I guess the big question is, will the GOP engage in actual self critical reflection before the next election or will they do what they always do, assume all their problems are the fault of Democrats, liberals and Republicans who are not ideological pure enough and assume that because they won the mid term election in 2014, that they don't have ask themselves any real questions.
When the GOP lost the Presidential election in 2008, it looked like they might do some soul searching, however when they won the mid term in 2010, they assumed they did not have to do anymore soul searching, that they an absolute man date to do whatever they felt like and then they lost in 2012. Will this win in 2014 give them the same sort of hubris? Will they ever truly engage in real self reflection?
I actually think Jeb Bush has done a good job trying to play the middle ground, now can he survive a primary is another question.
I think the main problem with the Republican party is they hold these clown car conventions it seems like every other month and you have people who want legitimate political careers on the same stage with a bunch of looney tunes like Trump, Palin, Gohmert, Bachmann, etc etc etc. Sometimes you wrongfully get lumped with the company you don't seem to mind to be around. Other times it's a case to out Gohmert a Gohmert so you can get an applause line you have to say ridiculous things(such as Walker comparing terrorists to union people protesting). These Clown car conventions are basically comedy gold trying to find soundbites of candidates saying stupid things, then all of a sudden you lump a bunch of clips in a row of Gohmert, Palin, Legitimate candidate 1, Jindal, Trump, Legitimate Candidate 2, Santorum, Herman Cain, The Guy from Duck Dynasty, Some uber social conservative PAC leader, Ted Nugent the 2 legit candidates look terrible especially when the stuff coming out of there mouth is just as crazy as all the other crazies..
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