20. Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble
I'm a bit torn on this one. Lookswise, she was heavy, but Rosie pretty much got the character down, and I thought she was ok.
19. David Bowie as Pontius Pilate
Never seen it
18. Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, Invisible Woman
Agreed. And it should be further up on the list.
17. Jude Law as 'A Cockney Cad'
Never seen it
16. Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush
I'll actually wait for the movie to come out, but compared to the rest of the cast the movie has, I don't see anything wrong with it.
15. Ted Danson as An Army Sargeant
I honestly disagree here. Seems like a nitpick by someone who liked his character on Cheers.
14. Colin Farrell as Alexander
I disagree again. Alexander is one of the few historical/ancient movies that I enjoyed, and a large part of it was because of Farrell. The blonde hair was just the wrong shade.
13. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane
Agreed 100%. A talentless blonde who brought nothing but the annoyance of trying to watch her act and be the love interest.
12. Orlando Bloom as a 'Crusader'
Never seen it
11. Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates
Agreed 100%
10. Edward G Robinson as Pharaoh
Totally disagree. And one of the guy's reasoning is 'Too Gangsta!'
Sure forget about the great acting he brought, and pick on his spray tan and not the rest of the cast's.
9. Keira Knightley as Domino
Never seen it.
8. Sean Connery as a 'Spaniard'
Never seen it, but sounds lame.
7. Denise Richards as Dr. Christmas Jones
I'm sorta on the fence here. I don't care for Richards, but I didn't think she was a far stretch for the type of Bond girl she played compared to the other Bond Girls. However, I did feel they tried making her too empowered without looking like it could be believable.
6. William Shatner as a 'Cowboy' And Indian
Never seen it, but sounds lame.
5. Katharine Hepburn as a Chinese Peasant
Never seen it, but I don't think the list maker quite understands classic Hollywood.
4. Kevin Costner as Robin Hood
Disagree here. He wasn't bad really, it was just the movie I think.
3. Anthony Hopkins as a 'black Guy'
Never seen it, but heard of it and it did sound a bit stupid to me.
2. John Wayne as Ghengis Khan
Never seen it, and I think I may be glad.
1. Keanu Reeves in all his roles
I disagree.