The Greatest Criminal Mind of Our Time: Nicholas Hoult IS Lex Luthor

I hope Otis meets a quick end at Luthor's instruction after getting his name wrong and only ordering 39 cakes.

This Luthor mustn't accept mediocrity whatsoever.
I remember someone suggesting that this Lex will eventually get Mercy as his lieutenant after Eve and Otis screw up and he finally learns his lesson that he can’t do everything alone, I’d like that.
What does Lex do that would make him interesting or Is it purely the writing of a business man in an office pulling the strings make him interesting?
Lex has the capability to be a physical threat inasmuch as he can create things like the mech suit to fight Superman, heck he has even been Superman for a while in early Rebirth runs. But Lex is most interesting as a master manipulator. He’s a walking contradiction inasmuch as he is untrusting of Superman as an alien, but he is willing to compromise and to tap into any number of extra terrestrial or supernatural powers to try to bring Superman down.
If there is any Marvel character that I would relate Lex to, it would be Loki because Lex can be very sympathetic and charismatic. He is often dancing on the line of hero and villain. And when he is full on in hero mode, he is effective and you as the audience don’t know whether to cheer him or not because you don’t know what his endgames are and whether you are being played or not. Superman and other characters are in the same boat.

Lex is also the perfect foil for Superman because in many ways he brings out the best in him. I love that Mark Waid has written that Clark’s greatest desire is to see Lex reformed and to be reconciled with him, but he knows that he cannot trust him.
I think what I love and connect to most about Lex as a villain, is that a charismatic politian style billionaire, who creates a persona of philanthropy through propaganda and manipulation whilst in reality being a narcissistic, power mad villain, is 100% the scariest negative force for evil in the world. We've seen, and continue to see, the impact of people like that IRL. How damaging the power they weird can be in overt & covert ways. How it goes unpunished. How they continue to pull the wool over people's eyes.

There are many villains that have great personal backstories, but there aren't a lot that so perflectly personify systemic, real world power structure issues as he does. And there's no amount of super powers that can easily bring that down.

Superman has many villains he can fight & defeat & move on from, but Lex should always be there, in some form or another. I think his presence is so important in creating a sense of continuous conflict between Superman's physical power and a completely different, much more insidious form of power, that represents everything he is fighting against.
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Lex has the capability to be a physical threat inasmuch as he can create things like the mech suit to fight Superman, heck he has even been Superman for a while in early Rebirth runs. But Lex is most interesting as a master manipulator. He’s a walking contradiction inasmuch as he is untrusting of Superman as an alien, but he is willing to compromise and to tap into any number of extra terrestrial or supernatural powers to try to bring Superman down.
If there is any Marvel character that I would relate Lex to, it would be Loki because Lex can be very sympathetic and charismatic. He is often dancing on the line of hero and villain. And when he is full on in hero mode, he is effective and you as the audience don’t know whether to cheer him or not because you don’t know what his endgames are and whether you are being played or not. Superman and other characters are in the same boat.

Lex is also the perfect foil for Superman because in many ways he brings out the best in him. I love that Mark Waid has written that Clark’s greatest desire is to see Lex reformed and to be reconciled with him, but he knows that he cannot trust him.
This is great thanks. I'm curious as to what people think we will visually see Lex doing throughout the film.

I usually have a good imagination for this stuff but I'm stuck with him, I just see him standing around calling the shots or being in a lab if he is that way inclined which can be great when written well of course but I feel like he needs some more physicality to him I feel.

Loki is a good example but Tom Hiddleston makes him very theatrical and he does a lot of action and running around.

Who would be another example from a non superhero film that you could see him like?

This question is for anyone
At least Nicholas Hoult is no Jesse Eisenberg and I mean that in a good way. Jesse was definitely miscast as Lex but with Hoult now in the role of Lex Luthor, I hope his Lex they portray him with more of a menace or edge to him. With Eisenberg, I just couldn't take him serious as Lex.
I sensed no menace about JE's Lex, just some ADHD, with some autism thrown in.
He honestly would make a good toy man or riddler tho.
Snyder should have gone with his original idea and cast Jesse as Jimmy Olsen instead. That way, we all would have been firmly behind the idea of Jimmy getting shot in the head.
I have no idea what he was thinking. Bryan Cranston would have absolutely killed it as Lex. Anyone other than JE.
Sometimes the fans are right.
Knowing Snyder though, he probably would have had Cranston shoving Jolly Ranchers in people’s mouths and doing other weird, stupid ****.
I think three things can be true:

1. Cranston as Lex is the lowest of low hanging fruit, as far as casting goes. Y’all only want it because you’ve already seen him play an evil bald guy.

2. Yeah, he would’ve been better than Eisenberg.

3. But probably not significantly better if you’ve got the same script and director in place.
But better than what we got. By a mile.
I like EisenLex for what it is tbh. It's certainly more interesting than what we would've gotten with Cranston imo. When your criteria for casting is 'This character's bald! This actor's played an evil bald guy!', etc.

If I want Walter White again, I'll rewatch Breaking Bad.
I love Cranston and think Eisenberg as Lex is a genuinely awful performance. However, Eisenberg is wildly better and more interesting casting. If he’d done something closer to his Social Network performance rather than acting like a tweaked out YouTuber I still feel there was potential for greatness.
I love Cranston and think Eisenberg as Lex is a genuinely awful performance. However, Eisenberg is wildly better and more interesting casting. If he’d done something closer to his Social Network performance rather than acting like a tweaked out YouTuber I still feel there was potential for greatness.
Bingo. I totally could see the connection between his Zuckerberg and Birthright's take on Lex.
I think three things can be true:

1. Cranston as Lex is the lowest of low hanging fruit, as far as casting goes. Y’all only want it because you’ve already seen him play an evil bald guy.

2. Yeah, he would’ve been better than Eisenberg.

3. But probably not significantly better if you’ve got the same script and director in place.


Eisenberg was a cool / inspired choice... it's just that script left a lot to be desired. Cranston's been in plenty of big blockbuster duds too. His involvement wouldn't have 'saved' the character or sequel.
I like EisenLex for what it is tbh. It's certainly more interesting than what we would've gotten with Cranston imo. When your criteria for casting is 'This character's bald! This actor's played an evil bald guy!', etc.

If I want Walter White again, I'll rewatch Breaking Bad.
I can't deal with all his stupid little tics, it's a genuinely annoying performance.

It's genuinely funny that two of DC's biggest villains in the DCEU both act like the Skids from Letterkenny
Looking at Scott Snyder’s comments about visiting the set and seeing Hoult in costume makes me wonder if we’ll see Lex suit up in any sort of meaningful way this time around. I know we all adore the post-Crisis/STAS take, but I could go for a Lex who embraces a supervillain aesthetic.
Looking at Scott Snyder’s comments about visiting the set and seeing Hoult in costume makes me wonder if we’ll see Lex suit up in any sort of meaningful way this time around. I know we all adore the post-Crisis/STAS take, but I could go for a Lex who embraces a supervillain aesthetic.
It's definitely possible we could see Lex in a version of the power suit. Especially if this scooper's info is right.

Looking at Scott Snyder’s comments about visiting the set and seeing Hoult in costume makes me wonder if we’ll see Lex suit up in any sort of meaningful way this time around. I know we all adore the post-Crisis/STAS take, but I could go for a Lex who embraces a supervillain aesthetic.

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