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DC ELSEWORLDS: Reimagining Keaton Sequels & DC Films that Never Were

Director : Ron Howard

Would have been too much of a pricey risk for him then but I can see him doing it and doing it well around 2003-2008. He or Zemeckis (or Brad Bird) would probably have been the most likely to make a classic style/true to the classic film of the character, to think that the basic classic character isn't broken and still works.

THE BATMAN ( 1974)
Director : Francis Ford Coppola

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Clint Eastwood

Joker : Malcolm McDowell

Catwoman / Selina Kyle : Faye Dunaway

Two Face : Robert Redford

Jim Gordon : William Holden

Alfred Pennyworth : David Niven


You're cordially invented ,
To the Wedding of the Century

Director : Richard Donner
Producer : Jon Peters

The Cast

Superman/ Clark Kent / Bizarro : Christopher Reeve

Lois Lane Kent : Margot Kidder

Lex Luthor : Gene Hackman

Brainiac : Julian Sands

Supergirl / Kara : Helen Slater

Metallo : Ed Harris

Toyman / Winslow Slott : Fisher Stevens

Lana Lang : Annette O' Toole

Otis : Ned Beatty

Silver Banshee : Polly Walker

Jimmy Olsen : Mark McClure

Perry White : Jackie Cooper

When Batman is infected by Ivy and Scarecrow toxins
His greatest passions and fears will consume him

With the Help of Dr. Chase Meridian,
Bruce Wayne will confront his Greatest Fear
Falling in love

Director : Adrian Lynne
Producer : Tim Burton

The Cast

Batman/ Bruce Wayne : Michael Keaton

Scarecrow : Johnny Depp

Poison Ivy : Bridget Fonda

Dr. Chase Meridian : Rene Russo

Catwoman / Selina Kyle : Michelle Pffiefer

Vicki Vale : Kim Basinger

Alfred Pennyworth : Michael Gough

Gordon : Pat Hingle
In 1990,
Three young Friends,
Will form a group that will change the world

But they'll have to get past their beliefs,
Their baggage,
And their feelings ,
For it to work

TRINITY ( 1999)
Director : Sam Mendes

The Cast

Clark Kent : Jude Law

Bruce Wayne : Colin Farrell

Diana Prince : Kate Beckinsale

Lois Lane : Minnie Driver

Steve Trevor : Matthew McCougnauhey

Selina Kyle : Thandie Newton

Alfred Pennyworth : Bill Nighy
David Lynch’s

Clark Kent/Superman - Kyle MacLachlan


Bizarro - Nicholas Cage

Also Starring:

Lois Lane - Sean Young

Lex Luthor - Dennis Hopper

Perry White - Robert Forster

Jimmy Olsen - Matthew Lillard

Lana Lang - Laura Dern


Brainiac - David Bowie

Flash will do anything to save his family
Whatever the cost

This time ,
Barry isn't running from his enemies
He's running from his friends

Director : McG

The Cast

The Flash / Barry Allen : Eric Mabius

Iris West : Amy Smart

Superman : Brendan Fraser

Batman :Liev Schreiber

Wonder Woman : Bridget Moynahan

Green Lantern : Timothy Olyphant

Cyborg : Tyrese Gibson

Clock King : Colm Feore

Director : Joel Schumacer
Screenplay : Mark Protovich, Lee And Janet Batchler Scott


Project History
Despite the poor critical reception, Batman And Robin ends up striking the right cord with General Audiences , and the film ends up being one of the biggest money makers of 1997.
While fans of the comics are greatly dissatisfied with the Campy tone of Batman and Robin and Batman Forever, audiences approve of a lighter and brighter Batman and family.
Additionally, Clooney is embraced as the Light Night , and the addition of Batgirl proves to be a calculation that has payed off .

Warner Brothers has already greenlight a fifth Batman film prior to Batman and Robin .
However , with the fourth film proving to be as popular as Batman Forever, Warner Brothers wants the 5th film to be out by the summer of 1999, marking 10 years since the first film,
and 60 years since the characters first appearance .

WB asks Schumacer to return to the directors chair once again , feeling he has the right balance between dark and light .
Schumacer agrees, and while many fans are deeply upset by Schumacer's return, the studio looks only at the successful Box Office .

