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Days of Future Past Days of Future Past News and Discussion - - - Part 48

I know this is an old thread, but whatever. I’m rewatching the film.

I’d really like to see a comic, animated movie etc to show what happened in between X3 and the future in DOFP. What is everyone’s theories? What happened to some of the other team members etc?
Some of it were Xplained in the film's viral sites.
Rewatching this tonight.

While it's one of the stronger X-Films...still mad about how the OGs were wasted. Especially Storm and how they retconndd Mystique and didn't bring back Rebecca.

Removing the mutant filter from Mystiques voice was always a mistake, especially since we get plenty of JLaw as a human scenes.
Rewatching this tonight.

While it's one of the stronger X-Films...still mad about how the OGs were wasted. Especially Storm
Hallee Berry was pregnant when this was made. They were lucky to get any scenes with the character. What they did film of her had to have her pregnancy CGId out.
Well ScarJo was pregnant during Age of Ultron which came out just one year later and they made that work. Singer was just a boring action director when it came to mutants with Blast type powers. The action scene they story boarded for Storm would’ve been amazing to see in theaters. Even Iceman just spins round and round as if that would hold the sentinel. They missed a great opportunity to show how cool he is. That’s why DoFP just isn’t high on my list of superhero films. It gives great drama but I need great action to match.
Anna Paquin was also busy filming True Blood which reduced her role in Dofp. However, the film could have showcased the ot cast more if they wanted to. Halle Berry had limited dialogue as well.

In hindsight, now that the franchise is over. The Ot cast as a group was really the backbone of the series despite revolving around the Wolverine/the Professor 70% of the time. The First Class gang couldn't even outgross X1 in North America especially after all that momentum from Dofp and Deadpool. Then Dark PhoeniX was a complete flop.

Like what were they thinking ditching the cast for younger version who were set in the 80s/90s... The scene in Dofp where they are all alive was so good and they should have headlined the cast for X-Men 2016.

Oh really? I must have missed that. Do you have a link to any of that stuff?
I don't think they eXist anymore.

But one of the sites referenced Angel and Beast.
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Yeah following up DoFP with the FC cast was a massive mistake. Can you imagine if they'd instead followed it up with an Age of Apocolypse trilogy starring the original cast?

Main cast could have been Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Beast, Rogue, Iceman, Kitty, and Wolverine. First movie in the trilogy could focus primarily on Scott and Jean. Second could focus on Storm and Beast. Third could focus on Rogue, Iceman, and Kitty. Wolverine would take a back seat and be a supporting character with funny one-liners and occasional cool action moments.

Mystique could show up, but only in a minor role and not played by Jennifer Lawrence. Show us how the altered timeline affected her, since it was set up in DoFP. But it doesn't need to be a huge focus.

Magneto would only have a couple brief appearances in the first two movies, establishing him as leader of Genosha. He would have a larger role again in the third movie when he becomes one of Apocalypse's horsemen. They could have Apocalypse de-age him, bringing Fassbender into the modern time period. They could also have a couple scenes of him interacting with a young Xavier while Xavier is communicating with him telepathically or whatever, so McAvoy gets a little love as well.

Gambit should have an arc across the movies where he transitions from villain to hero.

Angel would be established as being a part of the X-men in this timeline, and eventually become Archangel.

Nightcrawler's gotta come back at some point as well, even if only in a minor role to show what he's up to.

