Sequels X-men Phylogeny

Sentinel X

optical illusion
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Well I heard people post fanfics here about their versions of X3 so here is mine ...Read it. Review it. or Ill steal bagels from your fridge :o

"Mutants. Since the discovery of their existence, they have been regarded with fear, suspicion, and often hatred. Across the planet, debate rages: Are mutants the next link in the evolutionary chain . . . or simply a new species of humanity fighting for their share of the world? Either way, one fact has been historically proven: sharing the world has never been humanity's defining attribute. "-Professor Charles Xavier

June 13, 1996
Manchester, New Jersey

Two young girls run along the woods of the forest. Ten year old Jean Grey and Sarah Bolden. They are beautiful young ladies living their lives and playing a game mastered by some, tag.
Jean Grey ran as fast as she could through the wood dodging the towering trees before her.

"Youll never catch me!" She yelled at her friend as she continued to run. Sarah continued to run after her best friend, positive shed eventually catch up to her.

"Youll never catch me!" She continued to say laughing simultaneously.

"Got you!" Yelled a voice from behind her.

Jean felt a hand tag her back, a quick feeling of defeat overcame her.

"Okay fine Im it" She replied as she went toward her friend.

"No, wait Jean" Sarah gasped, "I need a breath, hold on".

She sat down on the forest's ground and exhaled and inhaled deeply.

"Im really really thirsty" She said.

"So go back to my house and get a drink of water!" Jean retorted.

"No way!...Im not going all the way back there!" She took control of her breathing quickly.

"Hey lets go by the lake" Sarah suggested.

"Okay..but last one there is rotten egg". Jean replied eagerly.

The two girls ran through the woods, only a few yards away from a long empty road that intersected the woods from the lake.
Jean and Sarah were practically tied but Sarah quickly took the lead and Jean halted. Sarah ran on the roads pavement but sensed that her best friend was no longer racing. She stopped and looked back at her friend.

A million voices spoke in Jeans head at the same time, they never stopped and she was having these problems recently.

"Whats wrong Jean?" Sarah asked in concerned manor as she panted for air

"Its those voices again" Jean replied, she held her head as if she had a terrible migraine.

"Again, tell them to leave you alone." Sarah insisted.

"They wont leave me alone...Lets go back!" Jean yelled.

"Oh come on, we're right there...the lake is right across the woods over there" Sarah stated as she pointed to her desired location.

"Lets go back! Lets just go! Lets go back!" Jean yelled her request.

"Are you sure..we're right next to it" Sarah said trying to persuade Jean to continue the journey.

"I keep getting a feeling something terrible is going to happen, so can we go please!" Jean begged.

Sarah let out a heavy sigh, she pulled back her blonde hair, she wanted to support her friend.

"Okay fine, but I get to pick what game we play when we get there" She told her.

"Okay" Jean agreed quickly, the voices still didnt stop but her friend's approval to return made her feelscarcely better.


Before Sarah had the time to walk off the streets a car quickly came careening toward her, the young girl let out a blood curdling scream before she was crushed underneath the tires.

"NOOOOO!" Jean squealed.

Droplets of blood sprayed on her face and her white Britney Spears T-shirt. Jean ran toward her best friend's corpse. She watched as the car sped away, not even stopping to see if her beloved Sarah was alright.

"Sarah?...Sarah!" She yelled as she gently shook her, trying to get her to move or say a word.

She tried using her abnormal ability, she tried entering her head but she couldnt pick up her thoughts and got a brain freeze as an effect. Tears cascaded down her eyes, as she continued to gently shake her best friend. The green in her eyes vanished and slowly became dark blood red. The streets headlights began to snap and the light bulbs began to pop above her. Glass showered down upon the street, some cutting her but in her rage she did not notice. The electric cables ripped apart from the wooden streetlight poles. Sparks fell upon the long empty street. The trees behind her moved violently as if there were a hurricane in the area. Some snapped and flew onto the road. The wooden traffic light poles fell over, snapping as if they were toothpicks. Long wire gauges gashed from the poles and slashed through nearby trees. The car that hit Sarah sped off quickly, the car ran at over 100 MPH, trying to escape the havoc unleashed in the area. Jean slowly elevated her hand, in a quick gesture, a flex of the fingers and a swing of her arm, she caused the car to fly off the road. The car was tossed into the air by some abnormal telekinetic force, it flew backward for a few seconds at about 70 feet off ground, before it had a chance to crash back down to the car it imploded in midair. Glass and metal showered down and the driver was instantly killed. The car crashed to the ground, crushed up like a ball. Jean clutched her friends dead body tightly, sobbing uncontrollably as the disastrous catastrophe continued around her.