With Akiva Goldsman moving onto other projects Mark Protovich is joined by Lee And Janet Batchler Scott to pen the fifth installment entitled, Batman Triumphant.
While Protovich's original vision for the film involved a much darker story , Warner Brothers doubles down on the toyetic and campy tone of Batman and Robin.

While the script still includes Harley Quinn and Scarecrow as Antagonists, The Mad Hatter, and Hugo Strange , are added as comic relief baddies, along the lines of Jimmy Carrey in Batman Forever .

The villains would be Professors at Gotham University by day , but by night, they would done their villainous alter egos , bent on manipulating and corrupting Gotham Universities students, using them for experiments , manipulating them , and ultimately using them like pieces on a chest board , and shaping them to be the feature leaders of the world.
In a plot reminiscent of the 60s show , Dick Grayson and Barbara Wilson would stumble onto the plot , and find themselves under the trance of the mad Professors .

It would be up to a retired Batman, to suit up again to save Dick and Barbara, and take on the 4 Super criminals .
However, he'll have to face not only the 4 professors , but his two mind controlled protege's .

Taking place several years after Batman and Robin , Dick would be Nightwing , and would be in a burgeoning romantic relationship with Barbara.

Bruce Meanwhile , would have hung up the cape and cowl to place his focus on his philanthrope at Wayne Enterprises.
At the same time, he would be involved with socialite Alice , who would be the object of the Mad Hatter, Scarecrow , and Hugo Strange's obsession .
The script would be filled with campy and comical montages and illusions to the 60s series , with more serious moments occasionally interwoven.

Like the last film, the abundance of characters would mean multiple backstories would get short shrift .
However, with more characters, more action figures could be sold .

With Clooney, O'Donnell, and Silverstone agreeing to return , Schumacher set about the daunting task of casting 4 new villains.

While Nicholas Cage was originally a shoe in for Scarecrow , Superman Lives meant he was off the table.
Schumacher briefly considered Kiefer Sutherland and Howard Stern was rumored for the role.
However, Schumacher decided to go with Jurassic Park's Jeff Goldblum as Scarecrow, feeling he could balance the comedy and menace for his version of the Scarecow.

For the role of Harley Quinn, Madonna, who had long been rumored for the role , was cast in the role after Schumacher was impressed by her performance in Evita.
She was also a music star on the Warner Brothers record label, and a musical number would be written into the script for her to perform.

Mike Myers, Hot off of SNL and the Austin Powers film was cast as The Mad Hatter in hopes he could bring a Jim Carry like manic villain to the film .

For the role of Hugo Strange , Schumacher casts Ben Kingsley to play an over the top and villain modeled after Freud, always speaking in innuendos , and double entendres, in a characterization very different from the comics.

When casting Alice , Schumacher wanted a hot and upcoming " It" girl of the moment.
Schumacher cast Gwyneth Paltrow to be Clooney's onscreen love interest.

Meanwhile Michael Gough and Pat Hingle returned as Alfred and Gordon respectively.

By 1999, Audiences had waned on the campiness of the past three films .
Critics continued to point out the overstuffed nature of the film , and fans had enough of Schumcer's take on the Batman universe .
While the film turned a profit , it underperformed the last two films , and with a 230 million dollar budget , WB had second thoughts about greenlighting a sixth film.

Ultimately, Schumacher was done with Batman , and Warner Brothers would spend another decade before the character would be rebooted in 2009.

While Triumphant was less embarrassing than Batman and Robin, the series had clearly run out of steam

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : George Clooney

Harley Quinn : Madonna

Scarecrow / Jonathan Crane : Jeff Goldblum

Mad Hatter / Jervis Tetch : Mike Myers

Hugo Strange : Ben Kingsley

Silver St Cloud : Gwyneth Paltrow

Nightwing / Dick Grayson : Chris O'Donnell

Batgirl / Barbara Wilson : Alicia Silverstone

Director : Robert Zemeckis
Producer : Steven Spielberg
Executive Producers : Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, and Jon Peters
Screenplay : Bob Gale and Mark Canton
Music : John Williams

Project History
With Batman , Superman, and the rest of the DC superheroes seemingly languishing in development hell , WB gets frustrated with the lack of progress.
The response to Batman Returns has delayed WB from moving forward with another Batman film, even though several scripts are produced.
Superman is in an even worse position with WB failing to come up with an ideal plan for Superman 5 .
Wonder Woman remains in development as is a Flash film, but by the mid 90s, the studio seems frozen with fear when developing their properties into feature films.

