Gravity - Part 1

I'd agree that he's being rewarded for a slightly lesser work in the way that other top guys have in the past. Gravity deserved to be in the 10 for Best Picture but not to get a Best Director Oscar although I'm glad that Cuaron benefited. And separately Prisoner of Azkaban is my Favourite Harry Potter film. I didn't care about the series until then.
Thought it was awful 2/5.

Sandra Bullock's character was so annoying, there us no way someone like that woukd get sent on a mission in space. She had fear all over her.

The hallucination of Clooney was poorly done and very convenient for her to escape.

Tbh I found most of it boring and the FX were good for sure but no better than say Man of Steel or Oblivion.

It was another overhyped average piece of cinema for me, reminded me of a James Cameron film, all style no substance.
Thought it was awful 2/5.

Sandra Bullock's character was so annoying, there us no way someone like that woukd get sent on a mission in space. She had fear all over her.

The hallucination of Clooney was poorly done and very convenient for her to escape.

Tbh I found most of it boring and the FX were good for sure but no better than say Man of Steel or Oblivion.

It was another overhyped average piece of cinema for me, reminded me of a James Cameron film, all style no substance.

The effects for Gravity blow Man of Steel and Oblivion out of the water by virtue of looking 'real' which must assuredly wasn't the case for those other movies mentioned.

Agree that Gravity's story telling is weak and heavy handed.

Disagree that Cameron's movies have no substance especially with his earlier movies.
The effects for Gravity blow Man of Steel and Oblivion out of the water by virtue of looking 'real' which must assuredly wasn't the case for those other movies mentioned.

Agree that Gravity's story telling is weak and heavy handed.

Disagree that Cameron's movies have no substance especially with his earlier movies.

How hard is it to make a CGI spacesuit look real against the black backdrop of space compared to a CGI flying man on earth? It looked so real because it wasnt trying anything so difficult, and it was mostly high contrast blacks and whites which lend themselves to realism
The effects for Gravity blow Man of Steel and Oblivion out of the water by virtue of looking 'real' which must assuredly wasn't the case for those other movies mentioned.

Agree that Gravity's story telling is weak and heavy handed.

Disagree that Cameron's movies have no substance especially with his earlier movies.

I disagree completely on the FX. Gravity had patchy shots just like any other film. I really don't see what was so great about the FX is it simply because its space and you can see the Earth so well? Because nothing else made me go wow like Krypton in MOS or the Moon in Oblivion.

Sorry but for me Gravity's been severly overhyped.

I love the Terminator and Aliens but Cameron's been so caught up in making FX movies since the 90s he forgets there's more to it.
How hard is it to make a CGI spacesuit look real against the black backdrop of space compared to a CGI flying man on earth? It looked so real because it wasnt trying anything so difficult, and it was mostly high contrast blacks and whites which lend themselves to realism

Exactly, also I noticed several times when they were in the suits it was a clear CGI double. It looked like all CG people do, not right. Don't get why Gravity is been so heavily raved about at all.
Gravity deserved all the praise for the experience alone, the way the film was filmed was amazingly handled. I think it's one of those films like Star Wars, Matrix and to a certain extent Avatar, the narrative isn't exactly the best, but they give us such a great and unique experience (for live-action or the time each one was released), that they get a free pass in the dialogue and plot department.

Gravity decided to do certain things, a lot of them risky, and then executed them perfectly, which wasn't the case for The Man of Steel or Oblivion.

Cuaron deserved the best directing award, not because Gravity was the best film (it wasn't), but because he simply did an amazing "directing" job. You can see that all the money was well used.
What did they do that was risky? Its really nothing special as far as I am concerned, the debris floating in space hitting the shuttles wasn't anything ground breaking there were better FX sequences in that in many films last year. Disagree that certain films should get a free pass in certain areas, just doesn't cut it for me.

It was a stunning film I agree but it wasn't a great film by any stretch as far as I'm concerned.
The way it was filmed, they had to plan every move of the camera way ahead of time in order to make it feel like the viewer was in space. The film was an immersing experience, i can see why some wouldn't like it as much, but i don't think that using Man of Steel or Oblivion are the best examples against Gravity
The way it was filmed, they had to plan every move of the camera way ahead of time in order to make it feel like the viewer was in space. The film was an immersing experience, i can see why some wouldn't like it as much, but i don't think that using Man of Steel or Oblivion are the best examples against Gravity

Im making the point that the FX in Gravity weren't any better than the FX in those films and I stand by that, also as someone else they didn't really do anything that groundbreaking in terms of what was shot.
Im making the point that the FX in Gravity weren't any better than the FX in those films and I stand by that, also as someone else they didn't really do anything that groundbreaking in terms of what was shot.

Gravity is the first movie I've ever seen where the 3D is actually useful rather than just "looking cool".