September 21, 1997

"You dont understand, Dr.Xavier,my daughter isnt like most kids.What makes you think that she'd be able to fit in in a school?" Elaine Grey spoke out, she wiped her tears with a tissue.

"Everyday when she comes home from school they taunt her, the children at her school, they taunt her for beng different. Parents have sent us letters demanding us to leave the neighborhood, theyve sent us death threats" John said in heartbroken manor.

"Dr.John Grey, we live in a society that fears anything that is different. It is only mankind’s natural reaction to do so, but we as mutants must learn to control our abilities. Life is never easy Mr. and Mrs.Grey...for any of us,mutant or not, but this world can be quite spiteful at times and a child is just a child, no child deserves to be rejected by society because of their difference, no matter what that difference maybe."

"I understand, you just dont know how hard it is," Elaine began, she took a deep breath trying to fight back her tears "you dont know how hard it is for your child to come running home everyday and to tell you that she is afraid of the kids at school, that she thinks they'll hurt her "

Dr. John Grey put his arm around his tragic-stricken wife to comfort her.

"I dont want Jean to go through that again. Its been over a year since her best friend died in an accident. we feel that if there is anything" She looked deep into Dr.Xavier's eyes. "Anything, that can be done to help our daughter from all this mess...we'll take it, even if we wont see her for a year, she shouldnt have to live like this" She told the professor.

"This school she is going to has others-" The professor didnt have to read his mind to know what he was going to ask.

"Yes there are others like her, others dealing with the same problems Jean is, fighting to be accepted in their society."

"I trust that you can help her in anyway possible Dr.Xavier" Elaine said in a somber voice.

"I promise I will help Jean in anyway possible. Can I see her?"

Eleven year old Jean watched the kids play outside through her window. She quickly fixed her hair, checking herself in the mirror making sure she didnt look too miserable

Dont worry you dont have to fix your hair for me Jean, as youll soon notice I dont even have any

Jean turned around and looked at the door, it slowly opened.

"Jean, your mother and I would like you to meet somebody" Dr.John Grey said politely.

He opened the door wider and in walked in Elaine Grey and Dr.Charles Xavier.

"Honey, this is Dr.Charles Xavier" Elaine said introducing the doctor to Jean. "Dr.Charles Xavier...Jean"

Its okay Elaine I believe "We've already met" Dr.Xavier sounded.

"Jean, your father and I are going to leave you with Dr.Charles Xavier, If you two need anything just call our names." Elaine said, she walked out of the room closing the door behind her

When I was your age I used to go through the exact same things as you Jean. Charles looked at her, showing compassion

"Really?" Jean asked, with some sort of hope. The hope within her voice quickly faded, an awkward silence satiated the room

"When I was ten years old, my best friend died in front of me." Her eyes became red and she was tense. "I watched her died right before my eyes, she was ran over by a car..and because of what I saw you know what I did?" She looked into Xaviers eyes. "I did really really bad things.The people here, they think I killed her. You dont know what its like when the whole town is against you, thinking you murdered your best friend."

Xavier looked around the room;stuffed animals, barbies, and other loose objects in Jeans room began to levitate.

"They think I killed my best friend, only because Im a little different" The tears flooded her eyes.

"Theres nothing wrong with me, is there?Is there anything wrong with me?" The Jean Grey demanded.

"There isnothing wrong with you Jean. We are the same, struggling to be accepted although we are hated and feared by many. At the school for the gifted you can learn to control your amazing powers for the better of both mankind and mutantkind.What do you say...Why dont you give it a chance. There are others just like you, you'd be able to make new friends who would accept you for who you are. You know, I know a young girl about your age who is dying to meet you, her name is Ororo, and there are many more like her.What do you say, why dont you give this school a chance"

You can always go back if you dont like it.

A smile crossed Jeans morbid face.Okay,I think Ill try it
Like I said in your other thread I like it a lot post more please :D
Thanks...Im guessing by your name that you like Rogue, she has a big part in the story
Yeah big fan of Rogue Maybe you could check out my X3 story it is different I am working on X4 now... but maybe you could also read my story and give me some feedback
The not too distant future...

John F. Kenney Airport, New York

Neena Thurman entered the airplane, she exhaled deeply. She was nervous, she had a small phobia of heights. She pushed back her shoulder length raven black hair.

