Sentinel X said:
I have to go with Venom because the look of his charecter is so unique just like Maul's. Where as, although SS is unique...audiences have already seen T-1000 which had a similar audience reaction as Maul. I'm really digging SS look but Venom wins in this contest. Perhaps if there was no T2 that be a different story.
Personally, Im not too fond of Venoms look so far...his head is too big for his body
How exactly is Venom's look unique and Silver Surfer's isn't ?
If you just break it down to the basics , Venom looks just like Spidey , except he's black and has a a mouth with teeth and a tongue. He has all the powers/abilities of Spidey
Not terribly unique there.
SS may look like the T-1000 but in all honesty SS is unique in that
1 He flies and T-1000 doesn't
2 He morphs thru solid objects and doesn't turn his body into liquid metal
3 He can fire energy blasts ( i think ; based on this image) and the T-1000 is just someone who stabs people
He's far better then the T-1000.
Anyways going back the the topic ias much as i would like SS to be the Darth Maul , i think it's going to be Venom.
Why ? Simple : Pure Evil
If there is one thing that make characters like Venom loved is that they are just evil and show no remorse and can go toe to toe with the hero.
Look at Agent Smith in The Matrix. He's someone who everybody loves and he can kick neo's ass ( well untill Neo becomes the one).
Same with the T-1000 in Terminator. He's just pure evil. Just goes on killing.
That's what's going to happen with Venom. He's just there to kill Peter and he will pretty much own Spidey in his fight.
SIlver Surfer starts off as the villain but slowly becomes more sympathetic.