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Director : Franklin J. Schaffner
Screenplay :Richard Maybaum ,Rod Serling, and Charles Beaumont

Project History
With The Fantastic Four becoming one of Marvel's top selling comics , with syndicated animated series in 1967, and with the popularity of The Batman television series,
Executives at 20th Century Fox studios see potential in a Fantastic Four feature film .
While many investors think the idea is preposterous , and a Big budgeted F4 film as a potential disaster, Producers pitch the idea of getting big name stars , and placing them in a Sci-fi adventure and drama along the lines of hits such as Fantastic Voyage and Planet Of The Apes .

Planet Of The Apes, in particular, is the tone Producers have in mind for the film as opposed to the self parody of The Batman tv series .
With the recent hit in mind , Producers tap director Franklin J. Schaffner to helm the project for a 1969 release date .

The story would feature the origin of Marvel first family in addition to the effects of fame and fortune on the lives of the newly formed team .
In the midst of the fractured relationships , Galactus and his herald , The Silver Surfer, would serve as the ultimate threats to life on Earth .
Additionally The Silver Surfer would serve as a wedge between Reed Richards and Sue Storm.

While James Bond scribe Richard Maybaum wrote the first script and story , Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling and another Twilight Zone alumni Charles Beaumont, were brought in to flesh out the characters, and bring a real life grounding to the fantastical elements .
Serling wanted to expand upon the themes of absolute power and it's effect on those who have it .
At the same time, Serling explored themes of isolation, alienation, and the generation gap within the team itself with Reed and Ben representing a prior generation , while Sue and Johnny represented the young .

The same generation gap would be reflected in Galactus and The Silver Surfer

Serling and Beaumont heavier scenes and dialog would be balanced with Maybaum lavish set pieces , and larger than life, comic book, set pieces.

The Fantastic Four Producers felt that the film should feature a mixture of actors from the past and present to appeal to audiences both old and young.
The director wanted the film to be a bridge between the actors of the 40s and 50s and the youthful popular actors of the 1960s.

For the role of the team's leader, producers had only one actor in mind , Ten Commandments and Planet Of The Apes actor Charlton Heston.

The role of Sue Storm, however , was much more difficult to fill with actresses as varied as Jane Fonda , Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, and Doris Day all under consideration.
Ultimately, it was Bonnie And Clyde and The Thomas Crown Affair actress Faye Dunaway who nabbed the part of the Invisible Woman.

For the role of The Human Torch, producers wanted another hot young actor to complement Dunaway and to appeal to younger audiences.
While actors like Robert Redford were considered, Peyton Place heart throb , and actor, Ryan O'Neal got the role of the playboy , hot shot pilot, Johnny Storm.

For the role of Ben Grimm producers had only one actor in mind, Ernest Borgnine who'd had a history of play gruff but loveable characters.

For the role of Galactus , the scene chewing legend Jack Palance signed onto the role while British actor Michael York would play the egnimatic and mysterious Silver Surfer.

The Cast

Mr. Fantastic : Charlton Heston

Sue Storm : Faye Dunaway

Human Torch : Ryan O'Neal

The Thing : Ernest Borgnine

Galactus : Jack Palance

The Silver Surfer : Michael York

Director : Richard Lester

Project History
While The Fantastic Four was in development at 20th Century Fox Studios , Walt Disney Studio , in a surprising move, announces a deal with Marvel Comics to produce an equally popular Marvel Comics character , The Amazing Spiderman.
The popularity of the 1967 Spiderman cartoon spurs Disney to seek the rights to Spiderman and produce to a

With films like The Shaggy Dog and Mary Poppins , The Studio had already had a history of live action films , though Spiderman would be something different in that it would be based on a popular comic book character.
For the films director, Walt Disney Studio approaches A Hard Days Night and Help ! director Richard Lester , feeling he can balance the humor and off beat nature of the character , while appealing to teens , children and parents alike

The Amazing Spiderman intends on being family friendly , action /adventure comedy focusing on the ups and downs of being a teen superhero.
Much like Lester's Beatles film, A Hard Days Night, The script focuses on one week in Peter Parker aka Spiderman's life .
In the film , Peter balances his university work, his strained relationship with his girl friend's father , character assassination in the press by his boss, and trying to recapture an escaped super criminal , among other things .

While the film would feature more dramatic and quiet moments, the film overall would lean more on the off beat humorous side in showing the hassle of being Spiderman, with Peter constantly on the edge of being found out .

The film would begin with Spiderman already being established.
The filmmakers wanted to hit the ground running , thus avoided the darker origin of the character, and putting the audience right into the middle of a week in the life of Spiderman.
At the end of the film Peter would stop the villain, save the day, and be on the verge of finally getting time alone with his girlfriend, only to have to leave his date in order to deal with another crisis.

Hence, Peter's routine begins all over again , setting the stage for another wild Spiderman adventure.

