On his getting the coveted role of the Joker...
"You have to remember I watched those films as a boy and me and my mates used to play batman in the streets, so ive kinda had a knowledge of the charactors and the mythos, Ive wanted to do somthing that could cement me and after viewing Batman Begins I was interested in working with Nolan. When i was contacted i was not super keen on the idea but after learning about the things they wanted to do I became very interested in the Joker. Its an actors dream to play an icon role and the joker is so far removed from anything ive done yet that i am looking forward to it and to the ideas that were presented to me...
On what kind of Joker charactor angle can we expect to see...
"well this is just in the infant stages right now but i recieve charactor data from the writers on almost a weekly basis, my fax is loaded with profiles on the joker to give me an idea of what they are gonna do, ive also been given some of the comic book material to look over and I just become more interested as it developes, to play a villian one must throw it all out the window, and i have not yet really explored that kind of dark side, which makes me enthusiastic to play him, this role i am told will be like watching a car wreck that wont stop, and from the script peices ive been sent on my charactors angles, its just gets deeper and deeeper. This guy is a shark , a fearless shark and i know i can bring that alive ...
On what the joker will look like...
That is my question as well, i suppose he will look like me, but ive been told that they are still in prelimanary stages and ive seen no ideas yet, ive been told it will be the joker and that the iconic look will be true, i hope it is...
On working with Bale...
Christain is actually in this film i am doing now on Bob Dylan so ive met him a few times, he is excited as well and that has galvanised me to do it too, he had alot to do with them contacting me, right now we are focused on this film but once we get to warner it will be all Dark Knight...
On the fans who dont like him...
This kind of things affects me zero, it would not matter who is chosen to play the charactor in any film, there is always someone who does not like you and I am secure in my chioces and my record, and if i must say anything directly to them it is that I am going to do the best possible work i can do as an actor, but i know at the end of the day you are never going to please anyone 100 percent, as an entertainer i chose what i want to do based on where i want to go, i am an actor and its my job to do this, but its a dream. I am greatful for getting the role and I have to say i will do whatever it takes to make it the best possible product i can.
On the jack nicholson joker...
That was a film i watched with my mates coming up, to say it was not a great film would be an understatement..i loved and was scared of the joker in that film so its very inspiring that ill be in those shoes, but at the same time what we are gonna have to do is somthing never done before, that was one of my requirements, i refused to carbon copy a perfeormance, that would not be a challenge and it would be mocking mr nicholson whom i have much respect for...
On what it will feel like to be an action figure...
Ive always thought that would be the point where i really made it, i mean i am an action packed guy so making a toy fo me is ok with me mates...