Sense Kevin Feige has given us a brief run down of Marvel Movies between 2000-2010, I thought now would be a good time for people to give their Top 10 list for Marvel Movies between this time. (meaning blade 1 can't be used, or howard the duck)
Out of 28 Top Ten Votes: The List Has Changed A Bit
1. Iron Man--------8.821/10-----93% Critics-----585 Million Box Office
2. Spiderman 2----8.107/10-----94% Critics-----783 Million Box Office
3. Xmen 2---------7.071/10-----88% Critics -----407 Million Box Office
4. Spiderman------6.392/10-----90% Critics-----821 Million Box Office
5. Incredible Hulk -5.5 --/10-----66% Critics-----263 Million Box Office
6. Xmen-----------5 ----/10-----81% Critics-----296 Million Box Office
7. Blade 2---------2.178/10-----58% Critics-----155 Million Box Office
8. Daredevil-------2.142/10-----44% Critics-----179 Million Box Office
9. The Hulk--------1.678/10-----61% Critics-----245 Million Box Office
10. Spiderman 3---1.461/10-----62% Critics-----890 Million Box Office
I think this is probably a pretty fair list for all fans, and audience. We also match pretty well with the Critics. Pretty fair with box office, except certain franchises that get loads of money just because of the name. Thanks for participating.
Out of 28 Top Ten Votes: The List Has Changed A Bit
1. Iron Man--------8.821/10-----93% Critics-----585 Million Box Office
2. Spiderman 2----8.107/10-----94% Critics-----783 Million Box Office
3. Xmen 2---------7.071/10-----88% Critics -----407 Million Box Office
4. Spiderman------6.392/10-----90% Critics-----821 Million Box Office
5. Incredible Hulk -5.5 --/10-----66% Critics-----263 Million Box Office
6. Xmen-----------5 ----/10-----81% Critics-----296 Million Box Office
7. Blade 2---------2.178/10-----58% Critics-----155 Million Box Office
8. Daredevil-------2.142/10-----44% Critics-----179 Million Box Office
9. The Hulk--------1.678/10-----61% Critics-----245 Million Box Office
10. Spiderman 3---1.461/10-----62% Critics-----890 Million Box Office
I think this is probably a pretty fair list for all fans, and audience. We also match pretty well with the Critics. Pretty fair with box office, except certain franchises that get loads of money just because of the name. Thanks for participating.
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