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Justice League Ranking the Zack Snyder Trilogy


Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Now that Zack Snyder’s Justice League is out and we’ve all had a chance to digest it, this thread is to show how you would rank the three movies and act as sort of a retrospective on this “Superman Trilogy” as a whole.

For me:

1) Man of Steel: for me, this is Zack’s absolute best film. A movie that was judged too harshly at the time and really is an emotional and epicly thrilling Superman movie.

2) Zack Snyder’s Justice League: while Man of Steel is Zacks best movie in my opinion, this is his most ambitious, most crowd pleasing one. A little too long with the runtime and a little too indulgent in places but all in all Zack succeeds in making a big, crazy fun LOTR sized superhero epic. I cohld see myself rewatching this one many many times.

3) Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition. I just rewatched this today and this is a Hell of a movie. I can plainly see why this was maligned; up until the Doomsday fight, this movie is a tough watch. Its dark, brooding and relentlessly somber and Snyder really puts Superman through the ringer. The main title fight is not fun or exciting or exhilarating, its down, dirty and brutal as Snyder forces you to watch everyone’s favorite Dark Knight ruthlessly dismantle everyones favorite boyscout. But I still contend that this movie has incredible acting, mood, atmosphere and action filmmaking on display even if the script gets a little wonky in places.

What’re yall rankings?
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Zack Snyder's Justice League
Man of Steel
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition
Batman v superman - 9.5/10
Man of Steel - 8.5/10
Justice League - 8/10

BvS is in a league of its own. The tone, cinematography, themes, music, action, characters, and everything.

Man of Steel has a similar tone but more light than BvS. More sci-fi than comic book though. Still has amazing music, tone, and action.

Justice league felt the most like a comic book movie where it was just a great time to watch. A blast to watch and more like other comic book movies (mcu, WW, aquaman, etc.) than the others above. Tone, music, cinematography, and action are the differences between this movie and the ones above.
Cop out but:

BvS/MoS: 8.5/10 (I always go back and forth on them. Like them for different reasons. If you push me to put one in front, it would probably be BvS).
ZSJL: 7.8/10
The main title fight is not fun or exciting or exhilarating, its down, dirty and brutal
Since Snyder has always been able to do the former(warehouse fight), I always thought, that making the fight painful to watch, was a intentional choice. He was punishing the audience, "You really want to enjoy two good guys fighting?". Anyway....

For me the ranking is :

Batman v Superman UE
Man of Steel
Zack Snyder's Justice League

These 3 are almost different genres though, all very unique, that's why you wont get a consensus. Its all down to taste, but for me filmmaking wise, BvS UE is the best made of the 3.
Man of Steel
I loved what MOS was going for (and I think most of us did considering the reception of those trailers) with its tender character moments, realistic believable visual direction, and bombastic showcases of the Man of Steel’s power, all making us believe in 2013 that a man could fly, and that this alien world of Krypton actually exists. However I think the writing let’s the film down in the end, squandering much of the character work of the first two acts by failing to generate much suspense or interesting character work in the third act, instead hoping to keep our attention with bombastic action. However without the strong story underneath, that action becomes pretty meaningless and boring, eventually climaxing in a harrowing scene with the neck snap, without using it to answer the central dramatic question of the film. The film recovers slightly in the end with Clark’s endearing smile, but there was a lot of potential lost in that third act. Still, I dug the overall vision of what Snyder was going for. If Batman Begins is a 8.5 or 9/10, this is like a 7.5 for me. A shame considering it was on course for being like a 9.5 and perhaps my favourite superhero film of all time.

Batman v Superman
I felt the overall concept was strong, with Bruce going from a place of hate to a place of hope, but overall I think the film faltered in execution, specifically with some subplots that don’t contribute to anything (we already know Lex is the villain, and don’t need so many boring scenes of Lois reaching that conclusion), and some tensionless drama (like Supes fake dying from the nuclear bomb before dying for reals at the end, and even then, we know he’s coming back real soon) and just some dullness overall. Eisenlex was actually a highlight of the film IMO bringing a lot of life to the screen compared to Adams and Cavill. And on a personal taste level, I resist a Batman/Superman film that’s so oppressively negative with both the title characters. I’m okay with bringing Supes to a negative place with the world hating him, but did the film need to start there right away? Couldn’t we have contrasted their world-views for a while before that? As is, I kinda woulda preferred if it was almost entirely from Bruce’s perspective and was called Batman: Dawn of Justice instead. In the end, I came out of the film drained, not moved. So a 6/10 for me.

