Opening scene shows Storm working in the "late" Prof. X's office writing dayplans for classes as mutant children walk in preparing for class. Skip to Logan in Scott Summers old tech class talking to some students about survival and being on your own, where one kid asks what this has to do w/ shop class and the real world. Of course wolverine just smiles, then you hear a loud explosion.
Skip to the danger room where a group of young "trainee" mutants are led by Ice man fighting off mini versions of setinals. The Mutants included are shadow cat, jubilee, some other random ones and angel. Up in the corner you see Rouge w/ a checklist making observations in a room w/ a 2 way mirror. In walks Collosus asking for updates and a situtaion report to give back to Prof Aurora. Rouge just shakes her head. Then we see the young mutants gettin there ass'es handed to them by the robots and Bobby Drake yelling at them to work as a team. Finally in desperation bobby jumps in and starts to perform mop up duty on whats left before him. (if i keep going like this ill go forever so ill shorten this) Somehow drake gets himself in a tough spot and see's that his younger pupils are in a dangerously possibly fatal situation. Just as hes about to make his decision Angel comes out of his shell and rescues his friends to safety and then proceeds back to drakes postition where the 2 of em finish up the practice in a elite breathtaking battle. This of course puts Angel as the next canidate to recieve a "X".
Next scene we are at a secret location (for once not the white house) where some human foreign and american abassadors are gathering w/ some military experts and the sec. of mutant affairs of the US Hank McCoy. In walks some tech guy reporting of some unusual patterns of energy coming from the same lake that phoenix came from ( id say the name but i dont remember). He also states that theres been a series of explosions and everytime a satelite gets a feed it gets scambled. McCoy looking worried knows that if its what he thinks then there is gonna be a serious threat.(This keeps the option open for another rebirth of phoenix)
Now go back to this huge steel transport trailer on a train car going into a tunnel along w/ another ahead of it. We see tons of security personel in the small train car and we see another sep train car ahead w/ guns attatched and soilders mounting them. Small talk conversation is being made in the main car where suddenly the lights in the tunnel go out and the power decreases slowing down the 2nd train car. The operator radios to the first car and the order is confirmed to move into percautionary positions. The Lt. signals his men to move ahead w/ out the 2nd car and secure the tunnel from the exit portion before moving any further while the 2nd car stays back w/ the "Package" , as they call it. It gets quiet and then you hear on a radio men yelling and screaming in agony. Some guns go off and a huge explosion occurs at the exit portion of the tunnel trapping the 2nd car to where it can go no further. The command unit goes into a holding procedure and the main comander realizes to get a signal he has to go outside of the car to request help. He apoints 2 men to come outside and the rest to stay inside. As the comander walks down the indside of the car we see 3 huge steel cages w/ names written on them but its quick so you only see a glance. We watch from a soilder POV as the commander goes outside. (skip up a few scenes quick here) Comander goes outside, raido man cant get a signal, then we hear a loud bump on the roof of the car, men look over and see a huge shadowy figure w/ green eyes staring them down. Men shoot at it then cut back to inside car where men inside brace for battle. Next you see torn shriviled bodys (including the commander) get thrown through the window and the door torn open. The men inside shoot desperatly fearing for there lives but nothing comes in. Suddenly the beast crashes through the roof and tears up 2 other guys leaving the rest for desert. We see the green eyed figgure look up and for the first time, Finally! Sabertooth is back.
Back to some park in NYC where we Eric (Mags) playing chess w/ a group of old men dominating w/ respectfull taste. A old man sitting in the back in shrouds looking homeless walks up to eric and challenges him as they start to play they talk about pawns and queens and how pawn should never be confused with a queen especialy one that comes back from the dead and the eyes of the old man turn yellow like a cat (this is to show mystiqe's powers have come back) Eric smiles appoligizes and explains why he left her. {Whats important is that it shows that the cure was only temp.} Eric then moves some of the pieces (like he did at the end of the 3rd film).
Cut back to the Mansion where Angel is recieving some recognition for his skills and ability and is being put in the final trial where he goes in the danger room all by himself. We see him enter and battle a setinal alone he fights hard and just when u think hes gonna lose he wins. Of course Storm/Logan/Collosus/Iceman all watch this and he is accepted into the Xmen. Then we pan down the room and look at a empty doorway that shows cerebro's lights on like someone is using it from a outside source...
After the battle we cut back and forth to Magneto walking along a rd feeling more confident and at the school where rouge is walking out w/ Angel and Collosus. Cut back to Magneto walking into a old deserted steel plant and atempts to open the door w/ his powers. It works but only slowly. Then we see rouges eyes fall back and she falls on angel knocking him over and landing on top of his wings, It becomes apparent that Rouges powers are returning and taking away Angels. Collosus rushes to her to help her get up but she drains Peter's powers from him as well. We then see magneto destroy a lg steel wall. This is important b/c is explains how Rouge gets her real powers. Bobby only watches in dissapointment. Kitty rushes to Collosus's aid and Angel seems to be rendered unconcious. (Speeding up) Maria wakes up to find her self w/ the ability to float (Angel) and she has some hard hitting skills (Collusus). Although Peter is seems only dazed, Warren is unconcious and has to be put in the infirmary.
