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I have no idea what's causing it. I think it's just something in the air. My latest script that's been catching on is 120 pages. I thought it would be shorter, but in fact it might turn out longer minute wise and pages could still be added. This thing can't be cut down that's how tight it is. It wasn't thinking longer equals quality or Oscar noms, just complexity explored. If it could be shorter, it would be shorter.
I'd also say the same goes for many of these movies. In fact some of them I'd say could be longer. TDKR comes to mind here. So I think part of the reason is, whatever's in the invisible creative web that's always flowing around - complexity is in the air.
Also doing a take on a kid's cartoon adaptation and that's coming out to be 120+ in the end EASILY. And the thing is, similarly this thing is freaking TIGHT! It just has a complex 'Star Wars' level of mythology that I think the film should remain true to.
Interestingly I also recently doctored a shelved script that's ten years old for a company and it's the shortest script I've ever written at 97 pages. It could be longer minute-wise, but pages are basically set. It's just as tight and entertaining. It's just simpler in a sense. Perhaps that could be because of a time when films were shorter that if this thing went too long it'd lose its appeal.
Basically, I just think its the times and whatever is flowing around. Scripts are just as tight as they were in the past. Just something in the air is causing writers to want to explore more complexities which is extending the run times. I forgot what Stephen King called this invisible energy in 'Christine' but that seems to be the case here.
Films are the same. Just writers are exploring more complexities and grander stories because of what we are able to do and achieve now on a "new" scale. And because people have come to expect more complexities as well. These films were a couple in the past, but recently a lot of films can reach that level thus changing scope.
But the thing is a simpler story is just as good as a complex story. One can be better than the other. It all still comes down to the writing.
Although long, and sort of rambling, it might provide some insight into how other writers are thinking and why these projects are becoming longer. Largely, I think it's just unconscious along with that invisible web of interlocking thoughts whatever causes that.