While Disney originally wants Lester to cast Disney Child Star Kurt Russell as Spiderman , Lester choses Divorce American Style , Yours Mine Ours, and The Virginian actor Tim Matheson as the wall crawler.
For the role of Peter's love interest, Gwen , Lester turns to Mod Squad actress Peggy Lipton .

For the role of Doctor Octopus , Lester casts Donald Pleasence , feeling he can balance the right amount of mania, humor, and menace to play the thorn in Spiderman's side.

The Role of Peter's other thorn, Gwen's father is played By Leslie Nielson, who at this point in his career , had been known largely for his dramatic roles and playing police officers.

Character actors Harold Gould and Cloris Leachman rounded out the cast as J. Jonah Jameson and Aunt May .

The Cast

Spider-Man / Peter Parker : Tim Matheson

Gwen Stacy : Peggy Lipton

Doctor Octopus : Donald Pleasence

Captain Stacy : Leslie Nielsen

JJ Jameson : Harold Gould

Aunt May : Cloris Leachman

Director : Sidney Pollack

Project History
With the Vietnam War , Watergate, and the Political turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s, a film about a Super solider who literally represents the United States, was a hard sell at Paramount Studios in the Early 70s.
Putting aside the potential political and problematic subject matter , The idea of making a live action film with its hero in red , white, and blue spandex was met with a high amount of skepticism.
The Studio had earned accolades by putting out films like The Godfather and The Conversation which were far removed from the world of Marvel Comics.

While Fantastic 4 had been a hit for Fox Studios in 1969, and Spiderman had done well as a family friendly action comedy that same year , Paramount wasn't interested in developing their own Superhero film.
However , when Robert Redford and Sydney Pollack propose making Captain America an espionage , political thriller which would ground the character in the realities of WW2 with parallels to modern day, the studio takes interest.
The pair propose they cast the film with well established and serious actors , with Redford taking the lead role.

The film could be a massive misstep , but at the same time, with Redford promising to bring his Butch and Sundance co-star, Paul Newman ,in a supporting role, in addition the likes of Robert Shaw , Max Von Sydow , Telly Savalas, Burt Lancaster , and Jacqueline Bissett, Paramount Studios can't resist.

Even if the film stinks, The cast alone will bring people to the theaters .
In the age of " The Movie Star" , when a name like Robert Redford and Paul Newman could open a film , The Studios fears are eased with the talent involved .
Thus Captain America, an unlikely project , gets a greenlight at Paramount .

The film would follow the origins of the idealistic Steve Rogers transformation into Captain America and his hunt for Nazi assassin Heinz Kruger after the killing of Rogers new found mentor, Abraham Erskine .
The film would take the trio of Captain America , Howard Stark, and Peggy Carter through Paris , Berlin, and finally to the United States for the film's climax as Kruger is tasked to take out FDR.
Pulling the strings would be Baron Strucker , taking the place of The Red Skull in the film , while Nick Fury would serve as another ally to the trio.

The Cast

Captain America / Steve Rogers : Robert Redford

Howard Stark : Paul Newman

Heinz Kruger : Robert Shaw

Baron Strucker : Telly Savalas

Peggy Carter : Jacqueline Bissett

Nick Fury : Burt Lancaster

Abraham Erskine : Max Von Sydow

Director : Francis Ford Coppola

Project History
By the mid 1970s , it becomes clear that Marvel Comics properties have the potential to be Box office smashes .
With Fantastic Four, Spiderman, and Captain America all performing well at the Box Office , Studios around Hollywood begin snatching up the rights to various characters in the Marvel universe.
Warner Brothers out bids Columbia Pictures to gain the rights to a lesser known hero, Daredevil .
The hope is to produce a big screen spectacle and crime drama in which the tortured hero has to balance his need for vengeance with the need for justice.

In the era of films like Death Wish and Dirty Harry, the prospect of a relentless vigilante balancing the scales of justice in a crime ridden and corrupt Manhatten, seems appealing.
Unlike Dirty Harry , our hero would wear a mask and would struggle with his faith, his obligations, and his own passions .
Unlike the lead in Death Wish, our hero would have a love life complicated by his alter ego and his duty.
Unlike many heroes in gritty crime dramas, our hero would have enhanced abilities, making him virtually unstoppable against overwhelming foes.

While the character isn't as well known as Spiderman or The Incredible Hulk in 1974, Daredevil has alot of cinematic potential .
With Godfather director Francis Ford Coppola on board , the film goes into production in 1974 with a 1975 release date.

The Cast

Daredevil / Matt Murdock : Christopher Walken

Kingpin / Wilson Fisk : Marlon Brando

The Owl : Oliver Reed

Ben Urich : Gene Hackman

Karen Page : Blythe Danner

Foggy Nelson : Allen Garfield

IRON MAN ( 1977)
Director : Sidney Pollack

Project History
With the success of Captain America in 1974, Paramount Studios hopes that lightening will strike twice with Iron Man .
With Captain America director Sydney Pollack already on Board , and Burt Reynolds already attached to the project as lead and Producer,
Paramount feels that they have a sure fire hit on their hands.