And on an adjacent note, they should set Logan further in the future to give the AoA trilogy more room to breathe. No reason Charles can't be over a hundred in Logan, mutants should naturally live a pretty long time. Set it in 2040 or 2050.
No thanks to all that
Wouldn't have done a trilogy, but I would have definitely made 'Apocalypse' a predominantly future-set movie. The released version felt like such a regression after the stakes of DOFP, no ambition. Use the younger cast as bookends, essentially inverting what was done with DOFP.
Back then the original cast was already for the most part too old, while the younger cast was... well, younger and with actors who overall were more popular names at the time, considering Wolverine could be used for both timelines. Apocalypse may have turned out to be garbage, but the thought process made sense for commercial reasons.
Back then the original cast was already for the most part too old, while the younger cast was... well, younger and with actors who overall were more popular names at the time, considering Wolverine could be used for both timelines. Apocalypse may have turned out to be garbage, but the thought process made sense for commercial reasons.
Eh. FoX just didn't have faith with the original cast and didn't they bring back Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart for Logan... those two are part of the original cast and weren't eXactly young at the time, so that eXcuse doesn't make sense. Halle Berry also appeared in John Wick. James Marsden in Sonic.

It was clear that they were favoring certain actors, not the X-Men themselves.

Apocalypse underperforming and Dark PhoeniX bombing should tell you easily that moving forward with the "younger" cast was a bad move. Especially the younger cast didn't have the same good will, nostalgia and pull that the original X-Men cast had. And see who is returning for Deadpool 3. Not James McAvoy, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner and AleXandra Shipp.
Apocalypse underperforming and Dark Phoenix flopping happened because the movies were crap, not because general audience resonated more with the original cast. Come on. Hugh Jackman is the only original cast member that was bringing the money and like I said he could have been used in both timelines. And foolishly enough they didn't use him in Apocalypse. Even so the movie made more than any film from the original X-Men trilogy.

This has nothing to do with personal preference because I hate Apocalypse and (a bit less) Dark Phoenix, while the young versions of Jean, Scott, Storm and Nightcrawler did absolutely nothing to me. But let's not get our personal bias ahead of something that clearly made much more business sense. A cast made out of people reaching their 50s and mid 70s, while the "teen" members were in their 30s, with everything being set in a futuristic era is not something that made sense to invest in.
Back then the original cast was already for the most part too old, while the younger cast was... well, younger and with actors who overall were more popular names at the time, considering Wolverine could be used for both timelines. Apocalypse may have turned out to be garbage, but the thought process made sense for commercial reasons.

Ehhh. You say 'too old' like it's an accepted fact, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The past decade of blockbuster cinema has been overwhelmingly dominated by nostalgia and aging casts. The MCU was pinned on RDJ's back - an actor as old or older than the X-Men cast. It has a bunch of 40 year olds in the cast now, and is currently airing a Sam Jackson led series, who is 74. The big action stars of the moment are Keanu Reeves (58) and Tom Cruise (61). Hugh Jackman will be back as Wolverine next year, a decade removed from DOFP.

The oldest actors in the X-Men cast were Stewart and McKellen. A pair that were beloved in their roles, and playing characters older than they were. How young should a holocaust survivor look anyway? ha.

Apocalypse certainly had bigger problems than casting; won't argue that. I do believe it would have done better with everyone back, on the perceived scale of the film alone. Even if it still sucked. The only commercial reason I buy is that the FC cast were under contract, so it was definitely a cheaper option.
See, I don't mind that Apocalypse had the younger cast, but given the reset that happened in DOFP, I just wish Fox had embraced the more comic-booky nature of X-Men and headed in that direction.

"The past: a new and uncertain world..."

The 80s setting was great-- give Fassbender white/silver hair, have Xavier already bald at the start of the film, keep Hoult in Beast makeup the entire time, etc. Mystique could have worn a white ensemble similar to her comics to significantly reduced her time in the makeup chair.

Jackman could have stayed as a through-line between the franchises & popped up with Mystique too. Sentinels were part of the canon--the world governments could have restarted the Sentinel Program to take on Apocalypse too. When Magneto left at the end of DOFP, he should have gone to start Genosha/Avalon and in the 10 years that have passed, he & Quicksilver should have come to terms with their father-son relationship so Quicksilver would be by his side, trying to prove himself. Heck, bring back Schreiber as Sabretooth as a Genosha/Avalon resident w/ the actor from DOFP playing Toad.