Eventually , Executives hit on the idea of developing a Justice League film as a platform to spin off the rest of the characters in their own movies.
While everyone likes the idea, the film would have to be a major undertaking , and would be quite expensive .
The film would also need a proven , visionary Director , and Producers who would be able to shepherd such a massive project .
WB dreams come true , When Steven Spielberg gets wind of the project and expresses interest in producing it.

While WB would prefer he direct the film , having Spielberg attacthed in any way is a blessing.
With Spielberg and his usual producing team on board , the visionary director choses Robert Zemeckis who recently landed a major hit with Forrest Gump.
Zemeckis, having handled major projects like Back To The Future and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, is well suited to bring these heroes to the big screen.
The film begins casting in 1995, for a 1997 release date .

The JLA film would be a fresh take on all the characters , with no connection to prior films or tv shows .
The film would pit the team against the Legion Of Doom , a collection of each of the heroes arc nemesis's .
The relatively simple story of the team of disparate heroes having to unite together for the first time to LOD's plans.
In the end , the team would prevail and form the JLA and would come together again when the world needed them.

In casting the film, Producers want to chose higher profile, and established actors in the parts .
While several big name actors shy away from the roles, fearing the film will be a flop , other actors scramble to tackle the iconic roles.

Superman : Brenden Fraser
While several actors are considered for the role, Brenden Fraser is Zemeckis's favorite choice to play the alien farmboy with a heart of Gold.
While he's well known by the mid 90s, he's not so big that the studio has to break the bank to get him.

Batman : Mel Gibson
Perhaps one of the studios biggest gets , is Gibson, who agrees to don the cape and cowl.
In the script , Batman is an older character , and the grizzled , veteran of the group.
While Kurt Russell , Tom Hanks, and Ed Harris are all considered, Gibson's audition and star power ensured him the role.

Wonder Woman : Nicole Kidman
While actresses such as Brooke Shields and even Sigourney Weaver are considered for the role of Wonder Woman, it's ultimately Australian actress Nicole Kidman, who gets the part.
After Ron Howard recommends her to Zemeckis , producers and execs feel she's perfect to play the stoic yet alluring Wonder Woman

Aquaman : Brad Pitt
The Role of Aquaman is pretty much tailored to actor Brad Pitt whose star is on the rise due to a string of hits in the decade.
Legends Of The Fall, in particular , grabs producer's eyes and makes him the ideal fit for Arthur Curry.

Green Lantern : Denzel Washington
After star turns in Glory and Malcolm X , Denzel Washington takes on the role of John Stewart .
Though Laurence Fishburne and Cuba Gooding Jr are both considered , Washington's charisma and chemistry with the other actors playing the league members gives him an edge over the stiff competition.

The Flash : Keanu Reeves
For the role of the Flash , Zemeckis has only one choice in mind, Keanu Reeves of Speed.
Though the actor is much more interested in playing Batman , Reeves jumps at the chance to work with the cast.

Alfred Pennyworth : Sean Connery
For the role of Alfred the Butler, Sean Connery is Zemeckis only choice after films like The Rock and Hunt For Red October.

Lex Luthor : John Malcovich

Joker : James Woods

Cheetah : Demi Moore

Black Manta : Wesley Snipes

Sinestro : Alan Rickman

Captain Cold : Woody Harrelson

In 1938 , an Evil genius holds Metropolis Hostage ,
With his army of Giant Robots
Only the mysterious , " Superman " can stop them

But little does this Man Of Tomorrow, realize
that the army of Giant Robots
Are merely a distraction for a much larger plan

Director : Joe Johnston


The Cast

Superman / Clark Kent : Eric Bana

Lois Lane : Laura Harring

Lex Luthor : Jason Isaacs

Jimmy Olsen : Giovanni Ribisi

Perry White : Bill Smitrovich
Last edited:

In 1940, A Party at Wayne Manor turns deadly ,
When the lovely Julie Madison is poisoned
With a mysterious laughing toxin,

The Dark Knight, and The Boy Wonder ,
Have 48hrs to find the clown prince of crime,
and the antidote
In order for Julie to survive