While Iron Man is not nearly as well known as Captain America or Spiderman , Paramount see's that as an advantage.
Unlike Superman or Batman, A 1970s General Audience doesn't have any preconceived notions of what Iron Man is or should be.
Consequently, Pollack feels a great amount of creative freedom to tell the story he wants to tell in the way he wants to tell it .

The film skips the origin of Iron Man, by instead putting the audience right into the middle of one of Iron Man's missions.
Producers use the first James Bond film as a model with our hero and his playboy industrialist alter ego already formed .
The film would pit Iron Man against The USSR's own super weapon , Titanium Man, who would happen to be Tony Stark's one time Oxford Class mate and Friend.
Caught between the two of them would be the Mysterious S.H.E .I.L.D. operative Black Widow , the one time protege of Titanium man who becomes Stark's lover in the film.

The script would feature familiar Iron Man supporting characters such as Jim Rhodes, Pepper Potts , and Jarvis .
At the same time , the film would also feature Nick Fury and a cameo of Paul Newman in a flashback as Howard Stark , making a direct tie to the Captain America film .
The film was envisioned as a Spy , Sci Fi , action adventure caper more than as a Superhero film .
The stakes would be WW3 with Iron Man and Titanium Man representing the USA and The USSR.

With Reynolds already in place , The Producer's want a star of equal charisma and heft to play Titanium Man , and turn to Sean Connery to play Stark's Soviet Alter ego.

For the role of Black Widow former Bond girl Maud Adams is cast in addition to James Mason playing Stark's mentor and friend Edwin Jarvis.

Aside from Burt Lancaster as Nicky Fury and Paul Newman's cameo as Howard Stark , The rest of the cast is filled with veteran tv and film character actors filling out Tony Stark's supporting cast.

The Cast

Iron Man / Tony Stark : Burt Reynolds

Titanium Man / Boris Bullski : Sean Connery

Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff : Maud Adams


Nick Fury : Burt Lancaster

Jim Rhodes : Thalmus Rasulala

Pepper Potts : Jill Clayburgh

Happy Hogan : John Schuck

Edwin Jarvis : James Mason

Howard Stark : Paul Newman

THE HULK (1978)
Director : David Cronenberg

Project History
With a live action tv series already hugely popular , plans move forward to make a separate big screen adaptation to the Incredible Hulk.
The film would be entirely separate from the TV series and would be a more faithful adaptation of the comics on a much bigger budget.
While Unviersal Pictures was concerned about potential audience confusion , the drastically different and younger cast, in addition to characters who weren't used in the series, and a stop motion animated version of the Green Goliath, would be more than enough to distinguish the two very different versions.

Director David Cronenberg was tasked to bring the more faithful comic adaptation to the big screen to join other Marvel characters such as Iron Man, Captain America , and Daredevil,
who had already been successfully adapted into Major Motion Pictures.

Unlike the TV series, the film would follow the origins of The Hulk of the comics .
Bruce Banner would be in his twenties and the script would feature characters such as Betty Ross, Thunderbolt Ross, and Rick Jones , characters who were absent from the current tv series.
The film would pit The Hulk against three escaped convicts who are caught in the same gamma accident as Bruce Banner is , and consequently also gain powers.
The three convicts would become The Abomination and The Absorbing, both of whom are led by the mastermind of the escape , The Leader.

The film would expand on the body horror of becoming a beast , and the Hulk would appear much more of the goliath monster of the comics, as opposed to a Mr. Universe in green make up.

In addition to facing his three equally matched threats , Banner would face off against the Military led by Thunderbolt Ross and assisted by Glen Talbot, a Rival to Bruce Banner.

The Cast

Hulk/ Bruce Banner : Richard Thomas

The Leader / Samuel Sterns : John Hurt

Betty Brant : Karen Allen

Thunderbolt Ross : Jack Warden

Rick Jones : Jackie Earl Haley

Glen Talbot : Treat Williams

Director : John Badham

Project History
Nearly a decade after the first live action Spiderman film by Disney, the film rights for the character were again up for purchase , and while Disney found success with the 1969 film,
The studio wanted to pursue other projects and needed more cash .
Columbia Pictures , seeing the successes of several Marvel themed films, was able to secure the rights from Disney and immediately put plans into motion to Bring their own Spiderman film to the big screen.
While a limited tv series was on the air , the film would be unconnected to it , and like the Hulk film, would be in it's own continuity, closer to the comics, and would feature an entirely new cast.

