jlu trivia thread

TheGrayGhost said:
Techincally, there are two heroes on JLU that are called Steel (another good trivia question), but I'm certain you're talking about John Henry Irons.

I'm pretty sure that it has to be one of these three leaguers:

Captain Atom
Dr. Light

But I am going to go with Dr. Light. I seem to remember Steel teaming up with her in "Dark Heart" and "The Great Brain Robbery." Ice is my second choice.
Correct on all counts. Ice was the one I was looking for; the episodes specific are "The Return" (alongside him, as well as Flash and Wonder Woman, vs. Amazo), "Panic In The Sky" (specifically saves him from a "Juice" clone as he was electrocuting him) and finally in "The Great Brain Robbery" (battles alongside him against Dr. Polaris and others).

I should have been more specific, although I seem to refer to the red, white, and blue masked Steel (throwing a Cap-esque shield in DESTROYER) as "Commander Steel".
Dread said:
Correct on all counts. Ice was the one I was looking for; the episodes specific are "The Return" (alongside him, as well as Flash and Wonder Woman, vs. Amazo), "Panic In The Sky" (specifically saves him from a "Juice" clone as he was electrocuting him) and finally in "The Great Brain Robbery" (battles alongside him against Dr. Polaris and others).

I should have been more specific, although I seem to refer to the red, white, and blue masked Steel (throwing a Cap-esque shield in DESTROYER) as "Commander Steel".

Here are some fun facts:

According to the official DC Comics guide, his name is Steel. I suppose it could be short for Commander Steel, much in the same that the Green Lantern is often referred to as simply "Lantern." But even The Watchtower, the most popular of the JL/JLU fan sites, lists him as "Steel."

I read once that "Commander Steel" is the name for the comic book in which he is the feature character, akin to Shazam! for Captain Marvel, which also causes a lot of name confusion itself among casual readers. But then I also remember reading that Commander Steel was a character in the early comics who retired and passed on the mantle to his son. But his son would only be known as Steel. Here is what The Watchtower have as his entry:

Grandson of Commander Steel, a superhero from the 1940s, Hank Heywood III was subjected by his grandfather to a series of painful operations designed to artificially grant him the abilities of the former hero. His bones replaced by a titanium / steel alloy, his muscles replaced by servo-mechanisms, his skin replaced by a subdermal plastisteel mesh—Hank was now more metal than flesh. Taking the identity of Steel at the urging of his grandfather, Hank is now a member of the Justice League.

In any case, I like calling him Commader Steel, too. I just wanted to showcase my knowledge.:O

Anyway, great trivia question, Dread. Since I got this one right, I'll go on to the next:

Excluding the various Greek Gods that have been featured in the DCAU, how many DCAU villains of earthly origin are immortals?
Maxie Zues, Vandal Savage , Ivo's android I think that is it but im prolly wrong.
TheGrayGhost said:
Here are some fun facts:

According to the official DC Comics guide, his name is Steel. I suppose it could be short for Commander Steel, much in the same that the Green Lantern is often referred to as simply "Lantern." But even The Watchtower, the most popular of the JL/JLU fan sites, lists him as "Steel."

I read once that "Commander Steel" is the name for the comic book in which he is the feature character, akin to Shazam! for Captain Marvel, which also causes a lot of name confusion itself among casual readers. But then I also remember reading that Commander Steel was a character in the early comics who retired and passed on the mantle to his son. But his son would only be known as Steel. Here is what The Watchtower have as his entry:

In any case, I like calling him Commader Steel, too. I just wanted to showcase my knowledge.:O

Anyway, great trivia question, Dread. Since I got this one right, I'll go on to the next:

Excluding the various Greek Gods that have been featured in the DCAU, how many DCAU villains of earthly origin are immortals?
My stab at it:

1). Vandal Savage
2). Morgane LeFey & Mordred
3). Circe (she's not really a Greek God like Hades, Hermes, or Ares, right?)
4). The Shade (at least in the comics, he seems to be)
5). Amazo
6). Doomsday (he seems rather unkillable)
7). Gentleman Ghost
Circe I believe is a god. If that year long class of Myth and Legend is correct.
Dread said:
My stab at it:

1). Vandal Savage
2). Morgane LeFey & Mordred
3). Circe (she's not really a Greek God like Hades, Hermes, or Ares, right?)
4). The Shade (at least in the comics, he seems to be)
5). Amazo
6). Doomsday (he seems rather unkillable)
7). Gentleman Ghost
Circe is a god. She's from the Oddesey. She uses her powers to trap Odesius on her island and turn his crew into pigs.

Morgane LeFay is also a god. Though it's a lot less clear. She's a humanized celtic god, Morrigan. When the Irish where christianized all their myths and gods were rewritten turing the gods into people.
Dread said:
My stab at it:

1). Vandal Savage
2). Morgane LeFey & Mordred
3). Circe (she's not really a Greek God like Hades, Hermes, or Ares, right?)
4). The Shade (at least in the comics, he seems to be)
5). Amazo
6). Doomsday (he seems rather unkillable)
7). Gentleman Ghost

You're very close, but you're missing a few. And I didn't mean "immortal" in the sense that you're invulnerable to harm, I meant it in the sense that aging will not effect you. That said, both usually go hand in hand.

Anyway, I never really considered Doomsday to be immortal; he was created from a sample of Superman's DNA, and while he was genetically modified to be his superior, I suspect that aging affects him the same way it does Superman. That is, he ages very,very slowly. But at some point, he'll be able to die of old age. But a lot of people do disagree with me.

