Discussion: North Africa & Southwest Asia Regional Issues III

And as for the French people? They're not so wimpy either. Trust me, you never wanna mess with a French kick-boxer.
Or a French guy pointing an antique gun replica after making a bunch of French jokes :o
Well besides already knowing this, I guess I need to be more misanthropic?
Well, France has been a laughing stock ever since their embarrassing defeat in World War II. For which they really do deserve all the jokes.

But for most of its history France has kicked a lot of ass. And the generation of defeatist losers from the WWII era are mostly dead, or really old now, so maybe France is getting its couilles back.
No. the reason France is leading the attack in Mali is because France is its former colonizer. They've made the same initiatives with other countries they have a stronger history with i.e Libya and Syria. But Heaven forbid they do anything for the Palestinians, because that would be anti-Semetic. :whatever:

I watched on CNN how one mayor in Mali wanted the American troops to do something because they were the ones who trained those Tauregs in the first place. He thinks they should finish what they started by fighting those same people. But I don't put much stock in America's Africom right now because its effects are pretty obvious.
In other news....what does North Korea and zombie movies have in common these days? People being eaten.


Well......you think a 'sane' leader would had made a truce deal with South Korea.

The report cites an incident where a grandfather dug up his grandchild’s corpse to eat it, and another incident where a father boiled his child and ate the flesh.

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Israel admits giving Ethiopian immigrants birth control injections

An Israeli government minister has admitted the practice of covertly injecting female Ethiopian immigrants with a birth control drug known as Depo-Provera.

The issue was first brought to light almost five years ago. However, there had been no official acknowledgement until a letter in response to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, written by the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Professor Ron Gamzu, was published yesterday.

Professor Ron Gamzu's letter instructed four organisations dealing with the health of Ethiopian immigrants to cease administering Depo-Provera immediately.

It added that gynaecologists from the organisations sanctioned by the Health Ministry and currently treating women of Ethiopian origin, should not renew prescriptions for the drug if there was a possibility that the women did not understand “the ramifications of the treatment,” and to procure translators from now on if needed.

The issue came to light again after a television investigation broadcast testimony from 35 Ethiopian immigrants to Israel, who said that they had been forced to receive the injection while waiting in transit camps.

The birth rate among Israel’s Ethiopian community has declined by 50 percent over the past ten years.

Source http://www.english.rfi.fr/middle-ea...ethiopian-immigrants-birth-control-injections

You would think the Israeli goverment would know better given the history of their people :nono:
Glorious news comrades. Egyptian Democracy is a rousing success. Solve many great problems.
Speaking of Egypt, are we sending them jets? If so, why? I thought that deal was struck with the old government, not their current one.
Yeah, our law abiding citizens are getting slammed for owning guns, but we are sending fighter jets to the Muslim Brotherhood....

YES......GO AMERICA!!!!!!! *insert sarcasm anywhere you want....*
Ok....sooooooooooooo this is who we sent fighter jets to...am I missing something somewhere? If he says..."he will play nice and respect people" then all is well. What country am I living in? Is this an alternate universe that I stumbled into?

Are they kidding?????

Gotta give it to the Americans, sneaking six million Jews across the Atlantic with no one noticing. And then convincing Germans to admit to a fake genocide.

Since Morsi is visiting Germany, maybe someone should bring it up.

"Need a custom made holocaust? Call 'Merica. Your go to holocaust engineers. They give you the choice of race, a wide variety of death camp locations to choose from, and even clean up at the end. Call 1-800-55-MERICA today!"
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"Need a custom made holocaust? Call 'Merica. Your go to holocaust engineers. They give you the choice of race, a wide variety of death camp locations to choose from, and even clean up at the end. Call 1-800-55-MERICA today!"

You would think he would fire his aide if he was in a Western country, but in the ME, he might get a promotion.
Israel gave birth control to Ethiopian Jews without their consent


Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu...warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”

One of the Ethiopian women who was interviewed is quoted as saying: “They [medical staff] told us they are inoculations. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.” It is alleged that some of the women were forced or coerced to take the drug while in transit camps in Ethiopia.

Read more about it:

Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

under Article II d, what Israel (if proven) has done is in fact genocide.
Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

under Article II d, what Israel (if proven) has done is in fact genocide.

They stepped in **** here, but I doubt anything will come of it. The world doesnt care about some Ethopians. I dont think Im alone in feeling that Israel is getting too big for their breeches and one day they are going to have to pay for this type of ****. Administrations wont always pity them and let them get away with this stuff because they suffered a holocaust.

Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu...warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”

Irony right there. Does he not realize how much he sounds like Hitler?
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Can't really blame the Israelis there. Who do you think they're going to use those weapons against?
They stepped in **** here, but I doubt anything will come of it. The world doesnt care about some Ethopians. I dont think Im alone in feeling that Israel is getting too big for their breeches and one day they are going to have to pay for this type of ****. Administrations wont always pity them and let them get away with this stuff because they suffered a holocaust.

Irony right there. Does he not realize how much he sounds like Hitler?

I'm not saying that Netanyahu is right in what he is saying....but you have to realize that Israel is a "Nation-State" which is far different from the US....they see themselves very differently....and they were created TO BE a "Nation-State". Germany was not created specifically for that, but that is what Hitler wanted to "change".
I'm not saying that Netanyahu is right in what he is saying....but you have to realize that Israel is a "Nation-State" which is far different from the US....they see themselves very differently....and they were created TO BE a "Nation-State". Germany was not created specifically for that, but that is what Hitler wanted to "change".

Nation-State isnt an excuse for being an ass. They are a little country made from land requisitioned from another country of people. In their situation they really shouldnt be testing everyone's patience and tolerance for their *****ebaggery. We might just remember that the world doesnt revolve around the Jews then they will be up **** creek. Nation state or not right now in the present we should hammer their ass for what they were doing to the Ethiopians.

Just to be clear, I know you arent condoning what Yahu said and did. I doubt anyone here would.
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UN: Israeli settlements 'violate Palestinian rights'
BBC News

The magnitude of violations relating to Israel's policies of dispossessions, evictions, demolitions and displacements from land shows the widespread nature of these breaches of human rights," Unity Dow, member of the fact-finding mission from Botswana, said in a statement.

"The motivation behind violence and intimidation against the Palestinians and their properties is to drive the local populations away from their lands, allowing the settlements to expand."

Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21274061


Graffiti partially reads in Hebrew, 'Price tag,' 'A good Arab is a dead Arab,' 'Today in property, tomorrow -- lives,' and 'Revenge from Yitzhar (a settlement in the northern West Bank)'. 2013 AFP

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