I know it's happened, but I'd like to see one final Wolverine vs. Punisher fight. Bloody, gritty, more than one issue. Starting with Punisher stalking Wolverine, and just ending in one big blood bath, I'd like to see Wolverine win, and even if I like both characters, I'd like it to be a fight to the death. Just one of those fights with nothing kiddy in it, just purely going at it only like two trained killers like them can.
I'd also like to see a
vs. Thing fight. Both class 100's now (pretty sure both colossus and thing are officially 100's). Steel vs. Rock, and with Collosus slight attitude change slowly over the years and toughing up, I think it could end in a hell of a slug fest. Don't care who wins, like 'em both.
Guess like everyone else, a good Supes vs. Hulk fight too. Not Supes punching Hulk out, and Hulk being like a smart Hulk. I mean a mindless savage Hulk comes tear assing around Metropolis, strong already and getting stronger. He's close to Superman's strength by the time they start fighting and gets stronger while they fight. Supes giving it his all and Hulk healing, and just would love to see Supes have a panic'd oh #@(* look on his face for once. I think Supes would win, but would love to see Hulk give him a beating like Doomsday did.
Finally just a simple Wolverine vs. Spiderman. A conclusive one at that, no 'they both win' sappy ending. Nothing based on fans opinions, and nothing simple like Spidey slips and Wolverine slashes spidey's ribs and Spiderman passes out, or Spidey webs Wolverine up and walks away. An actual good finish, and one to finally end the debate, and to me I'd rather have Wolverine win, but I could care less as long as it was written and executed well.