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Part VI (Spoiler Thread)

I dig that take @Wolvieboy17. I think that whole line of thought also ties nicely with that look Obi-Wan gives Vader in ANH when Luke shows up. Here's my thoughts on his stance in ROTJ. Deep down, Obi-Wan does want Luke to "kill" Darth Vader. The same way Darth Vader "killed" Anakin. Half serious. But I think Obi-Wan simply did not have it in him to murder Anakin himself and it's that simple. Actually seeing his former brother's charred face under the mask was the game-changer there. Ewan's acting in that moment helped sell that for me, even if logically he absolutely should put Vader out of his misery.

Thing is, Star Wars logic has always been flimsy, endless retconned and certain point of view'd. I just accept it at this point as long as it's nothing too egregious.

I mean, the idea of Obi-Wan having interactions with Leia is a child is nice. It adds some additional color to "you're my only hope" and even the idea of Leia naming her child Ben.

BUT...it also makes it kind of weird that Yoda would be the one to say "there is another" and not Obi-Wan. Point being, there are always holes to poke and things you kind of have to work out in head canon to make sense. It's not a new thing, and I think it can be kind of part of the fun if let it be. Star Wars is in its sweet spot when it leaves just enough to the imagination, IMO.

Overall, I don't have much new to add about the series that hasn't been said. I agree with all who said it felt meandering at times and would've been better suited as a movie.

However, I'd be lying if I didn't say I didn't get a lot of genuine enjoyment and emotion out of the finale. The show itself was a sometimes awkward delivery mechanism for some of these moments, and the story itself was entirely superfluous and I don't know that there was ever a way that it wouldn't be. But I think the great moments will stick with me as some damn good Star Wars for quite some time. I mean seeing Ewan and Hayden both delivering a really emotional performance, seeing Hayden actually play Vader...this is just stuff I never thought in a million years I'd see. There is a part of me that always feels a bit cynical about the sheer amount of content that Disney Star Wars is pumping out and how they're not doing enough to tell truly new stories in this universe...but at the same time, from the lightsaber rematch, to the heartbreaking exchange between Obi-Wan and Vader, to the surprisingly emotional payoff with Obi-Wan and Reva, to the tender moment with Leia, to the GOAT Ian popping up, and finally topping me off with the moment Obi-Wan Kenobi first meets Luke Skywalker and finally sees the manifestation of his master Qui-Gon....yeah, I felt some things. It was fanservice. 100%. But it just clicked for me. I was one freakin' happy Star Wars fan for that stretch, just allowing myself to drink it all in. It really reminded me a lot of ROTS, just in how it delivers a series of emotional payoffs all at the very end that makes the journey feel worth it, warts and all.

I think there is some nice poetry to the idea that Obi-Wan's journey in this series seemed to be one of letting go and it's only once he's gone through that journey is he able to finally commune with Qui-Gon. Because Qui-Gon's whole thing was kind of about going with the flow about being in the moment. It was brief and felt kind of like a tease, and I would've loved an entire series of Qui-Gon being a guiding presence...but narratively it felt like a nice way to put a bow on it. It scratched an itch that had been there since Yoda dropped that random line in ROTS.

Finally, I loved Ian's performance. Felt more in line with the cold, calm demeanor he had in ROTJ as opposed to the more bombastic turns in ROTS and TROS. Ate it up.

I'd easily watch a Vader series with Hayden and Ian co-starring.
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You know, rewatching the fight scene, and it suddenly struck me as a good, in universe reason for the way the duel happened in ANH. Obi-wan wrecked Vader's life support system. So, no way Vader is letting that happen again. Thus, the more measured, defensive form. Especially around his center.
Finally could tell/see that did in fact have the scar on Anakin in those Order 66 flashbacks. Everyone on Reddit was complaining they forgot about it.
Pretty casual Star Wars fan here (I know too much compared to the general audience, but know barely anything compared to longtime fans). Anything outside of the theatrical films, I only know through geek culture osmosis and the occasional wiki deep dive.

Anywho, this was fun. I liked it. Would have worked as a movie IMO to really tighten up the story and maybe streamline things a bit, but it was a fun time all around. The Vader fight at the end / cracked helmet -- all good. The Third Sister ended a little strangely; I like the story we got but it was a bit clunky to be honest. Was Obi Wan only like a planet away?
I can roll with a prequel not 100% lining up with something. When the OT was made, this story didn't exist. I liked this show. It wasn't perfect, but it was very solid.