"Its okay" She heard her boyfriend’s voice behind her.

She walked on the plane. She looked around her, at the passengers. There were a few old women and men in the first class section, all elegantly dressed and one young mother with a newborn baby. She walked closer to her seat.

Oh great She thought, she sat right behind a group of young boys, all about the age of nine.

"Eric...Eric?" She called out as her boyfriend put a few of their bags in the cabinets.

"What?" He asked,somewhat annoyed.

"I don’t want to sit by the window" She told him.

"Alright give me the seat". The two swamped seats.

"Still nervous?" He wondered.

"Close the window",he quickly followed her demands.

" a magazine or something, it’ll help you focus on something else" .

She snatched the magazine and randomly opened it, "Hmm...Investigators find the real reason why Kennedy Jr.’s plane crashed" She read a loud from the cover. "Nice help jerk" She said sarcastically. She threw the magazine back at him.

"All passengers please where your seatbelts, the airplane will take off shortly.If you need help putting on the seatbelts raise your hands and we will assist you." A flight assistant said as she walked through the walk way.

"Babe, you’re looking a little pale.." Eric informed her.

"Its probably the stress" She responded.

"And you have a black eye...what happened" He asked as he held her chin up examining her eye. "Thats funny, its not swollen or anything"

"Oh that, I went to the doctors office, and they said basically what every doctor says when they cant solve a problem. ‘Its just stress’ " She replied.

"Have you ever thought that maybe it is?" Her boyfriend asked.

"Eric..what do I possibly do everyday to bethatstressed out?" She questioned.

"Probably it’s the phobias." He replied.

"No its not...cause I don’t go on planes, and if I wasn’t madly in love with you I wouldn’t be taking this trip to Indiana...or Arizona..or where ever you plan on going.See I don’t even know where you’re going..I don’t even know.Where are we going again?" Neena asked.


"I was close...oh crap we’re taking off" Her stress-free moment quickly ended.

She could feel the plane moving. She held on to Eric’s hand as she watched the flight attendants strap on their seatbelts. She could feel the plane move faster and faster, then it began to tilt. It had obviously left the ground and was moving higher. She held tightly too the armrest and closed her eyes. The plane leveled out slowly as it reached it favored altitude. Neena still closed her eyes.

"Cool!That was awesome" She heard the young boys in front of her say.

"Hey neena, its done, takeoff is over" informed Eric.

Neena quickly opened her eyes. It was not because of the information Eric had provided her but because of the quick jolt she felt. She heard a few old ladies gasp as the plane shook. Murmurs quickly spread as the plane shook. Neena took a deep breath, her heart sunk,then all was normal again. A few people laughed it off but the quavering commenced once again, this time stronger. Murmurs turned into screams as the oxygen mask were released from above. Arms dangled in an attempt to retrieve them. Neena held tightly on to her arm rest., she began breathing heavily. The frantic rattles caused a few to fly off their seats and the cabin doors opened. Personal belongings showered down on the flight passengers as they screamed for mercy and assistance. Frantic cries were heardcoming from the cockpits.

A seldom amount of passengers began nervously reciting prayers.Some were brutally killed by the impact of the belongings which caused contusions and concussions. Neena closed her eyes harder as she felt the adrenaline rush of the falling plane.The flight attendents did their best tocalm down the passengers, but even they were unsure of their safety or whether they'd even make it out alive.

Neenaskin became course when she suddenly heard her boyfriend's cry of plea.Her hair brushed against her face as she felt the heavy gust of wind. She looked to her left, what she saw sent chills down her spine. The side of the plane had literally been ripped apart. The cavity was about 15 feet wide. She could feel her airplane seat progressing toward the empty abyss. The sound of nuts and bolts ripping off of the ground scarred her. Since she was so petrified she began to weep.

"HELP ME!" Sounded a familiar voice.

Neena ripped of her oxygen mask.

"ERIC!...Hang on!" She shrieked, her voice was muffled by her tears.

Eric's seat was half way out of the plane. Spasmodically her phobia of height no longer affected her, she would die if she had to, in order to save Eric. She elongated her hand striving to grasp her boyfriend. Eric stretched his hand as well but the seat moved closer into the emptiness, putting further distance between the two. The passengers belongings struck them atall areas but regardless, Neena persued to help Eric.

"Hang on to my hand!" She demanded

She could feel muscle tendons rip as she protracted her arms toward him. The crackling sound of nuts and bolts loosenings gave her more energy to help Eric but the distance between them was too far.