Columbia Studios hired Saturday Night Fever director John Badham to helm the project with hopes of getting John Travolta to play the title character.
With the actor already expressing interest in taking the role , it would be clear the film would not be a sequel to the 1969 film, since it's original star , Tim Matheson was nearly 30 by the time of filming, and Travolta would be 23 and would be playing a college aged Peter.
Instead the film would be a reboot in it's own continuity.

Harold Gould as Jameson would be the only returning actor .

Filming would begin exclusively in New York for a Fall 1978 release date .

With Disney film already featuring Gwen , Captain Stacy, and Doc Ock, it was decided that the new film should focus on other characters to further distinguish it from the Disney film.
While the first film was very much a light hearted Disney comedy , the new film would be much more serious and reflective of 1970s cinema.
Instead of facing a mad scientist in Doc Ock, Spiderman would be facing the ghoulish criminal mastermind The Green Goblin who would target Spiderman and those he cared about.

Peter's love interest would be his co worker , Reporter Betty Brant whom Osborn aka The Green Goblin wants to eliminate as she gets too close to the truth.
The Script would also feature Harry Osborn as Peter's roommate , putting Peter in a triangle of sorts between his best friend and his girlfriend whose investigating Oscorp.

As Spiderman , he's gotten closer and closer to taking down the hoodblum's in the Goblin's organization, but has yet to Discover who the Goblin really is , leading the Goblin begin a quest to discover the Wall Crawler's true identity .

The film would be set very much in the 1970s Manhattan and would have more of an edge to it , while still retaining some of the humor of the Spiderman comics.

The Cast

Spiderman / Peter Parker : John Travolta

Betty Brant : Deborah Van Valkenburgh

The Green Goblin / Norman Osborn : John .P Ryan

Harry Osborn : William Katt

Aunt May : Jessica Tandy

J .Jonah Jameson : Harold Gould

Robbie Robertson : Greg Morris

THOR ( 1978)
Director : Nicholas Meyer

The Cast

Thor / Dr. Donald Blake : Nick Nolte

Loki : David Warner

Hella : Vanessa Redgrave

Dr. Jane Foster : Sally Field

Odin : Laurence Olivier
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Director : Franklin J. Schaffner
Screenplay :Richard Maybaum ,Rod Serling, and Charles Beaumont
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Project History
With The Fantastic Four becoming one of Marvel's top selling comics , with syndicated animated series in 1967, and with the popularity of The Batman television series,
Executives at 20th Century Fox studios see potential in a Fantastic Four feature film .
While many investors think the idea is preposterous , and a Big budgeted F4 film as a potential disaster, Producers pitch the idea of getting big name stars , and placing them in a Sci-fi adventure and drama along the lines of hits such as Fantastic Voyage and Planet Of The Apes .

Planet Of The Apes, in particular, is the tone Producers have in mind for the film as opposed to the self parody of The Batman tv series .
With the recent hit in mind , Producers tap director Franklin J. Schaffner to helm the project for a 1969 release date .

The story would feature the origin of Marvel first family in addition to the effects of fame and fortune on the lives of the newly formed team .
In the midst of the fractured relationships , Galactus and his herald , The Silver Surfer, would serve as the ultimate threats to life on Earth .
Additionally The Silver Surfer would serve as a wedge between Reed Richards and Sue Storm.

While James Bond scribe Richard Maybaum wrote the first script and story , Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling and another Twilight Zone alumni Charles Beaumont, were brought in to flesh out the characters, and bring a real life grounding to the fantastical elements .
Serling wanted to expand upon the themes of absolute power and it's effect on those who have it .
At the same time, Serling explored themes of isolation, alienation, and the generation gap within the team itself with Reed and Ben representing a prior generation , while Sue and Johnny represented the young .

The same generation gap would be reflected in Galactus and The Silver Surfer

Serling and Beaumont heavier scenes and dialog would be balanced with Maybaum lavish set pieces , and larger than life, comic book, set pieces.

The Fantastic Four Producers felt that the film should feature a mixture of actors from the past and present to appeal to audiences both old and young.
The director wanted the film to be a bridge between the actors of the 40s and 50s and the youthful popular actors of the 1960s.

For the role of the team's leader, producers had only one actor in mind , Ten Commandments and Planet Of The Apes actor Charlton Heston.

The role of Sue Storm, however , was much more difficult to fill with actresses as varied as Jane Fonda , Audrey Hepburn, Janet Leigh, and Doris Day all under consideration.
Ultimately, it was Bonnie And Clyde and The Thomas Crown Affair actress Faye Dunaway who nabbed the part of the Invisible Woman.

For the role of The Human Torch, producers wanted another hot young actor to complement Dunaway and to appeal to younger audiences.
While actors like Robert Redford were considered, Peyton Place heart throb , and actor, Ryan O'Neal got the role of the playboy , hot shot pilot, Johnny Storm.

For the role of Ben Grimm producers had only one actor in mind, Ernest Borgnine who'd had a history of play gruff but loveable characters.

