What superhero would you be IN REAL LIFE (tell the truth)?

Know One

Oct 30, 2012
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I wish I was Superman but...I think in real life I would be something like HANCOCK. I don't think I'm mean and I would like the World to love me but I think that after a little while, I would stop caring. A human doesn't mean harm when he steps on ants, he's just walking. I know that this might sound bad - but like I said, TRUTH ONLY.
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I'd probably just be one of the random X-Men characters who hangs out in the background at Xavier's mansion. You know, like Match or Tom Corsi.
Probably Too Much Coffee Man or someone like that. One of the rubbish ones nobody gives a crap about! :hehe:
Pff. I'd be a supervillain. And not even a heavy-hitter. I'd be a 3rd stringer who only appears when there's a fill-in writer, like Paste Pot Pete or the Gibbon or someone.
Iron Man/Punisher combination, with DareDevil agility provided by the armor
I would be Superman, too easy. Oh wait...The world wouldn't except me, the government would try to shut me down, and Id be forced into exile. Basically the Superman that nobody likes.
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Yeah...and I don't think that in the real World just a pair of glasses would cut it.
Probably a Punisher/Solo type.

The Hulk in the respect that I want to be left alone, but whatever I would be, I'd probably be that Antihero type.
Basically the Superman that nobody likes.

Oh... you mean Captain Marvel (or... heh... Shazam).

If people were being honest about the superheroes they'd be, everyone would be Hindsight Lad or Snapper Carr. There's already way too many Supermen in this thread. And don't even get me started on Aziz's Iron-Man/Punisher/Daredevil hybrid killing machine.
Well, the question is according to your personal behavior taking into account your personal characteristics (fears, phobias, qualities, etc...), what hero would you be or what type of hero would you be (someone mentioned a villain - that was a nice touch too)?
Sorry - pls don't turn off my hot water or destroy the World - I just remembered, I didn't go back to read the whole thread over...
I'd be Colossus. It's such a practical power.
How many threads like this is Know going to make? I feel like he is collecting data for something.
Professor X .........before the whole wheelchair thingy...

Just the mind control alone.....Vegas here I come!!!
I'd be a no ****s to give ninja with Bane's charisma and Dr. Strange's magic. Come at me Supes.
Superman or captain america. I'd want to inspire people to do good. And to promote liberty and justice. Oh yeah
Cyclops. I've even tried to be less like Cyclops, but it always seems like I come back to being like him. Little ironic coincidences exist between us. Last week I mulled over getting a tattoo, and in this months AVX Consequences, so did Scott. I've also dated people I suspect were telepaths, lol.
If people were being honest about the superheroes they'd be, everyone would be Hindsight Lad or Snapper Carr. There's already way too many Supermen in this thread. And don't even get me started on Aziz's Iron-Man/Punisher/Daredevil hybrid killing machine.
Spider-Man. Just because when going up against the villains, even if I can win, I'd be so scared and nervous I'd be cracking jokes all the time.
How many threads like this is Know going to make? I feel like he is collecting data for something.

I AM NOT!!!! Btw - what is your social insurance number? Just asking like that, no reason...

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