"I cant!I cant hold on!" He yelled, the loud sound of the winds made his word nearly impossible to hear.

"Yes you can!" she encouraged.

She felt her seat slide a hefty amount of inches, that was all that was needed to unconstrain Eric's seat from the plane. He was literally sucked out of the plane within seconds. Neena remained speechless, tears quickly cascaded out of her eyes, which were wide open. A loud gasp escaped her lips, he was gone.

The boys behind her screamed their parents names out loud as one by one each were devoured into the chasm. Neena sobbed as she felt a jarring sensation move along her body, she passed out.

South Portland, Maine

The wave sloshed on the shores of South Portland beach. It was a beautiful day in Southern Maine, not too hot or cold. The beach was empty but an amazing sight none the less, a family of four walked across the shore together. Two parents and two young children, none of the children above the age of seven. The children ran on the shore, slightly jumping on the shallow waters. From the distance,a body could be seen drifting along the shore, it wasnt an ordinary body, it seemed lifeless yet it coated in some sort of mucus awning.

"What is that?" One young boy asked, he ran toward the abnormal carcass.

The young girl stopped in here tracks, a terrible a stench filled up her nose. The stentch of rotten flesh.

"Tommy dont go there, thats nasty. Ill tell on you!" She screamed at her stubborn brother.

A swarm of flies covered the corpse, it seemed as if it were burried within maggots. As the boy approached the carrion a cloud of flies flew around the corpse, making it almost impossible to see the body.

"Oh my, Richard call 9-1-1...Tommy get away from that!"

South Portland Medical Clinic

The three forensic pathologist entered room 147 in the autopsy division of South Portland's medical clinic. Dr. Elizabeth Cohen opened the body bag, it was a terrible sight. The figure was mutilated and covered in an abnormal membrane.

"Gross." She retorted.

"The victim is an unknown male.Found by a family of four on South Portland beach." Dr.John E. Adams read off his clipboard.

"Alright, Ive done over hundreds of autopsies but this is a seriously screwed up corpse" Admitted Dr. Gary Baden.

The two other doctors gave a small chuckle.

"Alright boys, no joking around, first thing we need to do is get this thick coating off of him." Dr. Cohen ordered

"I already have the scalpel" Dr.Adams replied quickly.

"Did any of you examine the pictures yet?" Asked Dr.Baden as he looked for another scalpel in the closet.

"Yeah, seriously I have no clue what killed the guy.This is the weirdest thing Ive seen...this week" Replied the young female doctor.

Dr.Baden handed her a scalpel.

"Okay here are the options...He was abducted by aliens and they played around with him a bit"

"Shut up Gary, really lets finish this so we can get this smelly corpse out and away with" Replied Elizabeth

"Holy sh, what the hell is this thing sh made out of!...The scalpel really isnt working, you might as well put them back...get the electric saw" came a demand from Dr.Adams

"Oh crap, not that...Can you guys tell me, why I got a PhD in forensics again?" Dr.Elizabeth Cohen complained.

Dr.Baden grabbed two electric saws from a nearby cabinet.

"I can say that part of the flesh was burned...maybe fire?or lightning?" One of the pathologist suggested.

Dr.Baden plugged in the electric saws to a nearby outlet.

" you want to do the honors?" Dr.Adams joked around.

"Very funny John,I already claimed scalpel work after its opened"

The two doctors turned on the electric saws.

"You go first." John joked.

"Okay fine, but we're cutting through the chest cavity right?" Asked the prosector.


Dr.Baden lowed the electric saw toward the chest cavity.The mucus layer seemed to be slowly deteriorating. A puddle formed on the ground as the solid coating turned to liquid. The rapid rate of condensation allowed the pathologist to see a face. The body was clearly a caucasian male, although he had a greenish tint to his skin. In a second his mouth opened and out came a long slick tongue. The tongue hit Dr.Adam's arms causing the electric saw to penetrate through his skull. A petrified scream escaped Elizabeth's lips. The tongue swivered quickly, Gary tried slicing it with his electric saw but only failed. In horror,Dr.Elizabeth Cohenfell back as the tongue knocked the autopsy headlight needed for the operation. The heavy headlights fell on slashed her terrified face, sparks burning her flesh, and the weight of the object crushed her skull.

The slimy tongue wrapped around Dr.Baden's neck, preventing him from breathing. His eyes instantly became bloodshot, in a split second he was sent flyng across the room. His body crashed through the opaque glass cabinets, upon impact his body was crushed.

