The 2012 "Super Tuesday" Primaries and Caucuses


Feb 24, 2008
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"Super Tuesday" takes place on March 6th! Ten different states will be holding primaries and caucuses on the same day! Who will win? Who will lose? Will there finally be a clear cut frontrunner?

"Super Tuesday" Primaries

"Super Tuesday" Caucuses
North Dakota

(In keeping with the tradition of the 2008 election season...all debates, primaries, and caucuses that take place on the same day will have their own threads to ensure that the political forum continues to run smoothly.)

Discuss. :yay:
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The latest Quinnipiac poll has Santorum leading Romney in Ohio by 36 percent to 29 percent.
...early voting has officially begun in Tennessee.
I think that Newt is going to have to dropout after Super Tuesday.
I personally can't wait to see how Virginia goes. I know Paul will most likely not win but how many Not-Mitt Romney votes will he get(since he is the only other guy on the ballet)
CNN has reportedly cancelled their Republican Presidential Debate that was to be held on March 1st in Georgia. (This was also supposed to have been the big "Super Tuesday" debate.)
Damn it CNN...just include the Libertarians. I don't care, find bodies to fill the stage. Ruining my fun...
The latest Quinnipiac poll has Santorum leading Romney in Ohio by 36 percent to 29 percent.

I read that as RS lead MR by 36% at firt :oldrazz::doh:
I never thought Santorum would be a front runner.

The guy is either has a strategic genius on his team or he's the luckiest moron this side of the planet.
...the political ads have officially started here in Ohio.

Speaking of ads, I liked Paul's response on being questioned about his Santorum ad where he called Rick a liar. :lol:
According to the latest polling in Ohio, Santorum is still holding an 11 percent lead over Romney.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor has endorsed Mitt Romney.
I wonder how many of these people are having to "hold their nose" in support of Romney?
Why is it that Romney is so hard to stomach by the Republican party? I honestly feel that the Republican party needs more guys like Romney and less of the Santorum, Palin, Huckabee types. I think the GOP needs more people like Romney (who aren't so hardcore conservative) to stay competitive nationally or else they risk becoming a long term minority party. Does anyone else agree or am I not looking at this from the right perspective?
Romney's main problem (aside from being completely out of touch) is that he has literally been on every side of every issue when it's most politically convenient. He has no spine.
- Romney has taken the lead in RCP's average of polls in Ohio.

- Newt Gingrich has a commanding lead in Georgia, with him approaching almost 50%

- Tennessee is starting to become unexpectedly competitive between Romney and Santorum. PPP has Santorum with a 5 point lead while another poll by We Ask America has Romney with a 1 point lead.

- Romney is in the lead with 69% in Virginia. Ron Paul, his only opponent in the state has 26%

- Romney has the lead in polls in Vermont. Latest polling by Castleton State College has Romney with a 7 point lead over Santorum in the state.

- Romney is expected to win easily in Massachusetts. Polling in February by Suffolk has him in the lead with 64%.

- Santorum has a solid lead in Oklahoma with polling in February polling done by Rasmussen.

- No polling data available for Idaho, North Dakota, or Alaska.
If Romney can win Tennessee, I don't see how anybody can stop him. That would be a disaster for Santorum and Gingrich.

I expect Romney to take Idaho due to their unusually large Mormon population.

If Paul can't win Alaska, I don't think he will win a single state. Things don't get much more favorable for him than it.
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Romney is currently leading Ohio by 1 percent over Santorum.
Based on what I've seen thus far and where the momentum is going I see Romney taking Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia, Alaska, Idaho, North Dakota & Ohio. Santorum will win Oklahoma and will manage to hold on to Tennessee. Gingrich will only win Georgia and should seriously consider dropping out of the race after he finishes no better than third anywhere else. Paul will get shut out, but will finish second in Alaska, Idaho & North Dakota. Romney will end up with a little more than 50% of the delegates.

There's my predictions.

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