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Sequels How I'd like to see them do X4 and redeem X3, long read[spoilers]


Jul 24, 2006
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Ok, this is how I would like to see them start up a new multi-movie storyline while also fixing some of the (many) problems in X3. I am big X-Men fan. During the 90's I had dozens of comics & loved the cartoon. When the X-Men movies were announced it was like a wet dream. I loved the first 2 and when I heard the Phoenix Saga (of sorts) was going to be in X3 I was thrilled. But X3 was crap. They totally screwed the Phoenix Saga. Did two themes which deserve their own movies (Cure & Phoenix) and both ended up crap. Missed numerous opportunities with Pyro/Icemen (a headbutt?!), Juggernaut/Colossus, etc. The army of lame-ass Brotherhood members. Oh, and the Rush Hour one-liners.

Now this is how I'd like to see it fixed.

I would like to see the major storyline (well, villain) of the next trilogy be Apocalypse. In addition to Apocalypse and his agenda there would be Sinister and his genetics, the creation of the Four Horsemen, and Cable coming from the future. My take would be something like this...

I wouldn't have Wolverine & Magneto in the movie as I think we've seen enough of them and they're going to have their own movies anyway. There's no I in team. The X4 X-Men would be: Prof. X, Storm, Rogue, Iceman, Shadowcat, Colossus, Angel & Gambit. Xavier now with a new body (his twin brother's, so the commentaries say) and Gambit would be brought in similar to Shadowcat in the last movie.

Anyway, movie would start with Cable running through a desolate city in the (not too distant future), being chased & shot at by un-seen assailants. He eventually loses them and pulls out a strange device. He then uses the device to bodyslide back to our time.

Speaking of the present, we see the current X-Men. Leaderless with Cyclops, Jean & Professor X all seemingly dead and no trouble around the X-Men have become relaxed. Wolverine has gone off in search of his past & Storm is the only one left trying to run the school and control the students. A new student, Gambit, makes his presence felt. Making a fan out of Rogue & an enemy out of Iceman. Shadowcat & Colossus also have a blossoming relationship (been a while since I saw X3 and I can't really remember how the Kitty/Ice/Rogue triangle ended up). Angel has also been made a full-fledged X-Man by Storm in attempts to fill gaps in the ranks.

A news report on the Television catches numerous students' attentions and eventually Storm's. The news report shows an unknown mutant (the newly back from the future Cable) in numerous incidents in inner-city areas. Storm calls the X-Men together and they go to investigate (with Gambit stowing himself on board the Blackbird, not wanting to miss the action). The X-Men arrive at the scene and a battle ensues. Cable using bodyslides, telekinesis & his futuristic weaponry gets the better of the young X-Men team. Cable goes to finish them off when he is mentally attacked by Professor X who's revival is a shock (but very welcome) to all the X-Men. Professor X knocks Cable out but in the process reads some of his memories. Of a distopian future, horrible atrocities & something familiar Xavier can't put his finger on. He orders the X-Men to take Cable aboard the Blackbird and return to the Mansion.

Xavier explains what happen, how after Phoenix atomized him he moved his consciousness into his comatose twin-brother's body. He has been recupping since. The Professor is more interested in Cable though (who has been disarmed and restrained). They analyse his weaponry and discover nothing like it exists. And that he is infected with a virus (the techno-virus) that has taken his arm. When Cable awakes he is uncooperative but realizes he's not going anywhere and that time is of the essence and decides to talk. He explains who he is and where he is from but some of the X-Men don't believe him. But Professor X’s relaying of Cable's memories & the weaponry prove it's validity. Cable says he has returned to stop an evil tyrant named Apocalypse from taking over. He explains that Apocalypse is immortal and can lay dormant for centuries, and within a couple of days he is going to be revived. He tells the X-Men to either help him or let him go. While Professor X considers the option he receives a brief (but intense) psychic call for help from what seems to be Jean. Seemingly emanating from the Alkali Lake area where she disappeared. The X-Men don't believe him, as they saw her die and think the Professor is having some sort of problem dealing with what happen between him & Jean. But Xavier orders them to depart. Storm recommends they make Gambit a probationary X-Man, since he handled himself well when they fought Cable, and bring him along as part of his training. This makes Bobby angry and the brooding Iceman is left behind to guard Cable.