For the role of Galactus , the scene chewing legend Jack Palance signed onto the role while British actor Michael York would play the egnimatic and mysterious Silver Surfer.

The Cast

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Mr. Fantastic : Charlton Heston

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Sue Storm : Faye Dunaway

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Human Torch : Ryan O'Neal

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The Thing : Ernest Borgnine

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Galactus : Jack Palance

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The Silver Surfer : Michael York


Director : Lewis Gilbert

Project History
With the first film a global sensation , plans for a sequel immediately gestate in the early 1970s .
However, between Heston, Dunaway, O'Neal, and Borgnine's busy schedules ,and high salaries, it seems unlikely a sequel will come to fruition.
By 1972 , plans for a sequel featuring the debut of Doctor Doom seem to pick up steam , with Fox Studios entertaining the idea of recasting the four team member with lesser known and cheaper actors.
However , Producers don't want to gamble on casting a whole new team with diminished box office potency.
Eventually, the four original actors agree to return for a sequel with a significant salary increase.
Dunaway and O'Neal in particular had become part of the biggest films of the past several years, so it would not be cheap to get such high profile actors to return.
Additionally, The film's new director, Lewis Gilbert was keen on wooing Christopher Lee to take on the role of Doctor Doom .
The film would begin shooting at London's Pinewood Studios in 1973 , with a planned 1974 release to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the property.

The story would involve a march to war Between the nations of Wakanda and Atlantis , with its leaders The Black Panther and Namor both accusing each other of escalating tensions.
The Fantastic Four, on Behalf of the United Nations , would serves as a intermediary attempting to resolve the conflict before the two power nations wage war.
However , it soon becomes clear that there's more to the conflict than meets the eye , and that a puppet master may be orchestrating a conflict between the two nations.
The team would find out that the leader of Latveria , Doctor Doom , is attempting to divide and conqueror both countries .

However, Reed is shocked to discover that Doctor Doom is none other than his former classmate and friend Victor Von Doom, whom was presumed killed in a lab explosion decades earlier.
Doom of course is not only after global domination, he's also out for Revenge against Reed and his team , and the two former friends will have to face each other in a battle of brawn and brains.
Aside from introducing Doctor Doom, the film would also serve as a launchpad for a Spin off Black Panther film , and to introduce Namor as a potential foe in a future fantastic Four film.

The Cast
Mr. Fantastic : Charlton Heston

Doctor Doom : Christopher Lee

Invisible Woman : Faye Dunaway

Human Torch : Ryan O'Neal

Thing voice: Earnest Borgnine

The Black Panther / Prince T'Challa : Billy Dee Williams

Namor The Submariner : Ricardo Montalban

THE X MEN ( 1977)
Director : Clint Eastwood

Project History
By the late 1970s, 20th Century Fox had produced two highly successful Fantastic Four films.
Now the studio was looking to other potential Marvel Properties which had been acquired by other studios .
One of the properties was the X Men , a much lesser known group of Superheroes .
However, the themes of alienation, racial strife, and social upheaval seemed like an interest contrast to the more wholesome, sci-fi Fantastic Four.

These heroes were outsiders, discriminated because they were mutants as opposed to the F4 who were worshiped due to their powers.
Finding the right director to bring such a complex dynamic to a superhero film would not be easy.
Director Don Siegal suggested they approach his Dirty Harry Star Clint Eastwood to direct and star.
While Eastwood was skeptical , the character of Wolverine spoke to him and reminded him of a fusion of Dirty Harry and The Man with No Name.

He also found the dynamics between Charles and Erik most appealing and decided he would direct and star in the film for 20th Century Fox.

The story would feature Wolverine as the central focus and our entrance into the world of Mutants.
Wolverine aka Logan, would be a nomadic drifter traveling from town to town , not looking for trouble, but often finding it.
The wayward drifter would eventually find himself caught up in the strife and turmoil over mutant civil rights , which would place him in the middle of a civil war, between Professor X and Magneto.
Like a reluctant gunslinger , he could care less about either side ., that is until , he meets Jean Grey , who becomes a pawn in Magneto's goals.

Eventually the Wolverine offers The X Men a helping hand to stop Magneto and to save Jean Grey.
Aside from Jean Grey, the film would feature Team Leader Cyclops, Storm, and Iceman .

Scott would be the boy scout leader of the group who always looked for the best in people.
Storm would be the sage of the group , with wisdom well beyond her years.
Iceman would be the cocky practical joker and bring levity to the group.
Jean would be the nurturing heart and soul of the group .

Eastwood wanted the team to be small as opposed to the expansive roster of the more recent comic book.
In addition to being a cost cutting measure, it allowed the audience to get to know each individual member without being overwhelmed.
The film ends in an open- ended matter , due to Eastwood's lack of commitment to return for a sequel.
At the same time, Fox didn't want the franchise to become dependent on Eastwood, and wanted to be sure that if the film was a big hit , it could potentially continue without The Wolverine character.

