I think that Mr.B and Claire are going to be in a new location adjusting to being sort of on the run.
Matt will be taking care of Molly and having his problems.
Mohinder will still be doing his research with more hints from dad.
Nikki Micha and DL will be around it may look like DL is dead.
I think that Peter and Nathan are fused together. It will look like they are not in the same time space but it will be kind of like a Ladyhawk thing where Peter will come out at night and Nathan will come out in the day, but they won't really know it. So when one falls asleep the other will wake up. Kind of like a Dr. Jeckell and Mr. Hyde thing, untill they realize it.
Hiro will become more mature when he comes back from the past.
Matt will be taking care of Molly and having his problems.
Mohinder will still be doing his research with more hints from dad.
Nikki Micha and DL will be around it may look like DL is dead.
I think that Peter and Nathan are fused together. It will look like they are not in the same time space but it will be kind of like a Ladyhawk thing where Peter will come out at night and Nathan will come out in the day, but they won't really know it. So when one falls asleep the other will wake up. Kind of like a Dr. Jeckell and Mr. Hyde thing, untill they realize it.
Hiro will become more mature when he comes back from the past.