But their journey through Gotham's underworld ,
will take them to the abandon Ace Chemicals factory
Where the origin and the identity of the Clown Prince,
Will reveal itself

Director : Alex Proyas

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Hugh Jackman

Julie Madison : Jennifer Connelly

Joker : Rhys Ifans

Robin / Dick Grayson : Tyler Hoechlin

Jim Gordon : Nick Nolte

Alfred : Sean Connery

It's 1943, And the War Across Europe rages ,
With it's outcome, uncertain
The romance between the Lt Steve Trevor and the Amazon Princess is interrupted
As Trevor is dispatched on a top secret mission aboard an experimental submarine

When the Submarine vanishes somewhere in the South Pacific,
Diana takes it upon her self to find it, and bring Steve home,
But she must contend with the Axis Forces of The Baroness ,
who wants the submarine's technology for herself.

LOVE & WAR ( 2002)
Director : Sam Mendes

The Cast

Wonder Woman : Kate Beckinsale

Steve Trevor : Matthew Mcconaughey

The Baroness : Cate Blanchett

Dr. Poison : Audrey Tautou

Director : Sidney Pollack
Producer : Warren Beatty
Script : Lorenzo Semple Jr. and David Rayfiel
Executive Producers : The Salkinds
Music : Nino Rota

Project History
In the early 1970s, The Salkinds want to produce a big budget adaptation of The Superman legend , and they envision big names to sell the film to the studios.
Though several drafts are written ranging from campy to comics accurate , the project begins to loose traction , and The Salkinds have a hard time finding their Superman.
With actors like Robert Redford and Paul Newman turning down the role , and actors and non actors alike auditioning for the part , the project appears in trouble.
On top of that , director Guy Hamilton must pullout of directing the ambitious project.

When things look at their worse , Hot Hollywood commidity Warren Beatty expresses interest in the project , much to the Salkinds Suprise.
Warren, like everyone else grew up with Superman being a presence in American Culture .
However, in the context of the post Watergate era, Beatty wants to take the project in an entirely new direction .
If Beatty agrees to the part, he would have to have creative control over the direction of the film .

With the Salkinds lacking a director and in desperate need to get the project moving, the agree that a popular actor like Beatty would help the project get funding and be taken seriously.
Once Beatty boards the project the previous scripts are tossed out, and Lorenzo Semple Jr. and David Rayfiel are brought on to pen the film.
Beatty hires acclaimed director Sidney Pollack to helm the project, and the very different version of Superman begins filming in New York and Los Angeles , for a 1976 release date in mind.

Unlike previous drafts, Beatty is not interested in Superman's origins, Aliens, or his past in Smallville.
Instead , Beatty and Pollack see Superman as a political thriller along the lines of films like Three Days Of The Condor, The Parallax View, and All The Presidents Men.
Clark Kent and Lois Lane are presented very much as a Woodward and Bernstein duo who discover a Presidential conspiracy , and become the targets of the President's allies, and government agents.
In this scenerio, The President, Lex Luthor, is a Nixonian type figure , uses the instruments of government to hound, intimidate, and eliminate critical voices.

His assasin is a CIA agent Deadshot , whose seemingly made Lois and Clark's sources disappear , and has now been disapatched by Luthor, to eliminate the Pulitizer Prize winning pair.
In a radical departure from the current comics of the 1970s, Lois knows Superman is Clark , and the two are married .
While the dynamic is likely to be controversial to modern audiences, the change nevertheless remains in the script.

The Superman character, much like in the tv series 20 years earlier, is featured sparringly , with much more emphasis on Reporter Clark Kent than on his Superman persona.
Beatty wanted the focus to be Kent as opposed to a hero in tights.
It would also serve as a cost saving measure to limit the amount of Flying and effects scenes.
With a high profile cast in mind , Beatty wanted the film to feel as grounded as possible with a slight flight of fancy , as opposed to a full blown comic come to life.


For the role of Lois Lane , several high profile Hollywood actresses are considered , including, Faye Dunaway, Diane Keaton, Ali Macgraw, and Marion Ross.
Ultimately, it's Beatty's chemistry test with Jane Fonda , which convinces Beatty and Pollack, to cast her in the part.

