Sci-Fi Alien: Romulus (2024)

Just got back from Alien. Hot take: it's a masterpiece. Controversial, I know :o

Still waiting and seeing on this new one
After how clean and shiny the last 2 movies looked it does feel nice to return to the aesthetic of wet and grimy.
Ridley Scott is 86 years old. Imagine being that skilled at anything at the age of 86.
You'd think filmmakers would learn from George Lucas and the prequel films how over dependency on CGI special effects can deter acting performances even from high tier actors.
I certainly think while there are plenty of younger directors who grew up with CG are okay with using it every shot, much of the time I believe it's the studios dictating this is what they're doing. Regardless if your garden variety MCU filmmaker WANTS practical effects and such, since all these movies change so much in post, they just dont get given that option. Unless you cut the budget down to lower the perceived risk. We can do it for this r-rated franchise movie, but maybe not Star Wars and such.
As I get older, the CGI in both Attack of The Clones and Revenge of The Sith have become so increasingly distracting. Especially when you see flashbacks in stuff like Ashoka where Clone Troopers are actual people in real suits and not just computer generated. One of the reasons I honestly respect The Phantom Menace a lot. It had a very healthy balance while feeling innovative. The CGI of the latter 2 films didn't look good then, and it doesn't now, and it's only marginally better in Revenge of The Sith (mainly enviornments). Even then, the Clone Troopers look flat out bad. Again, it's one of the reasons my appreciation of Phantom Menace has only increased over time. Remember, Attack of The Clones released the SAME year as Spider-Man and The Two Towers. There's really no excuse.
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I'm not an expert on CGI, nor do I place that much importance on it one way or the other as far as creating a sense of immersion for me, but I've always thought the CGI in The Phantom Menace was actually better than that which is used in The Matrix. Heretical opinion, I know, but it's how I've always felt.
CGI was groundbreaking for films that allowed us to see things that weren't possible before. Whether it's Jurassic Park with the Dinos, The Matrix with bullet time, or seeing Spider-Man swinging through NYC. Those films had a believability to them because it was still combined with realistic practical stuff. CGI has always served a great purpose, but it got abused due to the fact that it's easier.
Episode 1 has some bad CGI, but it looks better than Episodes 2 of 3 largely. The Matrix CGI never looks "real" but it's stylized and The Matrix itself is a simulation of reality, so it works better there than say the Star Wars stuff. CGI needs to either be realistic or stylized. When it's meant to look real and it doesn't, it's ugly. Episodes 2 and 3 I cannot watch cause they just look like visual diarrhea. I also dislike the current everything looks like it was done on a CG backdrop trend as well. But a good story can make me excuse some of that, but when the movie isn't fulfilling that need, the ugly visuals become more apparent
There's a balance to a lot of movies from the 90s where CGI isn't relied on as heavily but it's there to compliment and work well with the practical effects. Some of those movies still hold up insanely well today compared to many other movies. I can watch The Matrix, Terminator 2 or Jurassic Park today and still be amazed at how good they look and then I watch a MCU movie from the last 10 years and I think "they really needed to do this in CGI?".
Attack of The Clones, aside from a few moments and a beautiful score, is almost unwatchable for me at this point. I used to enjoy it more, but I just can't anymore. The scene between Anakin and the tusken raiders along with the Kamino fight are literally the only 2 scenes in the movie that are good. It's just a visually ugly film and boring.
You don't like Dooku interrogating Obi-Wan?

Dooku in general is a character I've grown to love over the intervening years. I didn't much care for his character when AOTC first came out.
I don't understand why they don't rely more heavily on practical effects all across the industry. It was cheaper then, why wouldn't it be cheaper now? I'm a firm believer that being restrained with the budget makes you much more creative in how to resolve stuff.
I don't understand why they don't rely more heavily on practical effects all across the industry. It was cheaper then, why wouldn't it be cheaper now? I'm a firm believer that being restrained with the budget makes you much more creative in how to resolve stuff.
Maybe its the cynic in me but it feels like laziness to me. Getting practical to look wonderful requires a lot of effort both on the people designing the practical sets and props but also how you shoot it and light it and to me a lot of the CGI filled blockbusters scream "lets just leave it to the IT guys and they will make it look good".
Maybe its the cynic in me but it feels like laziness to me. Getting practical to look wonderful requires a lot of effort both on the people designing the practical sets and props but also how you shoot it and light it and to me a lot of the CGI filled blockbusters scream "lets just leave it to the IT guys and they will make it look good".
I think you're completely right.
You don't like Dooku interrogating Obi-Wan?

Dooku in general is a character I've grown to love over the intervening years. I didn't much care for his character when AOTC first came out.
The scene is fine, and I love Christopher Lee obviously. One more positive I'll throw in is even though I think the film is very dull, I appreciate Lucas stuck to his guns made the film he wanted to make. He loved the world building, and his imaginition is in every frame. That's what keeps it from being the worst Star Wars film, but it really is not a good movie, imo.
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Any word on when we might get the first proper trailer? Part of me want to not watch anymore because the teaser was enough but I also just want more. :D

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