The Chaos Magic turns everything to colour.
Vision, who turned to monochrome when the stone was removed, is bathed in colour by the chaos magic. When Shuri reboots him, he will be emotionless, but will be able to remember
Wanda's life outside this world is the real world; it is grey and lifeless, dead. Only here does Wanda feel alive. The implication is that Wanda's life in the real world Is, for want of a better word, miserable.
Wanda suddenly going from being able to use telekinesis to being able to build pocket dimensions is unlikely. The chief suspect here is Chthon, the inventor of Chaos Magic. As such, it likely bypasses the mystical barrier of Kamar Taj.
Indeed, one of the possible meanings of the title WandaVision, is Chthon's prophecy.
It's likely, I think, that in the real world, Vision is still emotionless, he can only feel in WandaWorld. He may well need it to be human. Hence Vision is placed in existential conflict; he wants to be
I think we are talking a Pan's Labyrinth type of thing here, a real world and a fantasy world running parallel. As the real world gets worse, Wanda sinks deeper into the fantasy world, which Chthon then reprograms into a nightmare.
Jimmy Woo may perhaps be sent to monitor Wanda, but the Darkholders may already be watching her, and him.
Darkholders may also be inside SHIELD and almost certainly there are sleepers in Kamar Taj to prevent any interference from Agamotto.