For the role of Lex Luthor , George C Scott is the first choice , but after turning down the role, Pollack choses Robert Duvall of The Godfather to play the charming President.

The role of the cunning and psychotic Deadshot goes to Robert Deniro.

For the role of the idealistic Jim Olsen , Jeff Bridges is cast in addition to Jason Robards as the cynical newsman Perry White

The Cast

Superman/ Clark Kent : Warren Beatty

Lois Lane : Jane Fonda

President Lex Luthor : Robert Duvall

Deadshot : Robert DeNiro

Jim Olsen : Jeff Bridges

Perry White : Jason Robards

Director : Joel Schumacher
Producer : Tim Burton
Screenplay : Andrew Kevin Walker
Music : Danny Elfman

Project History
With Burton deciding to walk away from directing duties for Batman 3, the search for a new director begins .
Once Joel Schumacher accepts the daunting task , the direction of the new film comes into question.
While Batman Returns received backlash for being too dark and violent , Schumacher very much would like to continue telling a more serious Batman story
much like his film Flatliners.
While WB execs are weary of this approach Schumacher convinces them that the film would be more in line with the first Batman Film than Batman returns.

Given the popularity of that film , the studio is willing to go that route , though Schumacher isn't given the free reign Burton was on Batman Returns.

Screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker is brought on to synthesize plot elements by Janet and Lee Bachelor , in order to bring down the scale of the story.
The original screenplay features several characters including two villains, a love interest, and the introduction of Robin.
However, Schumacer and Star Michael Keaton , want to tell a smaller story about How a young Bruce Wayne became Batman , and how his choices in the past,
effect his choices in the present.

Additionally , Schumacer wants to keep the focus on one villain , The Riddler .
The screenplay see's Edward as a childhood friend of Bruce , whose journey to darkness parrallel's Bruce's journey to becoming The Batman.
In the present day, the two former friends face off as Batman and The Riddler , as the Riddler engages in a campaign of terror, while hinting, that he knows Bruce is Batman.
As in the film Flatliners, we flashback between the past and present versions of these two characters as their friendship sours, and the two grow apart on different paths.

Harvey Dent, unlike previous drafts, does not become Two Face, but is instead a dynamic DA working hand in hand with Batman to discover the identity of The Riddler.
Dent would serve as Batman's rare confidant in the present day , while also being Bruce's friend as in the comics.

The love interest would remain criminal psychologist Chase Meredian who would be part of the task force delving into the Riddler's psycology.
Riddler, like Joker before him, would become smitten with Chase , and Chase would become the center of the Batman and Riddler rivalary.
In the end , Batman would ultimately defeat the Riddler but not before one of the Riddler disfigures Harvey Dent , leaving him to become Two Face in the sequel.

The "Robin role " in essence, would go to the younger, college aged, version of Bruce Wayne , who is portrayed as headstrong, and still seeking revenge his parents murder .
Meanwhile , he'd find kinship with the brilliant outsider Eddie , whose humor soothes the Bruce .
But like Bruce, Eddie is also bares a darkside and a resentment towards those who bully him .
His kindness towards Bruce begins to give way to his need for vengence and superiority .

While Exectives had hoped and lobbied for Robin to be included , Schumacer felt the story needed to be focused on Batman as a sole hero and that Robin could be pushed back to a forth film.

While Keaton was skeptical of a new filmmaker taking over the franchise, his fears dissipates once he sees the focus and direction Schumacher wants to take the film in.
Keaton receives a pay raise, and agrees to sign on to the franchise on a film by film basis.

For the role of the Riddler , Schumacher and WB want Robin Williams for the part , feeling he serves as a perfect contrast to Keaton .
While Williams originally plays hard to get , eventually the actor agrees and is intrigued at playing a much darker character than usual.

For the role of Harvey Dent , Schumacher only has one actor in mind , Tommy Lee Jones , and for Chase Meridian , Rene Russo is cast as the object of Both Bruce and Edward's affections.

For the roles of Young Bruce and Eddie, Schumacher looks to up and coming actors Matt Damon and Joaquin Phoenix .