The Cast

Wolverine : Clint Eastwood

Professor X : Peter Cushing

Magneto : Christopher Plummer

Storm : Pam Grier

Cyclops : James Brolin

Jean Grey : Katharine Ross

Iceman : Jeff Bridges



Project History
With Thor already in development at United Artists , The studio also acquired the rights to several others lesser known and newer Marvel comics characters.
With several of them being too untested for the big screen, Producers propose that they make a series of one off anthology films showcasing the characters.
Through the Anthology films, Executives could discover which characters resonated with audiences and which didn't .
It was decided that the first film would be broken into two -one hour mini films .

The first two characters UA greenlit where The Sorcerer Doctor Strange and Blade The Vampire Hunter .
The double billed film would be released around Halloween in 1978 to capitalize on the Horror market .
Jaws Director Steven Spielberg and Star Wars Director and Producer George Lucas, decided to tackle the Doctor Strange Segment .
Meanwhile John Carpenter and Debra Hill would bring Blade The Vampire Hunter to the big screen

Director : Steven Spielberg
Producer and Writer : George Lucas

Lucus's brief story would focus on the villainous Baron Mordo's mission to absorb the powers and to kill the world's most powerful sorcerers.
It's up to Doctor Strange and the enigmatic Clea to stop Mordo in his tracks , but will the power that Mordo posses be too tempting for Stephen Strange to resist?

The Cast

Doctor Strange : Frank Langella

Clea : Helen Mirren

Baron Mordo : Julian Glover

The Ancient One : Keye Luke

Dr. Palmer : Karen Lynn Gomey

Director : John Carpenter
Screenplay : John Carpenter
Producer : Debra Hill

The story would envolve Blade hunting down a pair of Vampires leaving victims throughout Harlem .
Eventually Blade Discovers the culprits are Deacon Frost and his mother Vanessa Brooks .

The Cast

Blade / Eric Brooks : Richard Roundtree

Vanassa Brooks : Eartha Kitt

Deacon Frost : Charles Gray

Hannibal King : David Soul

A great hero must be gracious enough to forgive,
And humble enough to apologize.

Director : Sam Raimi

The Story
It's Valentine's day , A year after the events of Spiderman 3 .
Peter hasn't talked to MJ in months and the two have yet to truly patch things up.
At the same time, he bares the guilt of hurting Gwen , and she refuses to talk to him for using her.
Peter has fences to mend, but he doesn't know how .

While he was under the influence of the symbiote , the symbiote unlocked the attraction and feelings he already had for Gwen,
Even if he wouldn't admit it to himself.
While he still wanted to be with MJ, he couldn't deny there was still alot of hurt they caused each other , and their lack of communication , nearly destroyed the both of them

All the while, the daring and exciting Cat burglar adds a new an unpredictable dynamic to his life as Spiderman.
Black Cat offers excitement with no strings or baggage, but ultimately, no stability either, which Peter longs for.

As all three women weigh heavily on Peter's mind, Professor Connors offers him the advice and guidance he needs ,
To make peace with those he hurt , to chose which woman he wants to be with , and to begin on the path of becoming a better potential partner and friend.

Connors is a model example of a great father and devoted Husband .
However, when Connors genetic experiment goes wrong and he's transformed into a giant Lizard , Peter vows to save him in a way he couldn't save Harry .

He's lost enough people he's cared about the past four years, and he won't allow himself to lose another friend.
But can Peter save his friend and mentor before Kraven The Hunter catches him, or worse yet, uses the people Peter cares about as bait in his hunt for the Lizard and The Spider ?
It's a Valentine's Day Spiderman will never forget .

The Cast

Spiderman / Peter Parker : Tobey Maguire

Mary Jane Watson : Kirsten Dunst

Gwen Stacy : Bryce Dallas Howard

The Lizard / Curt Connors : Dylan Baker

Black Cat / Felicia Hardy : Anne Hathaway

Kraven The Hunt : Mads Mikkelson
Science meets Magic to save the world

Directed by Martin Campbell

Cast :

Iron Man / Tony Stark : George Clooney

Doctor Strange / Stephen Strange : Johnny Depp

The Mandarin : Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa

Baron Mordo : Rufus Sewell

Pepper Potts : Juliane Moore

Clea : Michelle Pfeiffer

Edwin Jarvis : Desmond Llewelyn

Wong : Chow Yun Fat
Last edited:
Vampires plague spreads across New York City on Halloween Night

Directed by David Fincher

Cast :

Spiderman / Peter Parker : Ethan Hawke

Blade / Eric Brooks : Laurence Fishburne

Black Cat / Felicia Hardy : Cameron Diaz

Michael Morbius : Benicio Del Toro

Deacon Frost : Charles Dance

Vanessa Brooks : Pam Grier

The Lizard / Curt Connors : Liam Neeson

J Jonah Jameson : Tommy Lee Jones
The Fantastic Four must stop a rampaging Hulk

Directed by Ron Howard


Cast :

