Normally Row A or B right at the the middle. Too close and my eyes hurt. Besides when you're at the back you don't have people behind you, so you can see everything that is happening.
So as far to the back as possible and in the middle so that I can ge the best position
When I worked there...someone left a salsa sauce dip tray on the seat....and cuz it was dark and i thought I'd sit down before I had to clean up....I got f**king salsa sauce all over my arse.
Extremely fat people always seem to sit next to me.Always reaching in their loud crinkly snack bags,chrunching loudly on their chips,and shaking around their iced right next to my ears. Either that,or the silly f***s who ask a million questions throughout the movies.
I sit about 4 rows from the very back at my Grand Theatre. 8 Seats over. Nearly the exact middle. Closer to the back than middle I guess. If you are sitting anywhere but the exact middle, you aren't getting the best surround sound quality. I like to get what I pay for.
I'm usually sitting in a theatre nearly the back and middle, in a screening that doesn't have noisey people or children.
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