1. Spider-Man 2: My all time fav villain is brought to life on screen in this one.Much more superior action than in the first one,and the supporting characters like Harry,JJJ,and Aunt May have much better roles.
2. Batman Begins: A Batman movie that really stays true to the roots of Batman.An all star cast give some great performances.A super new beginning to the Batman franchise.
3. X-Men 3: Better action,Beast is finally introduced,Magneto and his brotherhood are at their best,the Phoenix rocks,and some really dramatic deaths.
4. Blade 2: I love the Reapers.Great villains they are,especially Nomak.Whistler has a much bigger and better role.
5. Batman Returns: The Bat,The Cat,The Penguin.Gotham City covered in snow,the penguin army,the batskiboat,Chris Walken as Max Schreck and so much more.