Even ESB and ROTJ don’t really line-up perfectly with the first film. Some minor things, but Vader’s character in particular definitely seemed to be altered in between installments. I very much doubt if ANH came out now that Vader would be portrayed as Tarkin’s lackey.

It was a good show, but I felt it was mostly due to the Obi-Wan/Vader stuff and some of the secondary stuff wasn’t up to the standards of The Mandalorian and Boba Fett. I do think this was the weakest of the three, although I still prefer it to most of the Marvel shows.
I'm not doing that. I'm asking you what the dialogue means.

Luke tells Obi-Wan he can't kill his father, acknowledging that as Obi-Wan's request. Obi-Wan never denies this, instead he states that the Emperor has already won, if Luke isn't willing to kill Vader.

If Obi-Wan wasn't asking Luke to kill Vader, why didn't he tell him that?

Pretty much. I always viewed it as the point being that Luke was the only one who still had faith in his father to do the right thing in the end.

There are many years between this episode and ROTJ, so I can see it rationalized that Obi-Wan regretted not finishing the job after seeing how many more lives that cost. He doesn’t want Luke to repeat his own mistakes. Obviously they had none of this planned in ANH, but the destruction of Alderaan in that film clearly took a toll on him even within that one film. He’s not the same after it. Much more somber and fatalistic than he is earlier in the film.
Even ESB and ROTJ don’t really line-up perfectly with the first film. Some minor things, but Vader’s character in particular definitely seemed to be altered in between installments. I very much doubt if ANH came out now that Vader would be portrayed as Tarkin’s lackey.

It was a good show, but I felt it was mostly due to the Obi-Wan/Vader stuff and some of the secondary stuff wasn’t up to the standards of The Mandalorian and Boba Fett. I do think this was the weakest of the three, although I still prefer it to most of the Marvel shows.

I liked this a lot more than Boba Fett, but Mando I would agree is better. I do think Vader/Obi-Won was where the show excelled. Reva I think needed some more work. There was some foundation there, but not executed amazingly well.

This was waaaaaaay better than the PT though
I liked this a lot more than Boba Fett, but Mando I would agree is better. I do think Vader/Obi-Won was where the show excelled. Reva I think needed some more work. There was some foundation there, but not executed amazingly well.

This was waaaaaaay better than the PT though
I think this is my favorite live-action Star Wars anything since Rogue One.
I think this is my favorite live-action Star Wars anything since Rogue One.

It is certainly the best SW content Disney have put since Rogue One (on par with The Mandalorian).

Completely blows the sequel trilogy out of the water and simply does with Obi-Wan what TLJ should've done with Luke.
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Pros and Cons of the finale for me:

I loved the battle between Vader and Obi-Wan with the power displays, the lighting, the performances from Ewan and Hayden, and finally the homages to Rebels and ROTS. I also loved how Vader’s voice kept alternating between Jones and Christensen when the helmet was damaged.
- Seeing Leia with the holster and her last scene with Obi-Wan was great! McGregor made me cry!
- Owen and Beru protecting Luke from Reva was great
- Qui Gon’s appearance at the end
- “Hello there!”
-Natalie Holt’s score finally utilizing iconic themes from John Williams
- I liked how Reva’s story wrapped up, Moses gave a pretty good performance, especially in her last few scenes
- Palpatine!!!!

-Grand Inquisitor and the others were wasted
- Cinematography and VFX were a mixed bag
- Palpatine looked a bit off, but it was great to see him.
- O’Shea’s performance
- Would have liked to have seen another flashback of Anakin and Obi-Wan, but that’s a small gripe.
I'd definitely take RotS over this, but I also understand mileage may vary. I feel like RotS left the two characters in a better place leading into the original film.

I definitely understand that. ROTS is always going to be the most dramatically charged and epic moment in their relationship and it should be. The volcano fight was the stuff of legend since the 70s.