Back to the train car where sabertooth is bloody and tearing **** up all around him. We hear a voice w/ a raspy (sinister sound) telling him to find and release the target. Creed walks to the door labeled < do not remove unless sedated {CAIN} >. Door opens and we see a half awake juggernaut confused but antsy to get escape. Sabes cuts the locks and juggs jumps out he moves toward the back of the car where lady deathstrike walks in w/ a lg helmet in her hands. The same voice instructs her to place the helmet on his head" or somthing to that nature. Juggs naturally refuses and a stare down breaks out between him sabes and lady deathstrike. Now in the comotion callisto is awoken in her cage and in the first lunge that sabertooth makes at juggernaut, she is jarred loose and freed. As she escapes Sinister blows the whole back of the car out and walks in saying shes not welcome and orders deathstrike to kill her. Being that Juggs and Callisto knew each other from before and were both now targets of Sinister they join and a interesting unique battle occurs between the 4 while sinister watches. In the end juggs ends up barely surviving but sinister puts him in a spell and the helmet is attatched. You see Juggernaut look up and his eyes go from brown to a glowing green. Callisto now knows its 3-1 and is wounded badly, realizing her chances are slim she flees. Sinister lets her go and informs his men to retrieve the final "target"
(I know its slim to have all 3 main henchmen back but none were never really confirmed dead) My aproach would be to say that Sabertooth only got thrown into a lake (hardly the way for him to die), Juggernaut only knocked himself out so he could have easily survived the ravages of Phoenix, and lady deathstrike has mutant regeneration so the metal could have been absorbed into her blood like it was in wolverines bones. Which makes for a great twist and battle later. An w/ Sinister leading the 3 HOLY **** right? so to break this down a little faster...
We cut back the the woods that McCoy was being informed on earlier and we see this shadowy long beared long haired character walking w/ a sling on his arm limping a great bit. his face is bruised and eyes swolen shut. He stumbles around the woods feeling his way around trees and rocks carrying a long walking stick. A whisper is sounded "follow me, follow my voice" . He looks confused and looks around, then moves a little faster, cut to a loud thumping sound coming from the ground. (Camera Pans ahead) We see trees being blasted down and rocks being blasted out of the way. Then we see from the back in a pov its Juggernaut charging the figgure . Cut back to the man as he doest know whats going on but knows it cant be good. Then we hear the whisper again, "follow your insticts" the character dives just in the nick of time but not before we see sabertooth grab him and throw him into a wall of rocks stunning him. Deathstrike walks out holding a eye visor and just as shes about to retrieve the body a beast from the trees attacks w/ its tail and legs kicking her out of the way. The beast then quickly stands in front of the injured man. He runs to the man picks him up and Teleports him back to this huge medical center where the first person we see is Moira Mctaggert.
Looking from the ceiling down you see the wounded man, nightcrawler, moira, and some nurses tending to the wounds of the injured bearded man. Moira says "hes in bad shape but nothing we cant fix. You hear the words "Wonderfull news Moira" , (From behind) you see a wheel chair aproach the body then hear the vc of patrick stewart. "To have my right hand man back is, to walk again." Prof X then looks down and says "your memory has been erased but your skills have been greatened, you will be my predecessor Scott". Man just looks up and says "who are you?" X responds w/ "just a mutant like you". Scott then resonds w/ "whats a mutant?" cuts out....(important b/c this is the bringing back of prof x and cyclops but they will both be diff now so you can have diff actors play them or maybe just this cameo of patrick stewart. Also scotts memory is wiped clean so you can have him be strong again like before jeans death.
now that i have summarized the more critical parts of the movie
i can go in less depth of what could follow. All the mutants have been returned at some point so now we can follow up w/ where the storyline goes.
-Sinister hired the 3 strongest battle tested mutants to use or control to achieve his objective, unlike magneto sinister basicaly wants to take control of all species. mutant/human alike
-Wolverine/Storm/Collosus/Iceman/Rouge are your main new Xmen, shadow cat, jubilee and angel are our up and commers.
-Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Sinister, and Deathstrike are your villians
-small role cameos (prof x, mags, mystique, callisto, nightcrawler, beast to a extent.
-Sabertooth and LadyDeathstrikes return can be explained in the wolverine solo movie
-Callisto will somehow get back to Magneto to warn him about sinister but mags isnt strong enough, so he only acts as secret source to storm about what to do, (outside leadership source)
-kitty and peter start to have some chemistry
-rouge and bobby begin to seperate
-angel loses the power in his left wing and is basicaly a paralyzed mutant, he leaves the school
-in the battle between sinister and the xmen they all get laid out bad, untill cyclops come back and saves the day wounding/killing sinister. Since its Scotts powers thats sinisters weakness
-mind control devices are removed by beast who later joins the battle and has them all arrested since they werent under there own power.
-Angel apears but get captured by a unknown force who later is Apocalypse, Apoc promises to give him his wings back in exchange for his services, this creates arcangel and the 1 of the four horsemen is put in place for the next moive whic would obviously deal w/ The coming of Apocalypse
-Gambit is introduced but only as a henchman for apoc, that would change later tho
I think as this is very unlikely for a movie it sure would fill the gap that was left w/ the previous movie and create a new triliogy to work w/ while still keeping the old characters available. i dunno i got carried away...