The Blackbird arrives near the Alkali Lake and the X-Men begin searching the area. The search isn't turning up results and the X-Men are starting to doubt Xavier's sanity when they are ambushed. They're attacked by the Marauders, consisting of: Pyro, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Ruckus, Emma Frost, Blob & a couple of others. I want Juggernaut & Pyro in again as I want to see an epic battles between Pyro/Iceman (with flame creatures, ice-slides, etc.) and Juggernaut/Colossus. I think Pyro & Juggernaut could also have a partnership now Magneto's gone, sort of like Black Tom/Juggernaut or Pyro/Avalanche did. I'd also like a villain that flies to fight Angel but I couldn't think of any good ones. Perhaps the same flying villain could be drained by Rogue so we can have the tough Rogue. Anyway, the Marauders get the better of the X-Men and use concealed weapons to knock the X-Men unconscious. Except for Gambit who was thrown clear during the fight, hit a tree and covered in snow. The Marauders take the X-Men and leave. Gambit comes to, frees himself from the snow and tries to find the X-Men to no avail. He makes hit back to the Blackbird but realizes he can't fly it. He does manage to figure out a way to send a help message back to the Mansion.

Iceman receives the message but isn't totally trusting of Gambit. But his desire to help his friends, especially Rogue, persuades him to go. But he needs to watch Cable. He decides to take Cable with him, taking Cable's gear in a bag and is about to freeze shackles on Cable's hands when Cable asks how is Iceman going to get to Canada? With no jet Bobby says he'll have to drive, but it will take hours. Cable says if he gives him his gear he could bodyslide them there in an instant. Iceman agrees but doesn't give him his weapons & warns Cable about trying any funny business. Cable bodyslides them to Alkali Lake. When they get there Gambit joins them and they begin trying to track down the rest of the X-Men. They decide to head for what's left of Stryker's facility.

Meanwhile, the rest of the X-Men come to inside the Alkali Lake facility. Some deep, untouched chambers. They're constrained & they do not have their powers due to being hooked up to strange machines. The cocky Marauders are celebrating their victory when their master reveals himself: Mr. Sinister. But that's not all, he also shows them a blast from the past. Cyclops & Jean Grey unconscious & also constrained and hooked up to the machines. Sinister explains to the shocked X-Men that he is a geneticist and that Scott Summers & Jean Grey will provide the material for his greatest creation. He also notices their shock at the presence of Jean Grey and explains the situation.

Sinister was working as part of Stryker's operations at Alkali Lake. Sinister was using his position there to gain access to the mutant genetic material & records of known mutants for his future work. He evacuated the facility during the X-Men's attack and returned afterwards, finding his labs had remained intact. He began contacting the more unscrupulous mutants to come work for him. And one day, along the shore of Alkali Lake, he found something remarkable. The unconscious body of Jean Grey. He recognized her immediately, as her and Cyclops had been the focus of his study. He took her back to his labs and began experiments. He managed to make a clone of Jean, which aged at an accelerated rate. He named the clone Madelyne. He gave her all Jean's memories but realized that Madelyne didn't seem to have the morals & empathy that Jean did. But also seemed to be much more powerful than Jean was supposed to be (Madelyne doesn't have Xavier's psychic locks, so the Phoenix persona has full reign). But due to her accelerated aging she won't last very long. Fortunately for Sinister, Cyclops showed up. As in X3, Cyclops goes to Alkali Lake to mourn for Jean. But Sinister reveals he sent Madelyne to meet Cyclops. After they share their moment Cyclops is ambushed by Sinister and a few of the Marauders he has managed to hire. They hear a plane approach and Sinister recognizes it as the Blackbird, he orders Madelyne to feign injury & stay behind, to go with the X-Men and report to him on their location & the location of other mutants. Then the events of X3 continue, Madelyne/Phoenix begins to go nuts and give into all her feelings. She tries it on with Wolverine, Jean's memories of Logan being the catalyst. As she slips out of sanity she begs Wolverine to kill her before leaving in a huff. She joins the Brotherhood, forgetting her allegiance to Sinister. She atomizes Professor X as Phoenix/Maddy doesn't want to be restrained. And as her powers & her fragile cloned mind eat at her she begs Wolverine to kill her, which he does.