Stakes could have been raised w/ different Horsemen choices too--Magneto, Xavier, Mystique, & Wolverine (give Logan his metal claws that way). No need to waste Psylocke & Angel in that story.
Ehhh. You say 'too old' like it's an accepted fact, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The past decade of blockbuster cinema has been overwhelmingly dominated by nostalgia and aging casts. The MCU was pinned on RDJ's back - an actor as old or older than the X-Men cast. It has a bunch of 40 year olds in the cast now, and is currently airing a Sam Jackson led series, who is 74. The big action stars of the moment are Keanu Reeves (58) and Tom Cruise (61). Hugh Jackman will be back as Wolverine next year, a decade removed from DOFP.

The oldest actors in the X-Men cast were Stewart and McKellen. A pair that were beloved in their roles, and playing characters older than they were. How young should a holocaust survivor look anyway? ha.

Apocalypse certainly had bigger problems than casting; won't argue that. I do believe it would have done better with everyone back, on the perceived scale of the film alone. Even if it still sucked. The only commercial reason I buy is that the FC cast were under contract, so it was definitely a cheaper option.
I say other things as well, like the fact that, outside Jackman, no one in the original cast was as big of a popular selling name as Lawrence, Fassbender or McAvoy at the time. But whatever.
See, I don't mind that Apocalypse had the younger cast, but given the reset that happened in DOFP, I just wish Fox had embraced the more comic-booky nature of X-Men and headed in that direction.

"The past: a new and uncertain world..."

The 80s setting was great-- give Fassbender white/silver hair, have Xavier already bald at the start of the film, keep Hoult in Beast makeup the entire time, etc. Mystique could have worn a white ensemble similar to her comics to significantly reduced her time in the makeup chair.

Jackman could have stayed as a through-line between the franchises & popped up with Mystique too. Sentinels were part of the canon--the world governments could have restarted the Sentinel Program to take on Apocalypse too. When Magneto left at the end of DOFP, he should have gone to start Genosha/Avalon and in the 10 years that have passed, he & Quicksilver should have come to terms with their father-son relationship so Quicksilver would be by his side, trying to prove himself. Heck, bring back Schreiber as Sabretooth as a Genosha/Avalon resident w/ the actor from DOFP playing Toad.

Stakes could have been raised w/ different Horsemen choices too--Magneto, Xavier, Mystique, & Wolverine (give Logan his metal claws that way). No need to waste Psylocke & Angel in that story.

This right here. It felt like Apocalypse had zero connective tissue with DoFP. Not too surprising with Fox, but First Class and DoFP really felt like course corrections at the time. I remember being so genuinely stunned at how unrelated and unimportant Apocalypse felt.
Yeah lol I still get worked up thinking about it. I loved the X-Men movies so much and, you're right, there really did feel like a momentum building from FC onto DOFP (I really enjoyed The Wolverine too) but we just lost it all with Apocalypse, New Mutants, and Dark Phoenix.

I appreciate Logan for what it was trying to do, but I don't like the way it just completely erased the X-Men. The performances carry that movie but the offscreen massacre of the X-Men never sat well with me.
Yes, I'm back! After God-knows-how-long, lol... I've been rewatching the entire X-Men franchise on 4k Blu-ray (where they were issued in that format) on my projector screen (put up during lockdown) and have only New Mutants and the Deadpool films left. I'll probably watch them all again a few more times!

X-Men DOFP just screams 'epic' from the opening scenes. Patrick Stewart's portentous monologue nails it in seconds, the weird-looking Sentinel carrier ships and shrieking sirens. It's gripping and you sort of already know it's gonna be fantastic before it even gets going.Yes, I'd love to have seen more X-Men action in the future (in fact, more future), But it still worked out pretty great.

I don't know if all the films could be expected to have that dark, menacing and powerful feel but I think they should have aimed for it.

