I thought about this and what I came into a conclusion is that the only way you can ever pull off a good female superhero movie is if the main character isn't played by a star, or a big star, and you write her like you would write any other superhero that was normal.
Like you write a hero who: suffers a poor job, saves people from the evils that character sees in the world, you go into that character's emtional state and at the end of it all, it happens to be a woman.
Now, yes the movies DarKush mentioned happen to show that if done right, these movies with a female as the hero can work. I also like to point out another movies that had a woman as a hero who was a ordinary girl next door and that's The Terminator (1984). And also, Joss Weldon does women good in his movies and he is a feminist and thats a plus with him doing Wonder WOman.
Oh yeah, another rule: NO EYE-CANDY.