[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New Spoilers Revealed 11/3/05:[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- Chloe is present in these spoilers; however, don't assume that ANY spoilers beyond the previous episode ensure safety for your favorite character. We have learned that some false information can and will be disseminated. Beyond that, we do find it a bit odd that the casting sides for the episode mention nothing of a character death. TPTB may be on to us. Although... the Daily Planet connection here is pretty intricate, so maybe it DOES mean Chloe is safe.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But I Thought Clark Hated Masks?
- Clark puts on a pantyhose mask and pretends to mug Chloe, in order to get the attention of a local vigilante. The ruse works. The vigilante shows up and pounces, spinning the "mugger" off of Chloe. The vigilante is described as a masked, leather-clad heroine. There's a fight, and Clark pulls the mask off of her.. revealing Maya. Chloe and Clark recognize her, and are rocked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As The Anvil Turns
- Maya turns into her "civilian identity" in a phone booth outside of the Daily Planet. Chloe asks her about this, and Maya says that the bathroom was taken. Chloe comments about how different Maya looks with her hair in a scrunchie and a pair of glasses. Chloe then asks Maya for an exclusive interview, promising not to reveal her true identity. Funny how Chloe takes all of these Lois Lane-like mannerisms all the time. "Trust me, she's great at keeping secrets," Clark tells Maya. Maya ends up striding to her desk, which implies she's an employee at the Daily Planet. Clark and Chloe follow her there, and there's a meteor rock on her desk. Chloe tries to keep it away from Clark. We learn that a meteor rock once saved Maya's life.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Origin of Maya
- Six months previous, Maya and her mother were stabbed. She needed a heart transplant, and nearly died. The person who ended up becoming her heart donor, was in Smallville and died during the second meteor shower. Somehow the meteors must have affected the heart, which gave Maya special powers.
- Maya's mother wasn't so lucky. She had passed away. But her mom had worked a lot to give to the community and help people, as a social worker, which inspired Maya in many ways. "The day she died I lost my hero," Maya said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Costume Fun
- Later, Clark asks why Maya takes her costume everywhere, and doesn't wear it everywhere she goes. "It bunches up. Makes me look fat," she tells him. He also asks her why she wears a mask and black leather, and she asks if he'd rather suggest primary colors and a cape.
- "So who are you really? The mild-mannered reporter or the dark avenger?" Clark asks. Batman anvil!
- Clark and Maya definitely have different approaches to crime fighting. [/font]