(And for me the Ultimate Edition just drags it out longer without contributing to the payoff. 5/10)

Justice League
Simultaneously the best and the worst of the three IMO. There’s so many laughable moments with awkward musical cues, and slow-mo sequences that play like cologne ads, and most of the personal drama is pretty pointless or unaffecting. However, the film provides an epic experience like no other superhero film, with its multi-part structure and mythic imagery, which in the end is a totally valid approach to the DC Universe, one that’s right up my alley. Its appeal is now almost totally different to where the universe started with MOS, where I was legit invested in Clark’s character. With JL, I now just enjoy it on the same level I enjoy Mad Max Fury Road. It’s just cool. But like...really cool. 8/10.
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Zack Snyder’s Justice League 9.7/10
Man of Steel 9.5/10
Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition 8.5/10
MOS - 9/10
ZSJL - 8/10
BvS Ultimate Edition - 7/10
BvS UE : 9/10
MOS : 8.5/10
ZSJL : 8/10
BVS - 6.5/10. Despite draining life out the iconic characters, I feel it had the most interesting ideas.
MOS - 6/10. Just boring. Not much going on in terms of character or plot. Soundtrack is amazing, though.
JL - 5/10. Bland and overlong. Characters don't do anything for me. Wondy salvages it a bit, but it's not enough to carry the whole movie.
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Does anyone remember there were plans for a MOS trilogy to followup the Nolan Batman one with Superman being only superhero on earth?

BvS only came in cards later in 2014 when DC took note of what Marvel was doing. Snyder at the time even said at a Con I believe a year later that BvS was MOS2 while working on it but if backtrack to news before the announcement of BvS one can see MOS2 was going to be it's own thing with perhaps Braniac and/or Luthor.

Russell Crowe even said as much about MOS2 plans being changed to follow a DCU plan in an interview at some point.

Therefore, I don't consider these 3 movies a trilogy but do consider Justice League a sequel to BvS.

I like JL best if just comparing movies as no forced wrapup or compressed 3rd act as much but refuse to rank because of MOS being connected only in a retroactive revisionist way. I still watch it viewing it as separate. On the hand I consider a loose retroactive connection for MOS when viewing BvS or JL. Therefore, MOS is still it's own thing when watched in a present sense for the time it was made.
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Now that Zack Snyder’s Justice League is out and we’ve all had a chance to digest it, this thread is to show how you would rank the three movies and act as sort of a retrospective on this “Superman Trilogy” as a whole.

For me:

1) Man of Steel: for me, this is Zack’s absolute best film. A movie that was judged too harshly at the time and really is an emotional and epicly thrilling Superman movie.

2) Zack Snyder’s Justice League: while Man of Steel is Zacks best movie in my opinion, this is his most ambitious, most crowd pleasing one. A little too long with the runtime and a little too indulgent in places but all in all Zack succeeds in making a big, crazy fun LOTR sized superhero epic. I cohld see myself rewatching this one many many times.

3) Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition. I just rewatched this today and this is a Hell of a movie. I can plainly see why this was maligned; up until the Doomsday fight, this movie is a tough watch. Its dark, brooding and relentlessly somber and Snyder really puts Superman through the ringer. The main title fight is not fun or exciting or exhilarating, its down, dirty and brutal as Snyder forces you to watch everyone’s favorite Dark Knight ruthlessly dismantle everyones favorite boyscout. But I still contend that this movie has incredible acting, mood, atmosphere and action filmmaking on display even if the script gets a little wonky in places.

What’re yall rankings?

I am you and you are me. There's nothing more for me to add. Good post. The 5-arc Snyderverse would have been the most ambitious and unique way of comic book storytelling that would have stood the test of time on its very own 2 feet in an Avengers world. WB ****ed up.
ZSJL 7.5
MOS 7.0
BvS 4.0

Needed a poll.
1 - Man of Steel (9/10)
2 - Snyder’s Justice League (8.5/10)
3 - Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition (6.5/10)

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