Back in the present Sinister says "oh well", it was his first major experiment. And he's learnt from his mistakes. And he needs to make sure he makes no mistakes as he prepares for his master's (Apocalypse’s) arrival. He plans to use Jean, Cyclops & the rest of the X-Men to create a race of superior beings (or something like that). The offspring of Jean & Cyclops being his greatest work. He tells them that Jean is a couple months pregnant and she will give birth to his ultimate weapon. Meanwhile, Gambit, Iceman & Cable have discovered the complex and make their way downwards, towards Sinister's labs. The intrusion is detected and Sinister sends the Marauders to stop them.

Sinister starts using a computer, explaining he plans to absorb the powers of all the X-Men. As the machine begins powering up he begins unhooking Jean & Scott from the depowering machines (so their powers can be transferred) but once he has done so Jean sends him flying across the room. She and Cyclops were playing possum. Jean frees Cyclops who then frees the other X-Men. Jean & Scott take on Sinister while the others go to help Iceman & co. who are taking a beating from the Marauders. With their increased numbers the X-Men begin to teach the Marauders a lesson, defeating them & sending them into retreat. Meanwhile in a hard-fought battle Cyclops & Jean defeat Sinister, Cyclops blasting him into pieces The X-Men are victorious and reunited. Cable begins checking out the equipment and realizes it's Sinister's (who he remembers working for Apocalypse in the future). The X-Men pledge to help him find & stop Apocalypse. The search the area but can't find any trace. They decide to return home. But not before Cyclops destroys Sinister's machines.

Back at the Mansion Professor X makes Gambit a full-fledged member of the team & Storm leaves to see her family in Africa. And with the aid of Professor X, Cerebro & the X-Men, Cable begins searching for signs of Apocalypse. Meanwhile back at Alkalai Lake, parts of Sinister begin to reform, finally putting Sinister back together. The immortal discovers his equipment destroyed. He looks at a flickering security monitor and sees a short bit of footage of the X-Men replaying itself. He zooms in on Cable and smiles. He walks over to a wall and pushes a hidden button, revealing a hidden chamber with a dormant Apocalypse inside. Sinister states his preparations are ready. End of movie.

This would lead to a 5th movie with Apocalypse recruiting his Horsemen, and instigating his survival of the fittest. 6th movie would be his defeat. Personally, I would then like to see maybe a spin-off consisting of the younger mutants. Maybe led by Cable. Something similar to X-Force. Anyway, what do guys think? I know it was a little long.
Well, it was fine,....need some work though.. Maddy instead of Jean on X3? nice....still they didn't do to much justice to phoenix, so some focus on her will be good......
I agree with Cosmic. So this at least helps for a possible X4 storyline.
Time travel is never a great thing to mix with mutation... Well for live action movies that is...

You are kind of right... We do need a consistant villian... But Apocaylpse is to high profile, Its like placing Galactus as main villian threwout the fantastic four trilogy.

I think what you need to plan out with Apocaylpse is the whole MR SINISTER character being the new Magneto of all three trilogies, he is responsible for the bringing together of the four horsemen and the rise of apocaylpse. Which Apocaylpse should only appear as the final battle, in X-Men 6. and seriously if it gets to this X-Men 6 should be 3 hours long, containt 6 acts and several story acts.

Gambit is a complex character that is GOLD for the studio if they do him right... He's a theif, a cajun and somewhat of a love interest with swarvy characterics, other than the Cajun thing, Were looking at the new Wolverine character for the three movies. Unlike X1 to x3 Wolverine was lost and just went with the flow. With Gambit we want development building, We need to start him evil and turn him good, with the help of rogue.

SINISTER! the most logical villian for many reasons. Why? Can sum it up with several phrases... Apocaylpse, Gambit, Reversing Mutation or Evolving, Ties with the Hellfire, Has own private funding and paramilatary response unit known as The Mauraders. Do i really need to spell it out for you.

The trouble with Time Travel, unless its the overal theme of all movies, to add it into a X-Men world which is a heavly mutation themed world it just wouldnt work. However doesnt mean it cant be done on some extent.