At the same time, I don't mind that we got to see Obi-Wan witness firsthand what had actually become of the man he had left for dead and meet THE Darth Vader before the Death Star. This doesn't bother me canon-wise as much as I thought it might and I think the pros outweigh the cons considering the memorable moments we got. I also find it satisfying to know that Obi-Wan actually expresses some sympathy for what Anakin has become. The "you were the chosen one" moment is brilliant, but it always feels like a bit of salt in the wound to throw the prophecy at him in that moment...since I think growing up with that prophecy did his ego and pride no good and probably only helped him down the dark path. Just pure heartbreak and sadness for Anakin this time was crushing and another brilliant performance from Ewan. And it does address the "Obi Wan once thought as you did" moment in kind of a subtle way.

But it's still not what I'd call "necessary". Episode III into IV always worked fine as far as those two characters go. So it's essentially bonus material to me. Similar to Rogue One in that sense. It sets up A New Hope nicely and adds layers but again...in no way a necessary story for watching the saga.
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It does feel weird to me that Obi-Wan just walks away again when Vader makes a point that he killed Anakin himself. I get that he does it in RotS as it really must have felt like he fought his brother, but after all he's done with the Empire over such long time, and getting to see that there is nothing left but the Sith Lord that deliberately killed his good self, I don't see a really good reason why he wouldn't finish the job. That's what he and Yoda set out to do before and it's the path they set Luke on in the OT.

It also felt off to have Reva turn from the dark side since that undermines the idea in the OT that if you fall you can never come back and Luke being the one to defy that by getting through to his father. She's also not even remotely close to being important enough as a character to do that with in my view.
I'd definitely take RotS over this, but I also understand mileage may vary. I feel like RotS left the two characters in a better place leading into the original film.
I agree.
I think I liked their fight here more though I must admit.
I was never a big fan of the excessive flipping,jumping, and spinning in the prequel choreography.
It’s not enough to make me feel like this show was necessary though.

I just went back and watched the fight from ROTS and you know what? It’s not nearly as bad as I remembered. The fighting at least.
Hayden’s line deliveries were just as bad as I remembered.:funny:
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I love Star Wars memes almost as much as I love Star Wars.


I love Star Wars memes almost as much as I love Star Wars.


I love SW memes lol. Truth be told, i'm kinda surprised i havent seen a meme of Vader saying he had the high ground when he made the earth crumble and Obi-Wan fell down with it.
Hello there! (had to do it lol) I want to pick your brains about something. Rewatching this episode, it though that Obi-Wan started fighting more aggressively than he usually seemed to do during the movies and even Clone Wars. Now, i dont know much about the different jedi fighting styles, but i've seen a few comments stating that Obi started using Gui Gon's style of fighting (Ataru) instead of his usual Soresu. I find this kinda interesting. Any thoughts?
Hello there! (had to do it lol) I want to pick your brains about something. Rewatching this episode, it though that Obi-Wan started fighting more aggressively than he usually seemed to do during the movies and even Clone Wars. Now, i dont know much about the different jedi fighting styles, but i've seen a few comments stating that Obi started using Gui Gon's style of fighting (Ataru) instead of his usual Soresu. I find this kinda interesting. Any thoughts?

I don't know about that, but he definitely used an Anakin move or two.
My thoughts on the show overall:


- Evan McGregor was absolutely fantastic, it’s amazing how quickly he eased back into the role playing a considerably different version of the same character from the prequel trilogy, one who has not just aged, but carries a lot of guilt and emotional baggage because of what happened to Anakin.

- Everything to do with Darth Vader was on point, from the horror-esque depiction of his powers & torture & indiscriminate killing of innocents while trying to draw out Obi-wan from hiding in episode 3, to brief glimpses of the alternating psyche in the final battle (before Anakin was shut out for good until RoJ). They nailed the character work and final fight between Obi-wan & Vader and that’s why the show ultimately worked for me.


- After a riveting introduction in the first episode, the Inquisitors fell completely flat thereafter. Reva’s character wasn’t fleshed out well enough, and I don’t know if more airtime would’ve made a difference. It’s hard for me to critique Moses Ingram’s acting as it’s the first time I’ve seen her on screen, however she wasn’t given nearly enough depth to work with.

- Quite a few scenes could’ve been cut to save time, like the chase through the woods when Leia was kidnapped.

I thought the show was quite gritty and grounded, similar to Rogue One.
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