It's a shame X-Men: First Class didn't have that same weighty epic vibe, it was a bit too quirky at times. They must have had a feeling the new cast weren't going to be enough to sell it because they ended up adding a Hugh Jackman cameo into it. It needed other original X-Men cast.

I agree that X-Men: DOFP probably needed a follow-up also featuring the original cast. Even a time-travel follow-up showing Apocalypse trying to rule past and future. But I will say that i do really like X-Men: Apocalypse as it was - and it has stunning picture quality.

As for Logan, well it's good... but having the future go to hell within 6 years of the corrected future of DOFP, and having Xavier kill his own X-Men in that short time (the Westchester Incident), didn't sit right with me.
Yes, I'm back! After God-knows-how-long, lol... I've been rewatching the entire X-Men franchise on 4k Blu-ray (where they were issued in that format) on my projector screen (put up during lockdown) and have only New Mutants and the Deadpool films left. I'll probably watch them all again a few more times!

X-Men DOFP just screams 'epic' from the opening scenes. Patrick Stewart's portentous monologue nails it in seconds, the weird-looking Sentinel carrier ships and shrieking sirens. It's gripping and you sort of already know it's gonna be fantastic before it even gets going.Yes, I'd love to have seen more X-Men action in the future (in fact, more future), But it still worked out pretty great.

I don't know if all the films could be expected to have that dark, menacing and powerful feel but I think they should have aimed for it.

It's a shame X-Men: First Class didn't have that same weighty epic vibe, it was a bit too quirky at times. They must have had a feeling the new cast weren't going to be enough to sell it because they ended up adding a Hugh Jackman cameo into it. It needed other original X-Men cast.

I agree that X-Men: DOFP probably needed a follow-up also featuring the original cast. Even a time-travel follow-up showing Apocalypse trying to rule past and future. But I will say that i do really like X-Men: Apocalypse as it was - and it has stunning picture quality.

As for Logan, well it's good... but having the future go to hell within 6 years of the corrected future of DOFP, and having Xavier kill his own X-Men in that short time (the Westchester Incident), didn't sit right with me.
I hope you will still regularly post again, when Marvel Studios' X-Men is finally on its way!
I hope you will still regularly post again, when Marvel Studios' X-Men is finally on its way!

Yes, I hope to be on here more. Especially when the new animated series begins, when Deadpool 3 is out with all those X-Men stars in it, and when the live-action MCU X-Men films start to get going. The lack of appearance of X-Men in the MCU is now becoming very obvious, it's like the elephant in the room. The MCU seems to have lost its way a bit with recent movies, it's a bit of a mixed bag. I thought Ant-Man & Wasp Quantumania was really, really awful.
Yes, I hope to be on here more. Especially when the new animated series begins, when Deadpool 3 is out with all those X-Men stars in it, and when the live-action MCU X-Men films start to get going. The lack of appearance of X-Men in the MCU is now becoming very obvious, it's like the elephant in the room. The MCU seems to have lost its way a bit with recent movies, it's a bit of a mixed bag. I thought Ant-Man & Wasp Quantumania was really, really awful.

Great to have you back, X-Maniac!

Your post on the last page hit home for me the most significant issue I've had with the Fox treatment of this franchise. Fox never listened to fan interest or tried to figure out why this massive franchise, based on one of the most popular comic titles, continued to underperform at the box office. I don't even understand where most of the decision-making comes from.

We wanted the Phoenix; they gave us the cure.
We wanted X4; they gave us a Wolverine spin-off.

They finally got some interest back with DoFP, and as you mentioned in your previous post, they blew the lead with Apocolypse. Why wouldn't you bring the OG cast back for that? They could have moved the FC cast to the 80s if that's what Kinberg was hell-bent on, but now you make up another reason for Kitty to send Logan back.

We all talk about how Fox fumbled so many creative decisions, but they made just as many poor business decisions.

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