Time Travel is not a mutation, But forsite is. Hence why i said for X-Men 5 we should have a hobo-bishop a mutant living rough on the street in the same present of the x-men. However Bishop has a mutation growth and starts to predict the future. He is then abused by the Hellfire club who use this to there advantage. But when Bishop forsees a future with hunting mutant robots and manafactured by Hellfire well you can see the chaos. Bit like Terminator Movie someone trying to change the present because of what they have seen... Not necessarly anyone traveling from the future to the present or past.
Main thing I wanted was an explanation of Jean & Cyclops "deaths". I used replacement by Maddy & capture by Sinister as explanation. But I'd want them brought back somehow. And having Sinister introduced and preparing for Apocalypse's arrival. Everything else can be anything. And I put Cable in because he's my favourite and he is so intertwined with Sinister, Apocalypse, Jean & Scott. And I thought he could be a good replacement for Wolverine. I see what you mean with time travel, although I think the public can take it.

As for more Sinister, less Apocalypse. I'd be happy with that. I'm a big fan of Sinister, so the more the merrier.
Time travel is never a great thing to mix with mutation... Well for live action movies that is...

You are kind of right... We do need a consistant villian... But Apocaylpse is to high profile, Its like placing Galactus as main villian threwout the fantastic four trilogy.

I think what you need to plan out with Apocaylpse is the whole MR SINISTER character being the new Magneto of all three trilogies, he is responsible for the bringing together of the four horsemen and the rise of apocaylpse. Which Apocaylpse should only appear as the final battle, in X-Men 6. and seriously if it gets to this X-Men 6 should be 3 hours long, containt 6 acts and several story acts.

Gambit is a complex character that is GOLD for the studio if they do him right... He's a theif, a cajun and somewhat of a love interest with swarvy characterics, other than the Cajun thing, Were looking at the new Wolverine character for the three movies. Unlike X1 to x3 Wolverine was lost and just went with the flow. With Gambit we want development building, We need to start him evil and turn him good, with the help of rogue.

SINISTER! the most logical villian for many reasons. Why? Can sum it up with several phrases... Apocaylpse, Gambit, Reversing Mutation or Evolving, Ties with the Hellfire, Has own private funding and paramilatary response unit known as The Mauraders. Do i really need to spell it out for you.

The trouble with Time Travel, unless its the overal theme of all movies, to add it into a X-Men world which is a heavly mutation themed world it just wouldnt work. However doesnt mean it cant be done on some extent.

Time Travel is not a mutation, But forsite is. Hence why i said for X-Men 5 we should have a hobo-bishop a mutant living rough on the street in the same present of the x-men. However Bishop has a mutation growth and starts to predict the future. He is then abused by the Hellfire club who use this to there advantage. But when Bishop forsees a future with hunting mutant robots and manafactured by Hellfire well you can see the chaos. Bit like Terminator Movie someone trying to change the present because of what they have seen... Not necessarly anyone traveling from the future to the present or past.

I generally agree with this.

(* However, time travel can be a mutant power -- there are several mutants with that ability -- but I agree it's might be too 'far out' for the movieverse.. But I would like the movieverse to be a little more 'fantastic')
Main thing I wanted was an explanation of Jean & Cyclops "deaths". I used replacement by Maddy & capture by Sinister as explanation. But I'd want them brought back somehow. And having Sinister introduced and preparing for Apocalypse's arrival. Everything else can be anything. And I put Cable in because he's my favourite and he is so intertwined with Sinister, Apocalypse, Jean & Scott. And I thought he could be a good replacement for Wolverine. I see what you mean with time travel, although I think the public can take it.

As for more Sinister, less Apocalypse. I'd be happy with that. I'm a big fan of Sinister, so the more the merrier.

I see. I think it *might* work to have X3's Dark Phoenix be a clone that was in fact 'Madelyne Pryor' - fans would be okay with seeing Cyclops and Jean again, not sure about the mainstream audience though.

Cable could work as a time traveller from the future, if the idea of time travel could be sold to the audience in a believable way. It's possibly a bit far-out for the movieverse that's been established so far.

I'm all for the movies being more sci-fi - it just needs the right writers and director. I don't go to these superhero movies to see the human emotion, I go to see the fantastical elements made real on the big screen. The human emotion should tie it all together and not be at the expense of sci-fi spectacle.
Overall aside from the time travel, it looked good.
it has a good explanation to tie in the dissapearance of Cyclops and introduction to Sinister.. it could work. i like it! but this story alone have to cover in two movies i guess.
Some good ideas bouncing around in here. I like the idea of Apocalypse getting the big screen treatment, complete with Sinister, the presence of the Four Horsemen and the whole 'survival of the fittest' theme. :up:

Why does the thread title mention spoilers? :huh:

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