Ok forget all that stuff about his name being in the title and wanting to promote the upcoming movie and all that. I'm talking about as if you were in the show what would the logic be? Wolverine said it himself no one would be involved if he was the leader. Yet the professor puts him in charge without saying why. Yes Cyclops is upset about Jean but if professor X told him to lead the team he would.
Hulk VS. (featuring Wolverine) sells 180K in a few days and you ask why

If messiah complex has shown anything it's that cyclops is more than ready to lead the x-men and mutantkind without jean or the professor around. Same with Storm who is capable of leading. So why wolverine? All he does is follow X's messages from the future. Hell even forge could have done that. The 1st season is more than halfway done and all wolverine did was assemble the team which he really didn't have much to do with. Cause the sentinels in the future to be upgraded. Good job there all mighty logan. And stop the brotherhood which the other x-men were capable of doing without him.
OK here we go. I'm going to try and answer this best I can. Keeping in mind that Dread might come in and repeat the same points he's made before.
Listen man . . . I know you guys like Cyclops and think he should be the leader, but . . . get over it.
Yes Cyclops is the leader and he always has his **** together and does right by bloddy bloddy blah (TM, Thomas Schatz).
Here's the deal. There have already been two different X-men cartoons where Cyclops is the esteemed, prominent, fearless leader. What's the point of doing a brand new show unless you are going to change it up and do something different?
So now we have a show where the X-men are recovering after they were disbanded and their home was destroyed. Cyclops is a broken man and not the leader he was. And Wolverine is the leader. Yes Wolverine is the leader.
So many trolls on the IMDB boards ask WHY IS WOLVERINE THE LEADER?! WHY WHY WHY?!!!!

People keep saying, why is Wolverine the leader? I say, why not? But Wolverine isn't a leader. He's not the leader type. Ex-freaking-zactly! That's why I like the show. You have a guy who isn't a leader in charge now, so there's a lot more tension in the group. That's a lot more interesting and different than the tired dynamic of Cyclops being the perfect leader with Wolverine as the cool, badass, loner hotshot.
But really why is Wolverine the leader? Because Wolverine is loyal, brave, and honest. He will go to hell and back. But I think the other thing is, Wolverine will make those tough decisions even though he makes mistakes.
Do I have some critiques about some of it? Yes. I think there could be something that's stated a bit more than just future Xavier head says so.
I also think that you know maybe, Cyclops could say something like, "So now you know how it feels. Leading us isn't easy, is it Logan?" While Logan finally understands all the hell he made Cyclops put through. You know like when you become a parent or as you grow older and get more responsibilities and you start realizing about all those things you would take for granted in your youth your parents warn you about.
Before Xavier, Wolverine did re-assemble the team when no one else was. It's a ragtag team to be sure, but it's still a team.
Having a rough around the edges, tension-laden, and ragtag team is at least different than the cliche, usual X-men team dynamic.
The comics always generally avoids putting Logan in an X-men leader spot. So we get something different here and well, it's good, so I'm enjoying the ride.
Sometimes the fan-gushing for Cyclops in the comics gets a little tiresome. Cyclops is at least playing a role here that he usually doesn't play.