BvS Batman Vs. Superman... can this be a fair physical fight?


Facing only the Facts
Sep 20, 2012
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Considering the Man of Steel sequel will officially have a physical fight between Superman and Batman... this thread is simply to discuss whether or not a fight between a new Batman and a Chris Nolan-inspired Man of Steel could realistically have a cinematic fight.

"Hey, Superman.... you can't just go around killing bad guys to save people's lives..."

Personally, I never thought this would work since I first saw Man of Steel on opening night. Since they're going with the whole "Nolan" realistic vibe, naturally, Superman would pulverize Batman in the first scene... wouldn't he?

Can they give Batman armor that could realistically deflect heat vision? Could Batman realistically take a punch from Superman, considering in Man of Steel a punch would send somebody through a building? I don't think any of this makes sense.

Batman's Powers:
Ninja Skills, Advanced Tech & Weaponry, Bat Plane, Body Armor, Falling With Style
Batman's Weaknesses:
Anything a normal human in armor couldn't withstand, A powerful blow to the back.
Superman's Powers:

Flight, Ridiculous Super strength, X-Ray Vision, Laser Eyes, Super Speed, Countless other powers...
Superman's Weaknesses:

Adapting/Re-adapting from Earth to Kryptonian life, Kryptonite.

So... unless Batman uses his tech to make Kryponite boxing gloves.... how would he ever stand a chance?
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With the all-but-certain intro of Lex and now of Bruce/Batman, there's gonna be kryptonite involved. Odds are gonna change.
With the all-but-certain intro of Lex and now of Bruce/Batman, there's gonna be kryptonite involved. Odds are gonna change.

It's going to be SUCH a cop-out if ends up being Batman with Kryptonite boxing gloves.... just sayin'.
I'm gonna go with a red sun/ kryptonian atmosphere or conditions created artificially.

I don't want them to have a glowing green rock as I think that's going be cheesy in the world Snyder has created.
The whole 'batman vs superman' argument has always been stupid. Superman could crack him in half in a heartbeat, no questions asked. Unless of course Batman has kryptonite, which would be just as deadly to superman in the hands of my grandmother as it would be in batman's possession.
I have no problem with Batman having byzantine plans that can put a hurt on Supes. But a physical fight with Henry C.'s MOS Superman should be tabled. Batman can challenge Superman in a more character and personal way. It can be more dramatic than physical. I actually think it's a great idea to have Batman (and I hope) Luthor on screen with Superman. Both are examples of, as Brando's Jor-el said of humankind's "capacity" as it were. Both are driven and brilliant men in their own ways. One will become Clark's enemy and a threat to all he holds dear. The other is destined to be his greatest ally and a friend that proves to Clark that humanity is worth trusting and defending.
Its why no kryptonite was used in MOS.

If they are to get into a fist fight TDK had better bring some kryptonite. It doesn't have to be much but enough to bring Superman's strength and power level down to that of lets say um Bane?
The whole 'batman vs superman' argument has always been stupid. Superman could crack him in half in a heartbeat, no questions asked. Unless of course Batman has kryptonite, which would be just as deadly to superman in the hands of my grandmother as it would be in batman's possession.

The effects of Kryptonite were always inconsistent. Sometimes he can power through and still put up a fight against Metallo, who uses Kryptonite as a damn power source. Yet as soon as someone puts a Kryptonite Ring on the finger, it suddenly gives Superman a completely hard time.
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Well he could just slap a kryptonite ring on, like in Hush.

Of course, there is this.

This shouldn't even be a versus fight. AngryJoe said it best here.


Putting aside fan bias, in a straight up fight, Batman would have no chance.

People say Kryptonite is a cop out, but that, and the red sun, really are the only things that would give Batman a chance.

Ironically, depowered, Batman would probably kick this Superman's ass, since as far as I can tell, this Clark Kent has no proper martial arts training or experience (something the Kryptonian soldiers even make note of).
the only way Batman might have any form of hope in a real full out fight with Superman where they are both trying to kill each other would be if Batman has Kryptonite.