By now all three prosectors were brutally murdered and the membrane was fully condensed. The body on the dissecting table sat up, he slurped his tongue inside his mouth, the toad.
Lake Alkai, Canada

The temperatures at lake alkai were well below zero degrees celsius. The surface of the lake was frozen solid. The sun was shining bright and there hadn’t been anybody in the area for long periods of time. Wildlife flourished around the frozen lake. The surface of the lake slowly cracked, disturbing the utter silence in the area. The ice on the surface of the water began to melt and crack rapidly. The water was hot and the temperature of the lake quickly increased despite the fact of the freezing temperature. The water seemed to be boiling, largebubbles popped to the surface of the lake.

Salem Center, New York

Professor Charles Xavier clutched his head. At had been 3 years since he lost one of his first students Jean Grey. He exhaled deeply and looked out the window, he looked at the meadows around the school, and deep past it the thick forest that surrounded it.

"Professor?" A young girl asked, she wore a hood and covered her hands in gloves. She pushed her hair back, a natural brunette with a white highlight she obtained during an encounter years ago.

The Professor was deep in thought looking out the window.

"Professor?" Rogue called out again.

"Oh, pardon me Rogue." He excused himself.

The old man looked at a class of young adults before him.

"You were talking about dynamic equilibrium and vapor pressure." She tried reminiscing.

"Right dynamic equilibrium," The professor began but he quickly clutched his head again.

He felt a sharp ache through the recess of his mind.

"Forgive me. We'll continue the lesson on our next meeting, no homework".

Sighs of relief came from just about every scholar in the professor's office as they left. Charles Xavier closed his eyes and exhaled , he needed to relax.

Professor,please help me! He heard a voice say, it sounded too familiar.

“Jean” He whispered to himself.

In aninstant his mind was already on the job, he tried communicating telepathically but the result was what happened to any telepath who communicated with the dead, a brain freeze. The professor looked out the window, he had yet to understand what was going on.

British Columbia, Canada

Sitting inside Logan had already had 16 mugs of beer. The country music changed to 80s pop, Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. It wasn’t his taste but he chuckled at the irony. He gulped down the last bit of beer in his mug and glanced at the TV screen. It was channelseven news,

"Investigators are finding out more clues on what could of caused the terrible plane crash that left all 234 passengers dead except for sole survivor Neena Thompson. The young girl is currently in custody, aside from minor cuts she is unharmed. We'll be bring more on this story. As for now Im Kristy Kruek, Fox 7 news"

“Anymore?” Asked the bartender.

“Yeah, another, make that Heineken.” Logan added.

For second he drifted off, all he could think about was Redd, Jean Grey.

It had been 3 years since the woman he loved died, sacrificing her life for the team. Jean was one of a million, no woman would ever replace the love he had for Jean. His moment of reminiscence quickly ended when the bar tender slammed the beer on the wooden counter top. Logan began drinking some more beer. His facial expressions were exhausted, he was emotionally drained, lacked the energy he once had, lacked motivation. A sigh escaped Logan’s lips, he was about to take another sip of his beer when he dropped the glass. It instantly shattered on the ground and beer sloshed over the floor. A jarring migraine came from Logan’s head.


It was Jean’s voice, he looked around the room. People starred at him, bothered by his disturbing behavior. He clutched his head as he looked around the room, he heard Jean’s voice again, calling his name. Then a unexplainable pain came from his knuckles, blood splattered as six long knives sliced between each of Logan’s knuckles. The claws slowly came out, abnormally his healing factor seemed to be temporarily disabled. Logan shrieked in agony, he felt a terrible pain around his knuckles as well as his head. The jarring migraine soon ceased, it took Logan a few seconds to realize what had happened. He panted heavily, somehow the panting eased the pain quicker.

“Get out of the bar!” Yelled the bartender.

“Oh not this again...Cant a guy get a beer in this world without always having to be threatened.” Logan complained to himself.

“Get out of the bar!I swear, I have a shotgun and im not afraid to use it!” The bartender threatened. “Your kind isn’t accepted here!”.

Logan walked toward the counter, the bartender moved back as a reflex. Logan retracted his claws in a menacing fashion, he gave the bartender an intimidating look and grabbed his jacket.

“Id like to see you try that bub,” He said, heading for the exist.

Outside Logan got on his Harley Davison motorcycle, it was a rare edition, less than 10 left in the world, of course he had taken it without permission fromScott.He looked out, deep into the Canadian woods

“Redd,” He whispered to himself.