They also had to make effects that respect physics, conservation of angular momentum, etc, they didn't just move the camera around.
Yea they did. The first shot of the film lasts about 10 minutes. Sure it's mostly CGI, but the technical skill, logistics and planning to do such long takes is impressive.
Agree to disagree folks, Gravity for me was nothing special. I've not been this disappointed with a film since Prometheus.

I didn't see anything that really stood out FX wise compared to other films.
It all comes down to not just the quality of the FX, but also how it's aplicated, they certainly went through much more trouble in doing in Gravity than in any of the other blockbuster films, The Man of Steel's effects were your run of the mill blockbuster FX where you had some ocasions with human bodies that were obviously computer generated and so much action that it felt unnatural, entertaining to watch? yes, but really nothing to write home about, and the way certain things were shot reminded me of certain Scy fy movies.

You can make a good case for Oblivion though, the films that director does allways have such beautiful cinematography. But the planning they had to do for Gravity was much more complex and their work deserves to be acnouledged, even if only for that.
It all comes down to not just the quality of the FX, but also how it's aplicated, they certainly went through much more trouble in doing in Gravity than in any of the other blockbuster films, The Man of Steel's effects were your run of the mill blockbuster FX where you had some ocasions with human bodies that were obviously computer generated and so much action that it felt unnatural, entertaining to watch? yes, but really nothing to write home about, and the way certain things were shot reminded me of certain Scy fy movies.

You can make a good case for Oblivion though, the films that director does allways have such beautiful cinematography. But the planning they had to do for Gravity was much more complex and their work deserves to be acnouledged, even if only for that.

I'm not sure Gravity was much better than Oblivion.

But both were far ahead of MoS, IM3, STID, Thor 2, etc.
Oblivion was not better than most of those IMAO. That film was a mix of science fiction clichés that was not well handled, only exceptional thing i can talk about imagery. From Tron Legacy and Oblivion i think that this director is trying to make deep science fiction, yet he lacks the creativity and experience to do so.
Oblivion was not better than most of those IMAO. That film was a mix of science fiction clichés that was not well handled, only exceptional thing i can talk about imagery. From Tron Legacy and Oblivion i think that this director is trying to make deep science fiction, yet he lacks the creativity and experience to do so.

I was actually specifically talking about special effects and cinematography. That movie was incredibly beautiful.

In terms of story though, it was more advanced. Really diligent and creative allegory for drone warfare and the sociological superstructure it necessitates.

How was "we are an effective team" a cliché? I have not seen that social issue represented on screen before. Have you? I guess Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket did, but the implementation and idea was not quite the same.

ETA: I think his creativity is just fine. It's his second movie and he has little prior training as a director. His career training is as an architect, Kosinki is a professor of architecture actually, so his learning curve is off the scale.
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If you're talking about the partners angle, there are plenty. The film has shallow allegories, if you're looking for films that are trully complex in that level then i would recomend something from the likes of Refn, David Lynch or Richard Linklater.
If you're talking about the partners angle, there are plenty.
That's not what the line is about, or at least that's not the whole point.

"We are an effective team" is Cruise and his partner repeating a slogan, as they repeat the propaganda, the expectation is that they will buy into it and incorporate it into their world view. They are made to repeat that line whenever there is a situation where doubt might enter their mindset. That's how it presented, as a slogan to believe in, a sort of ideological virus and white blood cell at the same time. It's current as we had the human microphone issue come up during occupy wall street, and many other examples before that.

There's nothing shallow about it, and to the best of my knowledge, it has not really been shown on screen in scifi before, even though it's a major tool in real-life global social movements. If the movie failed, it's because people failed to get the allegory, which is fine.
People being influenced thanks to media is nothing new at all, been used in science fiction films for decades. A few examples are They Live, THX 1138, V for Vendetta, 1984, Metropolis, etc.
I think the thing people aren't taking into account with Gravity's VFX is that the effects are throughout the movie, it's just that they don't call attention to themselves for large parts of the film. A film like Man of Steel basically just screams 'hey I'm a visual FX shot, look at me!', Cuaron's use of effects is about it blending in with the environment and not calling attention to itself. I guarantee you if you see the the raw footage of the film you'll see just how big a roll the FX played generating the environments.
Im making the point that the FX in Gravity weren't any better than the FX in those films and I stand by that, also as someone else they didn't really do anything that groundbreaking in terms of what was shot.

Gravity had to create the equipments for the special effects their used in the movie. How is it not ground-breaking?
Thought it was awful 2/5.

Sandra Bullock's character was so annoying, there us no way someone like that woukd get sent on a mission in space. She had fear all over her.

The hallucination of Clooney was poorly done and very convenient for her to escape.

Tbh I found most of it boring and the FX were good for sure but no better than say Man of Steel or Oblivion.

It was another overhyped average piece of cinema for me, reminded me of a James Cameron film, all style no substance.
a good and fair post. but i dont understand why you had to talk about gravity in the superman boards? why compare it ?

i am afraid that this is about reviews and box office :csad:

and i have nothing against you. you sound like a fun shh member. :yay:

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