick and started being the catalyst she was in S1. Yeah, THAT Claire. HRG got his comeuppance, lost his family, and had to redefine himself. Characters had character moments that were meaningful again. They finally killed Nathan, twice! The man who has died and come back in a way which defies explanation every single season finale until now! As loveable as he was, the character's story of redemption was over in S1, and he was only kept around because so many people like him. He was one of the heaviest things dragging down the plot, but he kept people tuning in... until the plot he was dragging down ran them off. Now he's actually dead.

Hiro is finally, finally, FINALLY exploring time travel, not just being whisked away by whimsy, chance and accident. He's really exploring cause and effect. He's also interacting with someone other than Ando, who has gotten his own development and, in a way, resolution to his storyline.

Need I go on? Say what you will about Seasons 2 and 3 (nothing I haven't said already elsewhere), but this season alone they put the children on equal footing with their parents, killed Nathan, and created a villain capable of potentially destroying the world. By this time S1, all Peter had done was fainted on the steps and met Claire. This season is great for me. Every character this season has substance and quality, both new ones and old ones, and that's never happened on this show before. I personally have never been able to related to any of the characters, and it is VERY rare I find one that I do relate to in any medium, but these are all characters I can identify with. They do things that make sense (now), and they all have compelling relationships.
Agreed GL1:up:

Honestly, this season has been such a turn around that I've been telling all my friends who like Heroes (but most of them stopped watching after S2) to just skip right to the 4th season and that I'd fill them in on the big changes.

Which really doesn't take that long to be honest. With a few minor changes, you could almost go directly from S1 to S4.
It sounds like you're still figuring out exactly what it is you don't like about this show anymore, because you're bouncing all over the place. You like Peter because he stays the same but you are upset because characters aren't progressing. You have a lot of these weird litte contraditictions.

Your main point, is definitely understandable. We've been ranting about the horridness of Heroes since, well... since the S1 finale. Dropped storylines, characters not growing, lack of action, or lack of development. I had grown into a dull acceptance of the fact that this show as irrepairable. I mean if Bryan couldn't fix it... who could?

Then Season 4 happened. Claire got control of her destiny and got a sidekick and started being the catalyst she was in S1. Yeah, THAT Claire. HRG got his comeuppance, lost his family, and had to redefine himself. Characters had character moments that were meaningful again. They finally killed Nathan, twice! The man who has died and come back in a way which defies explanation every single season finale until now! As loveable as he was, the character's story of redemption was over in S1, and he was only kept around because so many people like him. He was one of the heaviest things dragging down the plot, but he kept people tuning in... until the plot he was dragging down ran them off. Now he's actually dead.

Hiro is finally, finally, FINALLY exploring time travel, not just being whisked away by whimsy, chance and accident. He's really exploring cause and effect. He's also interacting with someone other than Ando, who has gotten his own development and, in a way, resolution to his storyline.

Need I go on? Say what you will about Seasons 2 and 3 (nothing I haven't said already elsewhere), but this season alone they put the children on equal footing with their parents, killed Nathan, and created a villain capable of potentially destroying the world. By this time S1, all Peter had done was fainted on the steps and met Claire. This season is great for me. Every character this season has substance and quality, both new ones and old ones, and that's never happened on this show before. I personally have never been able to related to any of the characters, and it is VERY rare I find one that I do relate to in any medium, but these are all characters I can identify with. They do things that make sense (now), and they all have compelling relationships.

Season 4 is better in terms of story but as far as depth and quality in character, I disagree very much. Sure, it's working it's way back to substance (before the Season 1 finale) but it's going way too slow. Am I supposed to appreciate everything the show has to offer? I'm not really all that satisfied with Nathan being killed off (because it's happened too many times to the point where I don't care as much.)

As for Claire, I really see her character actually becoming weaker and weaker like a pawn. HRG's character has received so much damage it's difficult to view him as that bad guy/good guy father with secrets. Again I blame that on the previous writers, etc. Peter is the only one really doing ANYTHING good on the show. Did you watch the episodes last night?

He actually took the radio to his rooftop to listen to it and go save someone on his own. That's a heroic move. At least he's doing something and moving forward not going in circles like Claire, HRG, Sylar, Nathan, Mama Petrelli, Tracy Strauss. I'll agree this season has more substance than previous ones. It definitely has promise and I think that's because the original writer(s) came back to fix things. How lucky we are for that.

Right now as season 4 stands, I'm really interested in Peter's story, and Samuel's. Everything else is getting tiring and old. Hiro's direction in last night's episode was atrocious and I couldn't help but roll my eye's constantly. Turning him into some 8 year old kid? I've lost all respect for Hiro and Ando's character's. It's getting ridiculous. And now Sylar is after Claire AGAIN... How many times has he gone after her?

I want the show to succeed but it seems like the current writers are assuming that fans of Heroes will completely forget previous seasons and the characters plots. The problem is that the damage done back then was so heavy that I really don't see the show recovering.

I do think this will be the last season of the show and if not that, then the next season might be. Either way the show needs to have the legs to keep going. I'd hate to see it get canceled mid-season.
I agree with the people who say it's not that fact that the show lacks interesting characters, it's just not so great writers at times. There is certain characters stories that I find interest but others that I can't stand. It probably doesn't help that I don't really care for the cheerleader and it seems like she is somehow in every episode and they waste time finding some stupid story for her that could be used for other characters(I personally don't get it she could be a good side character but they put way to much focus on her. I am guessing they treat her like she is a "hot chick" and thinks that's what attarcts viewers(Personally while I find her pretty good looking, I don't think she is as hot as the show thinks she is)).
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