Mr Fantastic / Reed Richards : Tim Robbins

Invisible Woman / Sue Storm : Meg Ryan

The Hulk / Bruce Banner : Robin Williams

Human Torch / Johnny Storm : Leonardo Dicaprio

The Thing / Ben Grimm : Vincent D'Onofrio

Puppet Master / Phillip Masters : Christopher Lloyd

The Leader / Samuel Sterns : Matt Frewer

Alicia Masters : Samantha Mathis
Before He can conqueror the multiverse,
He must conqueror the Spider-verse

Director : Michael Bay

The Cast

Spiderman / Peter Parker : Elijah Wood

Kang The Conqueror : Tony Todd

Ghost Spider/ Gwen Stacy : Julia Stiles

Spider-Man / Miles Morales : Usher

Spider-Woman / Julie Carpenter : Denise Richards

Spiderman 2099 / Miguel O'Hara : Esai Morales

Venom / Eddie Brock : Jake Busey

Silk / Cindy Moon : Grace Park

Madame Web : Vanessa Redgrave


The Avengers want world peace,
Namor just wants the world

Director : Roland Emmerich

The Cast

Iron Man : Tom Cruise

Captain America : Brad Pitt

Black Panther : Denzel Washington

Thor : Karl Urban

Hulk : David Strathairn

Scarlett Witch : Sophie Marceau

Vision : Julian Sands

Namor : Rick Yune
The Mad Titan Thanos and his mistress of death Hela plan to eradicate half the life in the universe. It's up to Thor and a band of misfits to stop them.

Directed by Luc Besson


Cast :

Thor : Dolph Lundgren

Star Lord / Peter Quill : Brendan Fraser

Gamora : Thandie Newton

Thanos : Michael Ironside

Hela : Tilda Swinton

Drax : Bill Goldberg

Rocket Racoon : Bill Murray

Nebula : Carrie Ann Moss

Groot : Michael Clarke Duncan
They fought together in the Second World War , now they must team again to stop the Hydra threat once more.
Directed by Oliver Stone
Captain America / Steve Rogers : Brad Pitt
Wolverine / Logan : Mel Gibson

Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes : Christian Slater
Baron Von Strucker : Anthony Hopkins
Crossbones / Brock Rumlow : Tom Sizemore
Black Widow / Natasha Romanov : Bridget Fonda
Falcon / Sam Wilson : Will Smith
Nick Fury : Morgan Freeman
New York's most infamous crime bosses have formed an alliance. Daredevil and The Punisher are only ones to stand in there way.
Directed by Martin Scorsese


Cast :
Daredevil / Matt Murdock : Eric Stoltz

Punisher / Frank Castle : Ray Liotta
Kingpin / Wilson Fisk : Brian Denney
Jigsaw / Billy Russo : Sean Penn
The Owl / Leland Owlsley : Brian Cox
Silvermane : Al Pacino
Foggy Nelson : Oliver Platt
Karen Page : Laura Linney
His movement began as an uprising
Now, it's a revolution

Director : Michael Bay

The Cast

Spider-Man : Jamie Bell

Captain America : Paul Walker

Iron Man : Colin Farrell

Mr. Fantastic : Patrick Wilson

Captain Marvel : Charlize Theron

Professor X : Ralph Fiennes

Black Panther : Michael Jai White

Dr. Strange : Adrian Brody

Hulk : Joaquin Phoenix

Thor : Karl Urban

Namor : Rick Yune

Kang The Conqueror : Tony Todd

One Man Wants to rule the World
The Other Man Wants to Rule Humanity

One Woman is caught between both of them

Only one of them will win

Director : Sam Mendes


The Cast

Doctor Doom : Viggo Mortensen

Magneto : Jason Isaacs

Scarlett Witch : Alexa Davalos

Emma Frost : Rosamund Pike

Nick Fury : Laurence Fishburne

Thunderbolt Ross : Stephen Lang

Arnim Zola :Christoph Waltz

As Scientist and Industrialist Norman Osborn, moves to undermine Reed Richards
Sue and Reed reach an impasse, as Namor's return unlocks old feelings, jealousies, and fissures in their Marriage

Meanwhile the mysterious attacks from The Shocker and Sandman present a clear and present danger to the Fantastic Four

Facing threats from 4 sides , the family must united not only to stay together, but to survive

Director : Peter Jackson

The Cast

Invisible Woman : Naomi Watts

Mr. Fantastic : Guy Pearce

Namor : Rick Yune

Human Torch : Heath Ledger

Thing : Ray Winstone

Norman Osborn : Neal Mcdonough

SPIDER-MAN ( 2001)
Director : Chris Columbus
Producer : Avi Arad

Project History
With the rights of Spiderman going to Columbia / Sony Pictures in the late 90s, the studio hits the ground running on a long awaited Spiderman Feature film.
With many directors from Roland Emmerich, David Fincher, and Sam Raimi under consideration, Sony wants to air on the side of caution and go with Chris Columbus for the directors chair.
Given his wholesome family friendly comedies, Sony feels he's the perfect fit for a light hearted, superhero romp.