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Michael Keaton

Riddler / Edward Nashton : Robin Williams

Chase Meridian : Rene Russo

D.A. Harvey Dent : Tommy Lee Jones

Bruce Wayne : Matt Damon

Eddie : Joaquin Phoenix

Alfred : Michael Gough
Gordon : Pat Hingle
I really need to dig up my late-nineties Watchmen recast from a few years back, with Tom Cruise as Ozymandias. That **** was legit.
Ah. Found it…

I'm trying to find the best place for Bizarro in my re-imagined Donnerverse sequels, especially in re-purposing elements from the existing films. For one, if Lex is looking to clone Superman, the result really oughta be Bizarro instead of Nuclear Man. But there’s also drunk Superman in Part III, which shares some elements of the character as well, like an imperfect duplicate who becomes increasingly unstable. I just need to decide if I prefer Bizarro sharing space with Supergirl's origin, or with Superman's quest for nuclear disarmament...
Supergirl will return…

Director: Amy Heckerling
Screenplay by Melissa Matheson, story by David Odell and Curt Swan


Project History:

Writer Melissa Matheson, fresh from the massive success of E.T., is called on to rewrite David Odell’s script, which now must excise the hero’s origin and expand on Kara Zor-El’s double life as both Supergirl and high schooler Linda Danvers.
Multiple directors are courted to helm the ambitious spinoff, with Ron Howard, John Carpenter, and Jeannot Szwarc making the shortlist. The producers ultimately decide to take a chance on Amy Heckerling, hot off the 1982 hit Fast Times at Ridgemont High, to take the reins.
Production commences on Supergirl months before the character takes her first flight on the big screen in Superman III. Fortunately the producers’ gamble pays off, as the third film proves a sizeable hit, with critics praising Helen Slater’s performance and chemistry with Christopher Reeve, while younger viewers are captivated by the young Kryptonian’s heroic debut. Production on the spinoff wraps in August 1983.

Linda “Kara” Danvers, aka Supergirl, is settling into life on Earth with her new family, making new friends, and getting the hang of following in her cousin’s footsteps. While the life of a superhero has its perks, more than anything Kara longs to see Argos and her family again.
Her hopes seem answered when a figure from her past reemerges, promising a way to return home via a powerful Kryptonian artifact. But not all is as it seems in their quest, and dangerous battles and wicked betrayals await as Supergirl must outfox a sorceress and face the ultimate choice between returning to her homeworld and protecting her new world.

The Cast



Helen Slater as Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers


Peter O’Toole as Zaltar


Faye Dunaway as Selena / Morgan Le Fey


Marc McClure as Jimmy Olson


Maureen Teefy as Lucy Lane


Kim Hunter as Dr. Eliza Danvers


Roddy McDowall as Dr. Jeremiah Danvers


Mia Farrow and Simon Ward as Alura and Zor-El


and Christopher Reeve as Superman (cameo)

The Girl of Steel is back...in her strangest adventure yet!

Director: Frank Oz
Screenplay: Tom Stoppard, Debra Hill
Producers: Lauren Shuler Donner, Debra Hill


Helen Slater as Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers


Marc McClure as Jimmy Olson


Annette O'Toole as Lana Lang


Kim Hunter as Eliza Danvers
Roddy McDowall as Dr. Jeremiah Danvers

and Richard O'Brien as Mr. Mxyztplk



She's traveled across the Galaxy,
Searching for exceptional beings

She hungers for knowledge,
And understanding

And what better way, to understanding gods,

than by knowing, their fears

Director : Tim Burton
Producer : Jon Peters
Screenplay : Andrew Kevin Walker and Daniel Waters
Music by : Danny Elfman

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Michael Keaton
The Realist

Superman / Clark Kent : Nicholas Cage
The Idealist

Lois Lane : Jennifer Jason Leigh
The Cynic

Wonder Woman / Diana Prince : Geena Davis
The Diplomat

Aquaman / Arthur Curry : Johnny Depp
The Prince

Flash / Barry Allen : Ewan MacGregor
The Rookie

Brainiac : Helena Bonham Carter
The Mastermind

Scarecrow : Brad Dourif
The Pawn

Marvin : Lukas Haas
Wendy : Christina Ricci
Mera : Winona Ryder
Steve Trevor : Bill Pullman
Iris West : Kelly Macdonald
Alfred Pennyworth : Michael Gough

Director : Rob Reiner

After a year of catching criminals, saving people, and miraculous feats , Superman has finally agreed to give his first interview to reporter Lois Lane.

