Batman '89: The editing with Eckhart having stubble/facial hair, then not, then having stubble within a couple of scenes, the Batplane blowing up too soon (sweet design), killing The Joker off.
Batman Returns: The Max Schrek character. If they wanted to use a crime boss, then they should have used maroni or falcone or someone along those lines, The Penguin sucking up the fish in the electoral planning scene, killing the Penguin off, that fake looking fried Max at the end.
Batman Forever: Two Face being the killer of the Graysons, the new Batman theme, the scene where the Riddler smashed the diamond display, picked up a big diamond and then when he went to look at it with the magnifying glass it turned into a tiny one (bad editing)
B&R: the only thing that was good was the interaction with Bruce and Alfred dying scenes.
Batman Begins: YES, there are a couple- "Ra's Al Ghul" dying in the first act, not following the Ra's storyline, Ducard being Ra's (just wrong), the casting of Flass (should have been more of the "Year One" Flass).