And I didn't count Circe either, as she is also part of Greek mythology.

The rest are right, though. I thought The Shade would be especially hard, since it wasn't hinted in JL/JLU, but you got it. These are the ones you are missing:
  • Mr. Freeze
  • Ra's Al Ghul
  • Metallo
I know a lot of people will disagree with me about Ra's Al Ghul and Metallo. But you're were close enough, Dread. You go ahead and do the next one.
I disagree on Ra's but Metallo seems fine.
TheGrayGhost said:
You're very close, but you're missing a few. And I didn't mean "immortal" in the sense that you're invulnerable to harm, I meant it in the sense that aging will not effect you. That said, both usually go hand in hand.

Anyway, I never really considered Doomsday to be immortal; he was created from a sample of Superman's DNA, and while he was genetically modified to be his superior, I suspect that aging affects him the same way it does Superman. That is, he ages very,very slowly. But at some point, he'll be able to die of old age. But a lot of people do disagree with me.

And I didn't count Circe either, as she is also part of Greek mythology.

The rest are right, though. I thought The Shade would be especially hard, since it wasn't hinted in JL/JLU, but you got it. These are the ones you are missing:
  • Mr. Freeze
  • Ra's Al Ghul
  • Metallo
I know a lot of people will disagree with me about Ra's Al Ghul and Metallo. But you're were close enough, Dread. You go ahead and do the next one.
Thanks. In my defense, for some reason I thought the question meant "JL/U" foes who were immortal, not just general Timmverse ones. Otherwise I probably would have included Ra's at least. But thanks.

Okay, my next Question:

Batman naturally embarked on a long training crusade during his youth to learn the skills he needed to become Batman. Name all the times (episodes) in the DCAU where we have met either one of Batman's "masters", as in a person directly related to his training as Batman (Alfred nor Joe Chill don't count), OR a person who is directly connected to one of these "masters" (as in a child or some beloved student).
In "Night of the Ninja" we meet Bruce's old martial arts rival. We see a young Bruce training in Japan.

In "Day of the Samurai" we meet his old sensi and of course the return of his rival.

In "Zatana" we meet....Zatana herself with some flashbacks going back to her father.
Spidey Rules 2 said:
In "Night of the Ninja" we meet Bruce's old martial arts rival. We see a young Bruce training in Japan.

In "Day of the Samurai" we meet his old sensi and of course the return of his rival.

In "Zatana" we meet....Zatana herself with some flashbacks going back to her father.
You're on the right track, but there are still a few others. All of those are correct, just the answer isn't complete yet. ;)
Spidey Rules 2 said:
In "Night of the Ninja" we meet Bruce's old martial arts rival. We see a young Bruce training in Japan.

In "Day of the Samurai" we meet his old sensi and of course the return of his rival.

In "Zatana" we meet....Zatana herself with some flashbacks going back to her father.
Being that its been over 24 hours since I asked my question, I may as well give the full answer.

Batman "masters" (and associates of "masters") list:

1). "Night of the Ninja": Kyudai Ken, a.k.a. The Ninja, who we see as a rival of Wayne when he trained in Japan under Sensai Yoru.

2). "Day of the Samurai": Sensai Yoru is met in the present, as well as his new prize student, Kairi Tanaga (who is kidnapped at some point by Kyodai to lure out Batman). Kyodai is able to figure out Batman's identity by his fighting style, and Yoru likely knows, too.

3). "Zatanna": In flashback, we meet Zatara the Magician, who taught Wayne the art of escaping from traps & bonds. We also meet Zatara's student/daughter, Zatanna.

4). "The Little Piggy": Zatanna again.

5). "The Balance": Zatanna again.

6). "Dead Reckoning": We meet The Master of Nanda Parbat, who Batman also apparently trained under while in the Orient, and his ghostly student/avenger, Boston Brand, a.k.a. "Deadman".

7). "Destroyer": Zatanna again.

8). & 9)."The Curse of the Kobra", Parts 1 & 2: In the future of BEYOND, Old Man Wayne once again reunites with Kairi Tanaga, who he employs to train Terry in the martial arts. In the finale, she sacrifices her life to help defeat Kobra.

I also would have accepted as an answer "Beware the Gray Ghost", as a young Wayne enjoyed the TV show GRAY GHOST as a child (as well as had "hero worship" of the star, typecast actor Simon Trent as the Gray Ghost), and after his parents were killed, this devotion likely added to Wayne's eventual donning of a caped monniker to fight crime, as well as designing the Batcave (which Trent claimed was almost a replica of the "Gray Ghost's Lair"). While Trent didn't "train" Wayne personally, his role was pivotal in creating Batman.

Since you got the most answers correct within the 24 hour limit, how about you post the next question, Spidey Rules 2.
Okay...this is a fairly easy one.

In a certain episode the Justice League is in a prison of lobotomized villians, only one villian (inmate) had not been lobotomized? Name the episode and the villian in question.
"A Better World" Part 2, and that villian was the Ventriloquist. His puppet Scarface had been "lobotimized", but Wesker himself was unharmed.
ok, wait for confirmation and then you're up dread
And we have a winner!:) I really enjoyed that scene, though I am surprised that Two Face was only lobotomized once, not twice. I think the writer's goofed on that one.
Well spidey you are up go ahead question away.
I guess Dread doesn't want to play anymore. Okay, I'll ask another one:

There was a continuity error between "Epilogue" and "Rebirth". What was it?

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