If i were president i would resign.
My vice president would have been my brother. and i would hope he would resign, and i would like to think he would.
The job is such that i cannot even imagine what may bear down from undertaking it.
I watch the HBO special, "john adams" and think about what an amazing actor Paul giamatti is... even though the problems then may seem more paramount then as do the ones we face now its hard to imagine where i would start on the first day should i have the balls to think i could be a valid representitive of the people.
On the first day... I would probably overwork myself in vain thinking everything could be accomplished in one day like a complete bafoon.
Though my brother is no politician, i admit neither am i. and in imagining such a preposterous idea as myself as president deserves an equally preposterous idea of someone whos sense tempers my own, whos judgement i respect... and who i could count on in the event of my death.
as for my cabinet i would look no further than this board, as the political ideologies and fanaticism range in such a way that im sure if everyone here was included everyone stands a fair chance of being represented. Except for people without internet... and i would include them by finding some amish folk or some such.
My number one issue would be...
it would not be war, it would not be issues of race gender, sexual affinity, abortion... or anything.
it would be energy.
I would endeavor to fix our countries rail system. i would embolden our pursuits into alternative energy in a way that is important and relavent.
i would create jobs in this sector like a madman, and i would desperately try to convince people to lead lives that realize the toll that they take as they lead them. Environment, economy, and many social issues rely on this more thananything. i would focus on the medusa of energy.