Doctor Who: Return of Donna Noble.

Jennifer Walters

Attorney at Law
Aug 2, 2005
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Mind you this might not be written in the best form...but...this was something I just randomly started writing a few moments's no completed and I will be completing it later when I have time.

Donna Noble couldn’t understand what was happening, why she cried at the sight of screwdrivers, why she always lingered at the library when looking at Agatha Christie books, or how she just generally couldn’t remember parts of her life. All she knew was that something wasn’t right with her. She thought she was dying and it scared her.

It didn’t help that her days would become routine at a job, then her big mouth would cause her to lose it. She felt lost and her mother didn’t make it any easier. She felt her Gramps was just as sad as her and for the life of her couldn’t understand why.

Then one night she shot up from a night’s slumber and uttered one word… “Doctor.” She couldn’t return to sleep afterwards, and the thoughts kept pouring out to her. She began to scribble words onto a note pad, none of them making sense. Doctor, Ood, Sontaran, Tardis, Martha, Rose, Dalek. A bunch of gibberish, she huffed. Oi! She was going insane.

She looked over the words again. Doctor? What on hell sparked that word? She moved on to the next three words. Ood? Sontaran? Tardis? Sounds like comic book non-sense. Martha? Hell, there’s tons of Martha’s in the world. Rose? The flower? Dalek? More comic book gibberish. She felt like a right crazy arse when she began to scribble her own name on the paper next to the word Doctor. She chuckled, like her and the word Doctor would ever be in the same sentence. That’s when she said it out loud.

“Doctor Donna.”

Inside her head there was a sound sear of pain and realization. Doctor Donna. What she had done, what she had become. Ood? Sontaran? Dalek. Flashes of those alien races appearing within her head. That blue police box materializing in the images in her head. That lanky bean pole spaceman she had traveled with for months on end in it. Martha, oh god, how could she forget Martha. And Rose? How the Doctor loved her so, how bittersweet their reunion had been.

“Enough with that! Doctor!” She cried out as if in a delayed reaction throwing back the chair she sat in running to reach him, to reach the Tardis, but as she stood, she fell to the floor in pain and subsequently passed out.


“Is she going to be alright?” Donna could faintly hear a voice saying, a familiar voice. Martha’s voice. She tried to call out to Martha to say she was alright, but nothing. She had no way of knowing she was unconscious in the Torchwood Lab.

“Have you tried the Doctor again yet?” Another familiar voice, this one Jack Harkness. Oh, that foxy man. Torchwood must have come to her rescue.

“Yes, he’s not answering. I don’t understand why.” Oi! Bloody spaceman! I’m gonna give him a right kick to the arse when I see him. She thought, here she was dying and he was off not answering important phone calls.

“I’ve got Sarah Jane on the line. She wants to know if there’s anything she can do?” A slightly less familiar voice rang out. It was Gwen Cooper’s voice.

“Tell her thanks, but as for right now no. Tell her we’ll keep her abreast of the situation.” Jack said in reply to Gwen.

What the bloody hell is happening? Why can I hear all this? Why couldn’t I remember everything that happened? I knew I wasn’t insane. Donna Noble, insane? Pfft. How is this happening? I’m so flustered. I want to ***** slap someone! She thought to herself in frustration that she couldn’t scream out to her friends trying to help her.

“Please tell me my daughter is going to be okay!” The concern in Sylvia’s voice made Donna want to scream out more, she had never felt so loved by her mother than hearing that sentence. I love you mum.

“I’m going to try the best I can with what I have, Ms. Noble.” It was Martha. Thank god! If Donna trusted anyone to help her other than The Doctor, it was Martha.

“Oh, sweetheart…I should have never. This is all my fault.” Wilfred’s voice, blaming himself. Donna didn’t know it, but he had joined Martha by her unconscious form and was stroking her red locks of hair. Oh, Gramps.

There was a ringing of a phone and Donna knew that was either the call that would either lead to her salvation from all this or her death. Just make it quick!

‘”He’s on his way!” Martha exclaimed in relief as Donna’s subconscious whatever she was right now began to feel the same pain her body was feeling. Well, that’s wizard, but now you see I have this damn burning sensation. I better have not caught some bizarre space STD traveling with the Doctor. I can only imagine having to explain that to Suzie Mare. Ouch. Okay. That one really hurt. I really am gonna have to fight the urge to kick that non-existent arse of his.

“I just can’t believe he didn’t think this would happen when he tried to solve the problem by erasing her memories.” Rose the voice of Jack Harkness again. Donna would have thought to reflect on how sexy his voice if she wasn’t so pissed off at whoever he was.

“The Doctor was only doing what he thought was best, had he not she would have died then and there!” Martha said torn between Donna’s conflict and loyality to the Doctor.

It was him! Oh, that dumb little ignorant Martian… forget the urge! Consider that skinny lanky no good arse kicked. Kicked good and square. Watch out spaceboy, cause when I bounce back from this I’m coming your way!
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