He turned on the motorcycle and rode away, he had to head back to the X-mansion, maybe the professor would be able to answer his questions.

Salem Center, New York

The door opened to the professor’s office.

“Professor,” Ororro begun.

“Ororro, what is it?” The Professor asked as he turned to face her.

“I believe that’s the question I came to ask you. Its been three days in a row that youve been letting the kids off early, not giving homework. Whats going on?” Ororro asked in her thick African accent.

The Professor gave a small chuckle “Well you know,” The Professor started.

Ororro waited for the answer impatiently.

“Stress?..I don’t know, something has been bothering me lately-”

“Its Jean isn’t it?” Ororro asked.

“Can you believe, this Friday will be three years, three years since she died.” Charles said with such anguish in his voice.

“She was a great friend, my best friend. With all due respect professor, Jean’s death has affected all of us.” Ororro told him.

“But some more than others, Scott is a changed man and Logan, Logan left off once again.”

“Some things are out of your control, Logan is a loner, no matter how much we want him to stay he never will” Ororro replied, she gave him a warm smile in an effort to comfort him.

“Hes here.” The Professor informed.

“Who?” Ororro asked.


Ororro walked into the elevator and the Professor came along as well. Ororro’s heart raced,the two had an on and off relationship in the past, but she still had feelings for him.

“Oh don’t worry, Ororro your hair is fine.” The Professor replied.

“Reading my mind Professor?” She asked.

“No but you’ve tried at least 5 different hair styles in the past 5 minutes” He revealed to her.

She laughed at the though, she pulled down her shirt and pushed her long white hair back.

She took a deep breath

“Im nervous” She admitted.

“It doesn’t take a telepath to figure that out” The Professor replied.

The elevator door slowly opened

.................................................. ...................

Dr.Hank McCoy looked out at the small prairie that was around the mansion and the woods that surrounded it beyond. He turned away from the window. He was lost for a second, he looked at his arm. The hair on his skin had already turned blue, pretty soon, he hypothesized that his on going mutation would cause him to have blue fur. His hands were abnormally large as were his feet. For a second he felt the agony and remembered the cruelty he endured as a child for being different.

The moment of remembrance ended, he was happy that it ended. He could here footsteps walk closer due to his sensitive hearing. The door opened and in walked in Ororro and Professor Charles Xavier. Hank stood to his feet. He glared at her for a few seconds, before him a beautiful woman that didn’t judge him for what he looked like but who he was. People like that were unfortunately rare in society.

“Hank,” Ororro said as she slowly walked to him. “Long time no see” She said as she gave him a nice long hug.

“Its been a long time.” He replied. She let him go and Hank gave Charles a respectful look.

“I wish I could do the same” Charles told him.

“I wish I could come here to give you all good news, but I cant.” He sounded unfortunate.

“What’ wrong?” Ororro asked.

“As you may know, I was given a high position in the government, for mutant defense. What they plan to do to us is cure us, they plan to cure us.” Hank said coldly.

Ororro looked at Charles,

“Cure us?” Charles asked, slightly bewildered.

“There is a new drug created by a pharmaceutical company, it is designed to cure mutation among humans. Depending on the mutant the cure may take an affect at different time rates.” Dr.McCoy informed.

The Professor gave a stressful sigh.

“This makes no sense biochemically. Wont there be health hazzards from this?” He asked.

“Yes, that is one of my main concerns. Mutation being such a long process, de-mutating a hetero sapien in a matter of hours or weeks can have a jarring affect and can lead to terrible diseases or even death. There is a 50 survival rate for those who take the cure and those who survive the cure may have genetic defects among future generations” He replied sadly.

“This is crazy, there is nothing wrong with us. How did they create this cure?” Ororro asked.

“Other mutants, the government has tracked down three in total with the means to create the cure. Two of the mutants were captured, one was killed through health complications and recently a shape shifting mutant by the name of Raven Darkholme attempted an assassination on the other young child”

The Professor shook his head “Mystique” he said with bitterness.

“She is now in government custody” Hank replied.

“This is all wrong,” Ororro replied, she was clearly upset.

She walked and looked out the window of the vast living room, she saw plenty of young children running around, all mutants.

“There is nothing wrong with us, why would the government take a chance to give us this cure when it can kill us, this cant be right” She responded.

“Half the things done in the government aren’t right regardless. The search is on for the other child,” Hank began

“Her name is Samantha Maddox.”

“If Mystique tried to kill that boy, that means they know about the program,” Ororro said “They’re going to try and kill her before the government finds her”

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