The studio envisions the film being much more along the lines of Columbus's films like Mrs. Doubtfire and Home Alone , with a splash of teen angst typical of WB shows .
Sony sees the film as an action comedy filled with one liners combined with heartfelt moments .
Columbus signs onto the role of director , but it soon becomes apparent Sony will take an active role in overseeing the project and being apart of the creative process, to mixed results.

James Cameron's script treatment is largely abandoned , with only the origin story remaining in tact .
Instead of Electro and Sandman., Green Goblin and Doc Ock take the roles of Spiderman's villains .

In the screenplay , they're portrayed as camp villains , reminiscent of the Schumacer Batman films and miles away from villains in Blade and The X Men film.
Harry Osborn is featured as Peter's friend , but the groundwork is laid for him as a potential foe down the line.

As in Cameron's draft , Mary Jane is featured as Peter's highschool love interest who Peter has pinned for since Kindergarten .
Their love story is played out with the same melodrama indicative of teen comedies of the late 90s

Flash Thompson is featured as Peter's highschool nemesis , though largely comes off as a baffoon and the butt of jokes in the film.

The film would involve Peter's journey from a reality star to a bonified Superhero facing off against Green Goblin, who wants to join forces with him ,
And Doc Ock , whom blames Spiderman and Green Goblin for getting in the way off his sinister goals .

While Columbus feels one villain is more than enough, Sony insists on having two villains and casting big names in the roles, using the 90s era Batman films as a model.

In the end Doc Ock dies in a three way battle with Spiderman and Green Goblin , while Goblin is revealed to be Norman Osborn .

Taking a page from the 60s comic , Osborn has amneshia , thus Peter lets him go back to his normal life .

In the end , Peter and MJ become a couple with plans on attending Empire State University after graduation.

However , the Goblin is still inside of Osborn and re-emerges in the final frame of the film, setting up Spiderman Part 2.

For the role of Spiderman, Sony insist on actor Freddie Prinze Jr. due to his marquee name and heart throb status .
While Columbus is hesitant , feeling Prinze matinee idol looks make him unconvincing as a put upon science nerd , he's overruled by producers, and Sony Execs, and Prinze wins the role.

For the parts of Doc Ock and The Goblin , Robin Williams and Nicholas Cage are cast in hopes of bringing their humor and star power to the unproven Spiderman property.

The role of Mary Jane ultimately goes to Almost Famous star Kate Hudson , with producers feeling she's the perfect fit for MJ.

American Pie's Seann William Scott is cast in the role of Flash Thompson, Ethan Embry is cast as Harry Osborn , while Catherine O'Hara , is cast as Aunt May,

Spiderman / Peter Parker : Freddie Prinze Jr.

Mary Jane Watson : Kate Hudson

Green Goblin / Norman Osborn : Nicolas Cage

Doctor Octopus / Otto Octavius : Robin Williams

Harry Osborn : Ethan Embry

Flash Thompson : Seann William Scott

Aunt May : Catherine O' Hara

While the film makes a profit , the film ultimately ends up with mixed to negative reviews , with many feeling the film is a retread of the flawed 90s Batman films.
While Hudson receives raves for her portrayal of MJ, fans feel that Prinze, despite a valiant effort, is miscast in the role of Peter Parker.
He just seems to cool and handsome to be the bookish Peter Parker.
While some interpret his performance as reflecting the Romita Era of Spiderman, ultimately his version comes off as another generic Superhero .

At the same time, the film is knocked for being too cheesy and wholesome as it balances the Disney Jr. like Romance between Peter and MJ .

Even the darker elements such as Uncle Ben's death are quickly dispatched with due to the many plot lines and characters the film attempts to focus on.

Other fans complain about Cage and Williams's over the top , scenery chewing performances as Spiderman top two rogues , feeling , once again, the film is a throwback to the Batman Franchise.
While Williams , as usual receives big laughs in the film , hints of menace in the film demonstrate the type of threat he could be had the production taken the Ock character more seriously.

Meanwhile Cage's performance calls back to his villainous turn in face off , and many critics feel Cage is too young to be the father of Embry's Harry Osborn, and instead, feels more like a " Big Brother " than a Father figure .

Fans also complain of the absence of the Daily Bugle and J. Jonah Jameson from the film.

In the Aftermath of the release , Sony puts the breaks on a second Spiderman film , and ultimately decides to go back to the drawing board to determine the future for the character on screen.

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