Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

I really want to pick this up. But it's really difficult to find in the UK and the Amazon prices has skyrocketed. Are there any Digi Egg evolutions? I loved Flamedramon, Submarinmon and Digmon
I think Digi Egg Evolution is only available for Veemon. Flamedramon is in the game, but not others like Submarimon.

and, finally


Congrats. :)
I really want to pick this up. But it's really difficult to find in the UK and the Amazon prices has skyrocketed. Are there any Digi Egg evolutions? I loved Flamedramon, Submarinmon and Digmon
I don't know if there are armor digieggs in the game, but flamedramon is in it. i fought him.
I think Digi Egg Evolution is only available for Veemon. Flamedramon is in the game, but not others like Submarimon.

Congrats. :)
thanks lol. 2 out of my 3 platinumsukamons have maxed out. should I digivolve them to etemon?
When you digivolve them, they'll lose their passive ability that doubles XP. But you could look into getting some PlatinumNumemons. They have the same passive ability that doubles XP, but have 3 equipment slots. So you can give each PlatinumNumemon 3 Tactician USBs. Stacking the double XP effect even more.
When you digivolve them, they'll lose their passive ability that doubles XP. But you could look into getting some PlatinumNumemons. They have the same passive ability that doubles XP, but have 3 equipment slots. So you can give each PlatinumNumemon 3 Tactician USBs. Stacking the double XP effect even more.
that's the reason I'm thinking of digivolving them, as platinumnumemon (who i'm guessing etemon can digivolve into) has the stacking power like platinumsukamon has, only more, yeah?
Right, that should work. Didn't know Etemon could Digivolve into PlatinumNumemon.

Btw, newest Team member. :D

I'm now at Chapter 19 and I'm playing the Great Challenges. So glad my Memory capacity is at 255 now and that I got so many lvl99 Digimon. My team just gets obliterated in some of these fights.
When you get to the part later, one advice, kill Jesmon first. Throw everything you got at him. That bastard always uses a skill, Safe Guard it's called I think, that prevents death. Basically it always keeps him at 1 HP, no matter what you throw at him. Then he seems to have a passive skill, that increases his speed. I can't explain how else he eventually gets to go 5 times in a row, as the fight goes on, without casting any speed skills.

He pretty much went slowly and methodically through all my 11 Digimon, because I couldn't put him down. I came this close to almost breaking something. Might have twisted my controller in half, if I didn't have self control.
arite thanks for the pro tip but in the future using your own judgement if you think what you're gonna post is spoilery please use blackout or spoiler tags =]
there's so many other great games coming out this year but this'll definitely be a contender for goty for me.
arite thanks for the pro tip but in the future using your own judgement if you think what you're gonna post is spoilery please use blackout or spoiler tags =]

Alright. Thought that might still be ok. As you might have seen when going through Digivolutions, certain Digivolutions aren't possible until you've finished those Great Challenges. And those Challenges are basically just really tough fights.
Alright. Thought that might still be ok. As you might have seen when going through Digivolutions, certain Digivolutions aren't possible until you've finished those Great Challenges. And those Challenges are basically just really tough fights.
na, I have not noticed that...so far the only things that have prevented me from not making the digivolutions I've wanted are not enough ABI, or not enough CAM/spd/def/int, or if the digimon just maxes out before I can digivolve it.

On what chapter do I encounter the first great challenge?
I tried to immediately go for Gallantmon. That's when I saw the requirements for the first time. The Challenges will become available in Chapter 19. So you've got lots of time to train plenty of Digimon to take them on.
I tried to immediately go for Gallantmon. That's when I saw the requirements for the first time. The Challenges will become available in Chapter 19. So you've got lots of time to train plenty of Digimon to take them on.
I just finished chapter 11, and...[BLACKOUT]my god that eater.[/BLACKOUT]
Finished the story. My total play time was 87 hours and 20 minutes.
so we get catered food every day at work, even dinner, except it is at 7pm and my shifts end at 6. but just to save money I've been staying for that and with the hour on my hand, I've been trying to play this game on my vita via remote play.

the problem tonight was I couldn't really focus because the chick next to me, who was also waiting because her boyfriend was coming to pick her up, kept talking to me and I couldn't focus...! now I have absolutely no issue with her wanting to just talk and stuff, that's cool, it's me, really. i wish I could multitask; like concentrate on my game while still having a conversation with someone. you know?

but I get through to another boss. another eater, that is. but before I get into that,


just brought it both of my wargreymons to the party. I figured with the bosses being so hard, might as well have my best digimon with me. fun fact: blackwargreymon in digimon world 2 still had the crest of courage on his back, although he wasn't your average blackwargreymon.


the thing about this dungeon is you see that treasure box in the distance? i don't remember ever opening it but I guess somehow I did.


i'm guessing this is that treasure box but again, strangely I don't remember opening it...maybe I'm just bugging out.


and WTF with the bosses in this game? fights are seriously unbalanced. regular dungeon battles will be fine and you run into a boss and things go cray. I use attack and speed chips, this sucker killed the ish outta my andromon but I guess after a few attack chips, my wargreymon was powerful enough that his tornado attack destroyed the eater. OR was it powerful enough the entire time and I should've used it earlier?! ugh.
this is one of those games where the metacritic score isn't a good reflection.

I love this game, it's flawed but I'd easily give like a 85-90
5 new Digimon.






yeah here are the details

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Is Adding Seven Powerful Digimon Via Update. March 7, 2016 . 2:00am

Bandai Namco announced that Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is getting its
1.04 update that brings seven powerful Digimon to the mix when it launches on March 10, 2016.
Bandai Namco announced that Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is getting its 1.04 update that brings seven powerful Digimon to the mix when it launches on March 10, 2016. [Thanks, Game Jouhou.]

Here are the new Digimon that will be available on the update:

ShineGreymon Burst Mode (Ultimate)

All by name

MirageGaogamon Burst Mode (Ultimate)

Rosemon Burst Mode (Ultimate)

Ravemon Burst Mode (Ultimate)

Valkyrimon (Ultimate)

I just find the Lion head with the hat to look a little cheesy as an arm.

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