Thats something alot of you guys have been saying, but you forget one very important fact here, THERE IS NO KRYPTONITE YET!! Goyer and Snyder have confirmed that Kryptonite is not on Earth and Goyer confirmed that the sequel takes place immediately after Man Of Steel, so there is still no Kryptonite, might show it landing on Earth but its highly unlikely that anyone will figure out that its deadly to Superman right off the bat like Lex Luthor magically did in Superman: The Movie.

I think Batman will confuse Superman more by tricking him with his ninja techniques, like how he can actually hide from Superman even with all of Supe's powers and such, but they wont duke it out, Batman would easily lose like that and that would be boring.
Superman has already defeated stronger and smarter opponents that used Kryptonite. Stronger, Metallo. Smarter, Lex Luthor. Batman only wins or fights Superman to a standstill, when literally everything is written in Batman's favor, Superman holds back, and also suddenly is an idiot.
I'm a bigger Batman fan than a Superman fan, but really, objectively speaking, Superman > Batman. He's not only as smart as Batman (if perhaps not as cunning), but he's basically a demigod.

The only way Batman could win is with kryptonite, or by being underhanded (blackmailing Clark Kent).
Superman has already defeated stronger and smarter opponents that used Kryptonite. Stronger, Metallo. Smarter, Lex Luthor. Batman only wins or fights Superman to a standstill, when literally everything is written in Batman's favor, Superman holds back, and also suddenly is an idiot.

I really do hate it when they nerf Superman like that. He is not a stooge. For god's sake he's fought beings with 12th level intelligence ie Brainiac.
the only way Batman might have any form of hope in a real full out fight with Superman where they are both trying to kill each other would be if Batman has Kryptonite.

Thats something alot of you guys have been saying, but you forget one very important fact here, THERE IS NO KRYPTONITE YET!! Goyer and Snyder have confirmed that Kryptonite is not on Earth and Goyer confirmed that the sequel takes place immediately after Man Of Steel, so there is still no Kryptonite, might show it landing on Earth but its highly unlikely that anyone will figure out that its deadly to Superman right off the bat like Lex Luthor magically did in Superman: The Movie.

I think Batman will confuse Superman more by tricking him with his ninja techniques, like how he can actually hide from Superman even with all of Supe's powers and such, but they wont duke it out, Batman would easily lose like that and that would be boring.

I missed these. Linkage, please?
only in a situation like in their fight in red son i think. i don't remember how it went exactly though.
He used lamps that simulated red sunlight. A weakness that wouldn't work, because in MOS, Krypton's sun wasn't red. It was simply old and didn't put out as much radiation as earth's still young sun.

He used lamps that simulated red sunlight. A weakness that wouldn't work, because in MOS, Krypton's sun wasn't red. It was simply old and didn't put out as much radiation as earth's still young sun.


yeah, i was thinking more in line with what happened in the world engine though. the way the atmosphere affected him. maybe bruce and lex reverse engineer that atmospheric mask that some of the kryptonians had so that bruce isn't affected by it. though i don't know how physics wise that'd work.
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I agree with whoever said it shouldn't be a "versus" movie. They should go at it for maybe 10 seconds and then that's it. But you never know with Goyer.
Can it be fair? Hold on while I consult our selection of smiley faces


The answer surfaced, it's a no
I agree with whoever said it shouldn't be a "versus" movie. They should go at it for maybe 10 seconds and then that's it. But you never know with Goyer.

Agreed. This "hero fights hero, then they become friends" concept is about as cliché as it gets. I could deal with that maybe they aren't sure of each other and their methods at first, but an out right fight has been done to death already.
With prep-time ,fighting against Batman is actually unfair. :funny:
A few points people try to use in this debate that are ridiculous.

1. "Batman is, like, wicked smart." I'm not sure why the son of two genetically engineered scientists from an advanced alien race would be dumb. His intelligence almost certainly would be well past "genius" by any human standard.

2. "Batman can do anything with enough prep time." Give them both weeks to prepare some scheme. Superman could go on vacation the whole time, then need mere seconds to replicate or assemble something more advanced given his super speed.

3. "Duh, kryptonite!" Oh, Batman is 20 feet away with kryptonite? Superman blasts him with heat vision.

There really is no conceivable way for Batman to beat him. The reality is, Superman makes the conscious decision every day to ALLOW Batman to exist and do what he does. Batman is an ant compared to him.
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