While Perry wants something hard hitting, and newsworthy, Lois's own bias's begin to cloud her judgement .
At first , she was a skeptic, now she can't stop thinking about him , and her interview has the potential to go off the rails.
Perry even threatens to have Ron Troupe do the interview , due to Lois's burgeoning feelings.

All the while, Clark Kent feels his new partner is shutting him out in favor of his alter ego.
The Paradox gives Clark mixed emotions , and makes him question how much longer he keep up this charade before it takes his toll on his own heart.
Meanwhile , Detective Maggie Sawyer has received information that Intergang, has put contracts out on Lois and Clark , and has dispatched two of it's deadly enforcers: Parasite and Livewire.
The Interview will be the biggest moment in both Superman and Lois's lives, but if Sawyer doesn't get to them before Parasite and Livewire do, it , may be their last moment.

The Cast

Superman / Clark Kent : Brendan Fraser

Lois Lane : Sandra Bullock

Parasite / Rudy Jones : Bruce Willis

Livewire / Leslie Willis : Lori Petty

Bruno Manheim : Ving Rhames

Maggie Sawyer : Sharon Stone

Perry White : Tommy Lee Jones
Jimmy Olsen : Ethan Embry
Ron Troupe : Omar Epps
Martha Kent : Kathy Bates
Jonathan Kent : Scott Glenn
THE BAT ( 1999)
Director : David Fincher

The Bat is an urban legend, whose struck fear into the hearts of the Gotham underworld during his first six months of operations.
Yet, he's a blunt instrument , without a code, and filled with rage and anger.

However, the Bat will meet his match in the form of the mysterious, Phantasm like Creature known as The Reaper , who shows the Gotham underworld and low life's no mercy.
The Emergence of the Reaper is a sharp contrast to The Bat's methods, and soon , the GCPD and The Mob begin to think they may be one in the same.

As the Bat and The Reaper are on a collusion course to a confrontation, Bruce must face his own morality, and struggle with crafting a creed that separates him from a crazed vigilante.

Meanwhile , as Bruce Wayne , he must shift from being the reclusive shut in , to the extroverted playboy without a care in the world.
That image will be put to the test as his ex fiancee Andrea returns to Gotham , and while the mysterious criminal the Cat, may hold the key to the identity of The Reaper.

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Liev Schreiber

The Reaper / Carl Beaumont : Clint Eastwood

Carmine Falcone : Robert DeNiro

Andrea Beaumont : Charlize Theron

Catwoman / Selina Kyle : Angelina Jolie

Harvey Dent : Terrence Howard

Jim Gordon : William H Macy

Alfred Pennyworth : Pete Postlethwaite

Holly Robinson : Britney Murphy

Director : Steve Spielberg
Producer : Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall
Executive Producer : George Lucas
Screenplay : Lawrence Kasdan and Bob Gale
Music : John Williams

When crime boss who thinks he's a Greek god , unites with a fallen Amazon , the two promise to rule Gotham as " New Olympus " ,
using the powers of Themyscira's sacred jewels.

With the challenge too great for the Dark Knight, and The Boy wonder to overcome ,
they must receive the aid of an Amazon Princess Princess,
who wants to retrieve the jewels from her former pupil.

The Cast

Batman / Bruce Wayne : Harrison Ford

Wonder Woman / Diana Prince : Sigourney Weaver

Maxie Zeus / Maximilian "Maxie" Zeus : Malcolm McDowell

Artemis : Brigitte Nielsen

Robin / Dick Grayson : Tom Cruise

Alfred Pennyworth : John Gielgud

Jim Gordon : Robert Duvall

Director : John McTiernan

Story :
When the fragile peace between The Amazons and Atlanteans is broken , the two civilizations are on the brink of war.
Two longtime allies will clash ,while the conflict seems to be orchestrated by Two masterminds who've united for a single Purpose : To Destroy Wonder Woman and Aquaman once and for all.

The Cast

Wonder Woman : Sigourney Weaver

Aquaman : Dolph Lundgren

Steve Trevor : Jeff Bridges

Black Manta : Carl Weathers

Veronica Cale : Cybill Shepherd

Mera : Nicole Kidman

Vulko : Sam Neill

Phil Darnell : Tom Skerritt

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